The Spider's Lair - Juri

Juri low tier forever :’(

FINALLY some good news, Infiltration is usually very critical, so when he’s satisfied or atleast positive I’m sure it’s a good sign.

Just the fireball or all of her releases and stores? Better than nothing at least. Maybe lk release is +1 on block lol

When i found out about these changes, all I could think of is how Capcom seems dedicated to making her as unnecessarily complicated as possible.
Or maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. Maybe, each Capcom IS still trying to make characters feel unique and individual, by giving them different stuff, and maybe Juri path was set a long time ago. I dunno. This seems like a cool gimmick for like an extra buff in a story mode, but NOT for competitive fighting. sigh I’d like to try out the other changes, but V-T 2 has disappointed me.

Fortunatly I didn’t have my hopes high

This is too vague. I’m guessing TC hits crouchers and her actual fireball is + now.

I don’t think VT2 is terrible, its just that I don’t think it meshes well with the current hit and run Juri. If fireball really did get buffed to where she can stay in your face longer, then yeah, VT2 becomes a lot more attractive.

Regardless of any buffs, I can still see myself picking VT2 against characters with Supers that shut down your options like Chun’s, or Supers that make you play conservatively like Karin’s or Nacalli’s.

Wait it doesn’t steal meter when they’re in blockstun??? ARE YOU FOR REAL WHAT DO THEY EXPECT THE OPPONENT TO DO, STAND THERE AS I WALK IN THEIR FACE?

Nah VT2 is trash that’s absolutely fucking retarded.

Yeah, I agree with Frostey. Having a really hard time justifying VT2 over VT1. Limitations like these tend to tell a story of “We wanted to tackle a concept like this, but we’re to scared to take any risks with it.”

Infiltration was so close

It’s painful watching him try to force infinite value out of LK.Release, let the man rest

Now comes the army of people who has never played Juri trying to convince everyone that she was okay all along since she reset the bracket against Urien.

Ok I took a nap and the salt stream has calmed down but it’s still there.

I hoped for something big but I never expected it,not from Capcom,i knew it’s gonna be underwhelming.The way this character has been treated in SFV makes me believe that she has no dedicated team member to implement a gameplan for her,thus resulting in a mix bag of random ideas that barely work ( kinda like Retribution Paladins are in wow ).

So if we go by Infiltration’s post she has fireball and tc improved,well at least it’s something,but these are breadcrumbs compared to others.A character that will slowly improve over time,but a character that will continue to struggle because the developer has no clue what to do with her foundation or wants to keep her flawed.

The AE version previewed is work in progress so things will change,but then again so was Juri before release and she ended up the same.

I did say in the past that I mostly play this game because it has Juri and that S3 balance change will be a deciding factor for me if I stick around with the game.I intend to keep my word.

I’m in the same boat. Juri was and still is the only reason I bother to turn on the game, and S3 so far for her is not looking all that exciting. Like I said, I wanna try her out properly, but honestly if the game itself doesn’t feel fun enough, and if her changes don’t make me excited (V-T 2 aside) then I’m probably not gonna bother. Too many great games right now to spend anymore time on SFV if it continues to be like this. Not being a hater, just saying that I’ll be disappointed. Still waiting for that ‘Rise up’ and promote your individuality SFV that was promised.

Not all doom and gloom, lots of possibilities

First off we haven’t actually seen the full patch notes yet so quit ya bitchin and keep the bitchin specifically focused on how trash this new VT is looking

Secondly, VT2 might have some extra additives that haven’t been shown off in gameplay. Maybe it can EX Tandem juggle reset from certain combo enders? It does the same kind of suck-up that Seth did in SFIV and she has ties to S.I.N, so it makes sense lore wise for her FSE to be able to do something similar.

Thirdly, Infil already confirmed the fireball has been buffed somehow. The only thing we need to actually work as a character is a better fireball to be honest.

What are the chances if her VT2 to get more abilities ? They already show all the triggers and they look pretty much complete.She has a complete one as well it’s just trash.

I hope you are right but after 2 years of bullshit and leading into a third excuse me for being just a lil skeptical.

Yeah, to be clear I’m not trying to say there’s no possible good on the horizon, but I’ve given the game enough chances, for 2 years like Skort said. And I’ve been very patient with Capcom’s treatment of Juri, I made all those vids and stuff because I believed in it and wanted people to maximise her potential. But when I see stuff like her V-T 2 I just feel discouraged. Of course I’m gonna play AE on release and try out all her changes.

@JusticeSoulTuna I tried everything I could to make the dudes on Eventhubs make a article about your video,but nobody replied.

I guess making headlines about Chun’s costumes and Zeku x Laura were more important.

Again thank you for the video,a true dedicated Juri fan.

@Skort Thanks a lot :slight_smile: I may be playing Tekken 7 these days, but I do miss making Juri vids. And as for Eventhubs, I’m not too bothered by it. A wish list of changes for a low tier character, however organized it may have been, it’s really ‘news worthy’ I guess, so it’s whatever. If any of the changes the community wanted make it into AE, that’d be cool.

V-Trigger 1 is 2 bars :smiley: