wooooooo jill is fucking good, very high execution required though, more than any other character i’ve played thus far.
That boi Shuma is a fighter! He’s so fun! ;p
Oh yea your tottaly right! You rape the shit out of me on opposite day!!!
Boys stupid dawg!
Hey guys, hope you can show up tomorrow for the tourney:
*** UCC *** Alamo Gaming Marvel vs. Capcom 3/SSF4 Tournament, San Antonio TX March 19th
Ch ch ch ch chill out dawg! Id like to make it but im to b z sucking them boys down!
so, anyone going to go there? would like a ride… lol
i’ll play in marvel teams if they run that.
Play blaz
they don’t have blazblue as an official game there
is monsters open tonight, anyone going
Yea once I left it died ;(. Ill start it back up when I get back to the h tizie. Bigs been bothering me bouti
thanks…the stream chat was pretty cool even if it was about 5 minutes behind.
So, people keep telling me the Galleria has an arcade for BlazBlue and fighting games and stuff.
Is this true? That’s much closer then Monsters Arcade to me. xD
good shit on the texas showdown stream !!
i’ll be at the next tournament, hit me up on XBOX Live in the mean time
Naw not true no bb. Plzu u never practiced bb you bastard!
wanna play BB, come to Tulsa, OK on March 26 for
Yo, Tucker…check your messages.
Bardo > madoc