The Spider's Lair - Juri

If her VT 2 is designed with the idea of the opponent to to fear getting close to her and giving her room to setup her gameplan and gain stores then in my opinion it should do white damage if the other character is near her.

Losing EX meter won’t make people back off,the fear factor is not there because Juri can be bullied pretty often.

I fear VT2 will be mostly ignored by the opponent and i really doubt most Juri players will even bother using it.

What i think they should add / change are the following :

  • make it do white damage
  • the kick she does while activating it becomes a new move she has access at all times or at least while in trigger. It needs to draw the opponent in and be plus on block ,so that Juri can maintain her offense
  • better frame data for all her normals and specials while in this form.

And yes,i am starting to believe that her VT1 will remain 3 bars.I doubt they will give her 2 x 3 bar triggers and since the Capcom site does show her VT1 to be 3 bars yea…

Few more weeks and we get some information,i really don’t expect much though.

Once you get her VT you can just dash up to people with her buffed dash and there’s plenty of one hit confirms that lead into big damage from that point that’ll work pretty consistently. Plus the fireball to follow to help lock up the screen as you go in. Making it 2 bar means she won’t have to use it to comeback and it becomes a more static part of her play where she can shut down the neutral for a lot of characters as soon as she activates and then go in and hit confirm into solid damage.

IMO a direct port of her VT to 2 bars pretty much shores up her store issues almost immediately. You can have people that still play for the stores or those that just try to land V Skills and get their VT as fast as possible and then just one hit confirm or frame trap people into combos. The buffed dash isn’t as big of a deal when you are usually having to come back to get it, but with a 2 bar trigger it will just naturally be a part of her play and make it so she can always get in in just about every matchup once the 2 bars are ready.

At first I though VT2 might be cool/gimmicky to mess with your opponent’s gameplan. Say someone gets a hit on Juri while V-Trigger is active and he wants to finish you with CA but gets drained enough during his combo that CA isn’t available anymore, giving you another chance to fight.

But then they showed that VT2 doesn’t affect opponents while she’s in hit/block stun and I was, well, yeah, watever. At that point it’s just an even worse version of FANG’s Trigger because it only sucks meter, not life. There’s no reason to ever pick it. So in a tragic way it fits Juri perfectly.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but with TC hitting on crouchers are we looking at the possibility of s.MP hitconfirms into another starting the target combo and that TC actually hitting? that would be quite a buff, you would have a chance to store on hit and still get damage without having to use 1 EX bar and you’d have access to the best oki in her kit.

And I’m saying you because I’m still quite sure we Sakura now.

Right now from what I know If you land a s.MP on counter hit on a crouching opponent it gives you enough advantage to micro walk in and land another s.MP, so that could work on a counter hit. It’s just you’ll have to have some reactions to put that together since microwalking turns off the buffer and forces you to legit link the next s.MP.

If they’re standing it doesn’t work though, so dunno if it would be consistent unless other changes happen.

That is asking way too much of a counter-hit confirm and wouldn’t be consistent

I’m not talking counter hit. s.MP can combo into itself on hit. Considering the s.HP part of the TC extends your hitbox forward I believe it could combo. I’m do think it would wiff on counter hit though.
Also I wonder if going straight into s.HP followup to complete the target combo after getting a counter hit s.MP after a blocked c.LP would hit.
That being tghe case it would finally open some possibilitiedfrom CH s.MP instead of destroying any followup with the large pushback.
Though I’m still convinced s.MP being +6 on hit would be the best solution it would open up comboing on c.MP naturally (not much of a difference tbh) but most importantly would allow s.HP to combo on CH.

NVM s.MP does not combo in itself

Anybody want a video where I just talk about Juri’s normals and how to apply them in neutral

I’m kinda bored and feel like making some season 3 prep talk stuff.

You should have fought me, shame!

better yet would be an introduction video to juri: how she play, what’s her gameplan and how you execute it etc… when I started playing her I would have killed for something like that

It like to see it. You’ve shown me new ways to use stuff in the past.

Also… what happened to that discord you made for dumping info? I can’t find it anymore

It kept going down for me in my Discord app when it turns into a lil blue circle with an exclamation mark, so I just deleted the server.

I’ll make a new one in S3, when I labbed during S2 everything I found wasn’t good enough to bother noting down. Everyone else had already found better tech at that point so I’d have been just repeating what’s already out there.

PRAISE THE SUN. Juri S3 change list, from Discord: has a bigger cancellation window(relatively useless buff but will help newer players cancel with one of her best neutrals)
-various neutrals are receiving what I believe to be box adjustments in both normal and VTrigger state(cr.lp,,, j.hp,
-HP DP is receiving the same box/property changes, I can only assume improved as it does not go into detail(buff?)
-Target combo confirmed to work on crouchers(useless buff)
-V-Skill builds less V-Gauge on hit(nerf)
-either or air TC(its hard figuring out japanese names and their english counterparts, they’re nothing alike)is getting some kind of duration boost
-MK store damage increased 60-70, stun value increased 80 to 100 in both normal and Vtrigger(BUFF)
-HK release damage increase from 80-100(HUGE BUFF HOLY SHIT)
-EX DP is now 12f fully invulnerable(BUFF)
-Vtrigger confirmed to be 2 bar, releases drain more V-Gauge and the V-Timer has been increased(overall buff)”

target combo on crouchers is not useless

if you want to maximise non-store/store gain based damage from counter-hit combos you’ll be using target combo now.

It’s a very useful buff

We’re very easily top 10 now.

I’m on mobile so I didn’t have much time to post an edited version of this list, since it’s copy pasted from what the guy on Discord said, but daaamn. ACTION IS COMING

These buffs are huge. Nice!

Nothing there on LK.release? I thought it was buffed, that’s the do or die buff

This just in that the list we just saw might not be fully accurate. Guess we gotta wait for official one. Let’s hope it’s anything like what we just read

There was a translation I saw on Twitter that said it’s duration was increase. I can’t find the post anymore tho and I need to sleep.

The notes are apparently the wrong version and the right one will be posted soon. But I doubt they’d completely retcon these changes.

Though I guess that could explain why vt1 is still listed as 3 bar on the site but seen as 2 bar in several screenshots?


Is that enough invincibility to stuff Akuma’s air fireballs?