The Spider's Lair - Juri

This changes looks quite good, now she’ll be able to dish out some decent damage without stores and her mk and hk stores would finally be worth storing. Her CCs could have used some improvements tho, maybe cr.hp will get a better hitbox?

Juri :

Some ok stuff but nothing over the top, as expected.

Not sure what to think of her VT1 being 2 bars while depleting faster and gaining less bar from v-skill. But it is what it is.

Would had liked more work on her normals,such as less pushback from or even add her old forward mp back in the game.

She remains a character that will improve slowly over time but she will not see high spikes in buffs in one go, pretty much what happend in SF4.

Edit : need more info on that light fuhajin, more advantage on block ? more travel distance ? etc etc

Edit 2 : still maining her , i love you girl.

Light Fuharenkyaku
• Followup window has been increased.
wonder what the fuck that means
Anyway I’m super disappointed with nearly all of these buffs.
I’d save only TC hitting crouchers (still special cancellable it seems so worth doing nearly always to avoid being fucked by s.MP CH) and what I believe being c.HP being a good AA now.
Other than that most of these buffs are stupid as fuck. She’s definitively stronger now but is because she can unga better. We were hoping to have better hitboxes on stores and better framedata, instead we get to abuse VT.
I dunno I am disappointed overall. If I keep playing her I’ll be happy she’s stronger, but is not what I hoped for.

Window in which you can followup with another store?

I’m looking at the eventhubs translations. increased cancel window is a change for convenience, no impact on gameplay

A lot of hurtboxes and hitboxes on normals have been changed and i assume they have all been changed for the better, will make using her normals in neutral more viable which is nice. I’m ofcourse making assumptions. better for catching other buttons, probably, a counterpoke button has same range but might be less likely to get clipped by normals which go above it.
Cr.hp is what i’m interested in, hopefully it will not get beaten or trade as easily and it’ll be come a reliable anti-air and potentially be a tool for frametraps with its increased hitbox and decreased hurtbox. This can be pretty important as it will give her more ways to get a store and potentially a much bigger damage output against jumps, especially when she has some stores available.

Looking at the patch notes and i see a trend where certain jump attacks have changes to them, i’m assuming it’s mainly to make these the go to buttons to stuff weak anti-air options such as anti-air lights specificially. So each character will have atleast 1 button to use against anti-air lights and force people to go for the intended anti-airs more often. If that is the case then great!

This is great for optimizing counterhit confirms from lights, you can get stores more often and when you have a light fuha available you can get big corner carry and good damage.
I think it’s a strong change.

Gues it was to be expected as her VT is 2 bar now.

I think i know why this change is there and it MIGHT also be the reason we wont get a + oB fireball. Having a larger cancellable followup window maybe allows you to hitconfirm the fireball into HK fuha. This allows her to convert on hit better without actually giving her more + frames oB. You can’t combo into a MK fuha unless they changed they changed the hitstun on the firebal also. The change in itself is okay but if it excludes the option of a + oB fireball i really dislike it. Thinking a bit more on it you can already just use a normal xx fireball and hitconfirm the normal and cancel the fireball into the HK Fuha followup.

Maybe it has some other applications.

This is all great, increased damage in shimmies and punishcombos.

Good, it should have never been changed in the first place.

Great now it actually functions like a proper reversal and anti-air which doesn’t have a hole between attacks from which she can be stuffed! It finally functions like how it should

Changed to 2 bar so it’s easier to get, the gauge depletion increased from using fuha specials. This means because it drains faster you can also start building your VT gauge earlier for your 2nd VT.
Her increased VT time is whatever.

I personally don’t like this change at all, i’ve already mentioned it before but it seems i was right, no changes to how it functions because it is already made a 2 bar VT, it remains a rather limited and unfun VT. You just get it twice now. I wish that instead they kept it as a 3 bar VT and increased its utility and just made it more interesting with the main change being her VT fireball not knocking down and being able to cancel her VT chains into non fuha specials.

These patch notes are apparantly not final, but it is clear which direction they want to go with Juri so i won’t expect a + oB fireball, no increased horizontal range on her stores.
She probably will be much more viable now though, she just won’t be fun like she was in USFIV and never will in SFV.

