The Spider's Lair - Juri

If this guy wasn’t running into my face every second I’d felt way more comfortable using dp. But he just would not stop attacking.


Random tangent post because I’m at that point of seriously considering main options for S3 to hold me until Cody arrives.

Juri’s core issues are still around with the S3 buffs, and I do think she’s getting an absolutely huge powerboost with S3 in her 3 weak areas however some very apparent problems are still present.

BIG FAT PROBLEM Round start -
Juri has a glaring issue with round start, and that’s that she has two very linear options she usually chooses from. When a game starts, Juri doesn’t want - but needs - stores to be able to press into space. This means that the majority of the time you will see Juri willingly give up screen space within the first second of a round to safely gain stores. Although this is unique way to play and approach a character, I don’t see why Juri should be the lone character that is at a disadvantage at the beginning of a round both in stores AND screenspace.

My personal fix would be to let Juri start each game(Not round) with her stores at the ready, and have them carry over per round.

Limited pressure -
Although this is easily remedied with smart stagger pressure and LK.release, I find Juri’s +oB pressure to be pretty linear, she has jabs/shorts and to open opponents up, and LK.release is the adaptive tool given to her to extend pressure from other normals. The normals alone aren’t much of an issue, but it becomes a problem when her adaptive tool is on a one-time use store, and can’t be used unless from afar into low damage payoff frametraps.

My personal fix would be to lower’s oB pushback, to allow more string opportunities with her sole mid-pressure button.

S3 does fix a lot of core problems she had that I don’t find people talking about enough now, she now has the ability to confidently confirm into target combo and gain stores and good oki via a counter-hit combo. She now gets rewarded an acceptable amount of damage for expending MK/HK.release, and her V-Trigger was given a massive power boost(Although not entirely what everyone wanted).

Overall I see Juri still having some problems on a fundamental level, like being forced to give up screenspace for stores early in the round, being limited in her pressure and getting choked in the neutral if the opponent presses her at that early stage in the round. I think she’ll be a lot stronger, but she’ll still have that classic “She’s at an immediate disadvantage” state at every game start.

It’s gotten to the point where im oddly comfortable fighting in the corner

I am ata point where I backcountry not to go back at the start of the round and try to get a 'lk store immediately on start or go aggressive and get one from blockstring/frame trap.

I honestly just try to get lk store if nothing is happening and that’s about it. You will never see me back dash to store because it’s not worth, at least not right now. I usually rely on blockstrings and combos to get the rest of my stores unless there just isn’t anything happening in the neutral.

With the target combo buff, this buffs my personal playstyle pretty heavy as I will have my stocks more often without giving up my turn.

@AriesWarlock @FengShuiEnergy SRK Discord:

Dusting off the old cobwebs form there eh?

@Mancubus @JusticeSoulTuna @Garu @Lion_Jak @LockM @“Fatal Error XI” @stormdetonation

Don’t forget to join that Discord indeed ! Would hate to lose contact with you fine people !

I think i saw all you other guys last night in the discord chat though ! :slight_smile: If not please join up, keep the community alive !!

@AriesWarlock we posting some interesting pics … !

It says the invite link has expired. Can someone on Discord invite me directly? I’m JusticeSoulTuna on there

@JusticeSoulTuna you need to @Froztey for link , it keeps expiring for some reason

EDIT : try this

@Skort thanks for remembering a lurker like me. The link didn’t work tho.

Edit: the newest links in general worked.

@stormdetonation u kidding ? U were like one of the first people who gave me advice on SF4 Juri when I first joined here. I don’t forget stuff like that !

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Link expired :frowning:

Try this @Mancubus

@Skort it’s even cooler to be remembered because of SF4 Juri.

I’ll see y’all in discord or the new forum if they don’t figure out how to save this one.

Sadly everything has its end, hope to see you all in discord guys.

Now it’s saying unknown invite :confused:
This app hates me lol try this @Mancubus

Is this forum ending? I’ve not been keeping up with shit lately…

Thanks for the notice guys. Someone is creating a new forum @

@Skort haven’t seen any pictures yet!