The Spider's Lair - Juri

My netplay matches, for anyone interested in watching them. The V-Trigger vid is coming in an hour!

Demonstrating simple ways to use Juriā€™s V-Trigger IN SFVAE, considering the changes to it, and the changes to damage scaling. Covering combos, crush counters and frame traps. Enjoy!

The set ups might be too set play though kinda difficult to do in a first to two I have only hit the overhead setup a couple times in game. This is a setup for quickrise if you have the read on the opponent


Hello there Iā€™ve been stalking this thread for some years now and decided it could be a nice idea to contribute for this character so here it is . I started some days ago with a guide with all the informations and trivia I couldnā€™t find here and there . So here is the guide:
If it can help some people or even making some interested in Juri I will be glad .
Also I found this earlier when I messing around with the character . I never saw a combo by pushing the opponent from the second hit of a VT fire ball so ā€¦

Idk if itā€™s known already but had an anti-air c.hp always done 70 damage?

When I switched to PC, I put my PS4 back in its box, and left it in the basement. Luckily, this means I have an older version of SFV laying around. Version 02.021 - post Ed, pre Abigail.

So I dug up the old PoS4 to test cr.HP.

Itā€™s the same as AE:
grounded dummy - 90 damage / 150 stun
jumping dummy - 70 damage / 150 stun

My guess is they didnā€™t want st.HP(80 damage) to become obsolete. Basically, when you use cr.HP youā€™re giving up guaranteed damaged for higher potential damage via a crush counter.

*Double post

Good to see the double hitting VT fireball creating some real setups. I would always try to do stuff with the hit box push out if I randomly got it to work during a block string, but it requires very specific spacing. I imagine the AE changes make it easier to do post combo setups into it. Good timing as sheā€™ll need stuff like this now that the fireballs drain faster

Pretty cool setups with the double fireball. But someone please make a compilation video, I canā€™t keep up with all these tweets. @MarLonLonMilk @JusticeSoulTuna pls! :sweat:

I canā€™t seem to hit the second on the the back rise setup in the first tweet (it always gets blocked), am I missing something?

You have to be quicker. I was able to get it consistently by mashing Also make sure youā€™re not getting a micro-walkback when you do

Japan doesnā€™t rate Juri highly, why didnā€™t you save us capcom

At least she is C tier now

Juri is too honest to be top tier

I see all these people saying that Juri is on the high end of the tier list and Iā€™m likeā€¦


I think Juri is severly underplayed this season. She still got some problems, but thime around she has the tools to work around the problems. If Infil sticks around and if GT starts doing some tournaments weā€™re going to see some interesting stuff.
The LK fuha is honestly very good.
VT1 is worst than before if used the same way but it has way more options than before.
VT2 is also pretty good if you get into the right mindset with it.
I think the main problem is that a new approach is needed and after 2 years is gonna be hard to adapt.
But overall sheā€™s a MUCH improved character. Sheā€™s not bottom of the tiers because sheā€™s bad anymore; sheā€™s bottom of the tier because others are better in some ways.
Iā€™m not unhappy to have learned her now, and even if I am playing less recently I am keeping up with her. If you havenā€™t given up on her in S2 there is no reason to do it now.

Please keep in mind that they said during the stream ā€œthey havenā€™t really fought against the characters in C tier yetā€.

So that basically means C tier is the tier where they put the characters they donā€™t know much about yet.

She will definitely move up a bit. B tier at least imo.