I really wanted to see her uncharged vskill get some change,let use use it more often.

VT1 being 2 bars can go both ways, it really depends how often you get to use your v-skill in order to build it. Still no word on maybe some changes to that awful VT2 though,so i’m guessing it will remain as it was previewed.

Also,quite surprised her cr hp still was not changed at all.

It gets more use now because of the change to the target combo. You can combo into uncharged V-Skill from the target combo. Also Crouching HP got buffed.

Her changes are useful but I think overall she’ll remain in the same tier of characters. I think too many people are looking at these changes in a vacuum and forgetting that other characters are getting really good buffs as well, even characters that were already top 5.

Changes are like I figured. Probably better hit boxes, c.HP might actually AA now, some type of buff that still seems rather undetermined about her LK fireball and V Trigger is now 2 bars. Which of course like I said, VT1 got nerfed to compensate for the buff to 2 bars (and apparently V Skill gauge build slightly nerfed)

Makes sense. Now her V Skill will help her get to V Trigger pretty quick and people are going to realize how suffocating Juri can be when all it takes is one or 2 dashes and she can be near you from anywhere in the trigger. If you have charged V Skill and activate VT1, there’s quite a few characters that literally can’t do most of their moves list safely anymore. Faster drain on fireballs during V Trigger is fair because otherwise it would be like top 5 V Triggers pretty free. Good balance considering that they buffed back Chun’s VT1.

Juri gets the unga she deserves and hopefully some overall better buttons and LK fireball. Feel that’s about what she needed even if 2 bar VT1 was the unga fix.

I hope the extended VT1 timer translates into more chained normals per activation. I’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of meaty xx I believe it’s -1 on block with pushback that lets you whiff punish jabs. It links to and close on hit.

Pretty sure it just means that it drains slowly ( without getting used ). Basically giving you more time to use it when needed, not forcing you to use it as fast as possible.

If this is all the changes nothing will change for juri still fundamental issues in gameplay design. Was hoping for a lot of reworking frame data adding ex moves and returning fse to its former glory of sf4. They didn’t even fix the counter hit issue with st mp into st mk. Seems a bit lazy overall in terms of balancing.

There are a lot of changes to many normals which have something along the lines of “adjusted the move’s collissionbox during movement”, others are saying that is specifically there to stop counterhit pushback from happening. So hopefully, link will be much more reliable now.

I think it means that it drains slower when unused and you’re moved into chaining normals over using the fuhas. Basically promoting the use of multiple shorter combos over blowing a bunch of stores in one long combo (take for example the juggle in double HK release into MK release ender you can get after a VT s.HP)

These changes are nice and all but she’s still going to be trash tier due to her gameplay design that cannot be fixed by adjusting frame data.

I think she’ll be good now

You now get stores from meterless counter-hit combos via target combo and you get VT1 multiple times in one round to remove her store necessity.

I think she could quite easily creep into top 10 with these changes

Yeah definitively, not having to sacrifice damage or an EX bar to get a store itself is an ok change, but the most mportant thing in my opinion is getting access to light tensenrin knockdowns regularly.
On the other hand this means yall better practice you P2 side CA conversions off it because we ain’t got no uses for bars now outside of the occasional invincible reversal

EX.Fuha, EX.Pinwheel, EX.Flipkick

Her EX moves are insanely good and all have utility - damage extension, reversal, projectile invincibility

I see no reason to stop using them.

I’ll wait till we get proper patch notes and/or see what all the boxes changes are to pass judgement. If everything so far is translated right and indeed in the final AE build, she’s definetley gonna be easier to use.

Hell just having something we can confirm into damage or store on block is going to work wonders. Personally looking forward to the mk change as well… the new TC is sexy, but mk will still be a great neutral tool and fixing that tight ass cancel directly buffs my play as I miss it a lot.

Seems like a big deciding factor for most characters will be how their Normals are adjusted. I know these aren’t the “final” patch notes, but it does give us a fair idea of what Capcom might be going for in Season 3. I noticed that Juri didn’t get hit with the “Pushback” changes on her Normals, which is a good sign that her Normals might get some positive changes. Here’s hoping the official patch notes are kind to her.

with s3 is out someone please if her mp. tensenrin still gets stuffed