The Spider's Lair - Juri

Patch notes go live at 5pm PST :smiley:


Standing MK (Normal/V-Trigger): Increased the timing cancel window
Crouching LP (Normal/V-Trigger), Crouching MP (Normal/V-Trigger), Crouching MK (Normal/V-Trigger): Changed the hurtbox
Crouching HP (Normal/V-Trigger), Jumping MP (Normal/V-Trigger), Jumping HK (Normal/V-Trigger): Changed the hitbox and hurtbox
Jumping HP (Normal/V-Trigger):
Increased the startup from 8F to 9F
Changed the hurtbox
Kyoretsushu: Changed so that it can hit crouching opponents
Kasatushu (V-Skill: Decreased the amount of V-Gauge meter gain on hit
L Fuharenkyaku: Increase the active time
M Fuharenkyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
Normal, V-Trigger: Damage increased from 60 to 70
V-Trigger: Stun increased from 80 to 100
H Fuharenkyaku (Normal/V-Trigger): Normal, V-Trigger: Damage increased from 80 to 100
EX Tensenrin: Changed to have complete invincibility until the 12th movement frame
Sakkai Fuhazan: Given armor break properties
Number of V-Trigger blocks decreased from 3 to 2
Increased the amount of gauge that each Fuharenkyaku uses
Extended the V-Trigger effect time

So basically the same that was leaked

Yeah. Still want to know what ā€œL Fuharenkyaku: Increase the active timeā€ means.

Probably means it stays on screen longer, travels further before it dissipates. Probably.

Thanks for the invitation and the acknowledgement from you guys. I appreciate it. Our little Juri forum has been going on for nearly 3 years now. Glad to be here from (nearly) the beginning ;D

I figured itā€™s the window to cancel into other releases the way it was worded before, but now it sounds like what Lockm said.

Was Juri on any of the AE streams yesterday? I was busy with work and missed em.

And whatā€™s the change to Could hurtbox changes alone be enough to hope for getting our godlike SF4 AA back?

Also wtf @ that j.hp nerfā€¦ did anyone ever use it in the first place?

It means how long it travels, it dissipates slower.

Juri only appeared on the stream to demo her VT2, didnā€™t see anything much other than that.

As much as Iā€™d like +oB, Iā€™d really like it to travel further

no it DOES travel further now, thatā€™s the buff

As best as you can given the information we have right now from the notes, where do you think this puts Juri and what does it mean for her? I saw Infil seems overall fairly positive and said sheā€™d be decent but Iā€™ve seen so many people saying that Juri is truly dead now. I thought that the patch seemed okay for her. She wonā€™t be incredible but it seemed like sheā€™d have a fighting chance now.

I see people who say that, mainly because they didnā€™t get what they want(divekick back, counter etc.).

I personally think she will be a solid mid tier at the least, maybe mid-high. These changes are pretty big for her, especially given changes to the game and others as a whole. Iā€™m personally excited.

Who are these people who think she is truly dead now? Aside from some hurtbox changes on some normals(presumably hurtbox increased during recovery) and the inconsiquential change to her j.hp having its startup increased by 1 frame. She only got buffss. Maybe people think she didnā€™t get enough and thatā€™s why they are saying it though. None of the changes i really wanted happened but i think weā€™ll undoubtedly see more Juri players do well with her in S3.

Sheā€™s in the same spot with the same issues, but sheā€™s better overall.

Sheā€™s never been so bad to the point that you canā€™t win, she just has to work harder for equal ground compared to the entire cast. Only Zeku shares the ā€œlimitation within designā€ problem.

Iā€™ve got no complaints with her changes. Being able to force a reaction from further away with fireball is nice. Also the longer a fireball stays on screen the better its advantage becomes.

Regarding SRK. It sucks that itā€™s closing down, especially with such little warning and so close to two big FGs releasing. I joined the Discord already. Itā€™s not that bad, it reminds me of my IRC days playing games like Unreal and Quake. Definitely not a replacement for a forum and the culmination of all of its info though.

Fuck I just realized they hit with the box changesā€¦ air TC is my go to air to air.

Is it for sure that all those changes are to make AAs and whiff punishing easier? Iā€™d be happy as a pig in shit if made a comeback as an AA.

Yo can I get a discord invite?


Characters like Ken got hurtbox changes to his as well, so Iā€™m going to assume itā€™s just to make it easier to whiff punish and not to change it into an AA.

So the forums are being migrated to a different service, so we are safe.

It will be interesting to see. We are going to need videos on her new strategies and meta @MarLonLonMilk @JusticeSoulTuna !!

Hey all, was just watching Jaoismā€™s twitch, who has AE early and happened to be demoā€™ing Juri, asked him to show her lk fuha at rangeā€¦ it now goes 3/4 of the screen AND travels at a speed that you can walk right behind (a la Birdie) it or even dash in front ofā€¦ this excites meā€¦ vskill mixup potential and can make it safe on block if well-timed, overheads can probably be made safe aswell.