The Spider's Lair - Juri

the gain is very nice but I don’t see myself needing all that meter, if anything I find myself sitting on 2 or 3 bars most of the time.
Are you sure about the better VTCs? From what I see it’s more of a hit where you can’t combo anything slower than a rather than a VTC. Have you tried to VTC from heavily + on hit moves like st.hp?

I was more so referring to on block. Juri’s VT1 is tough to get started on block because you need LK or HK fireball to either force the neutral or safely force a block that leaves you plus. With VT2 you can be out of stores and it’s still immediately threatening and will give you a store on hit.

Yeah you can usually only combo mediums after the VTC on hit, but that’s enough for target combo into store into do stuff to build meter.

Still probably will be using VT1 more of the time for now, but since VT2 clearly has some things that VT1 doesn’t (mainly being able to get started without stores) I’ll definitely be working with it also. Basically if you always have meter that means you can just burn it on super, then pop VT2 and get going after you landed big damage off the super. Instead of just sitting on that meter you can now blow it to get life lead and then keep momentum.

You can now reward yourself for always having super rather than just sitting on it and not getting anything done.

Never want to use her 2nd V trigger and most likely never will

It might be fun to watch the opponent burning EX to avoid Juri stealing it when she get VT2

Am i seeing things or does her uncharged v-skill travel faster ? It feels faster for some reason.

Some of the artwork you can unlock in the arcade mode ,for Juri




Well imo VT 1 looks decent and VT 2 is useless, I don’t see anyone picking it instead of VT 1 in any situation.

I really like VT2. I think it fits SFV better than VT1. It also gives her better crush counter combos. I also like how you can convert off of max range and You have options with stores or without, with meter or without.

Testing stuff:

Yeah I’m messing around in casuals with VT2 and you get momentum so much easier. You can just burn supers on people then run up to them and pop some random hit confirm or block string into VT2 and get started. You don’t have to be as cognitive of your stores since you don’t need the stores to pop it safely any way. Got Bipson players losing their EX DR meter while I can drop supers on them.

If she had ex fireball vt2 might be worth it

It’s already worth it, I’m pretty convinced at this point. Already beating people thinking less than I do with VT1 which is a good sign. Having a V Trigger that gives you a store for landing it instead of requiring a store to get started is a big deal. Especially with the much better VTC options.

Hey everyone! Made a video showing Juri’s AE changes in the game :slight_smile:

woah this is the artist behind Tatami Galaxy’s artworks, only the best for the best girl <3

Indeed. Bring on the costumes, CAPCOM B)

Just went into training mode I set the opponent to maximum meter activated vt2 and just did a couple combos and not even one bar of meter was depleted from the opponent.So apparently when your damaging the opponent they barely lose any meter lol and juri doesn’t have extended pressure so I don’t really see the benefits of this v trigger other than trying to build super

holy shit they actually went and fixed Juri ch combos, she’s like a real charcater now, I’m almost crying


I just found a stealth nerf st mp into st mk into fireball is no longer a true block string which means people can jump and cross you up if you attempt it

More to come, but this should be good for now

What is this song?

I got nothin better to do since I still can’t play AE, so I checked this out in s2.5. It wasn’t a true block string then either. Mp > mk is a frame trap, and you can jump out of mk xx fb.