- The South Texas Open - July 31st - McAllen, TX - $500 Guaranteed Pot for SSFIV -

Arturo “sir_arthur” Contreras

Reynosa, Mexico

SSF4 Teams

Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas

Harlingen, Texas

SSF4 teams
3s, cvs2(if enough ppl)

Ok I’m gonna gather a list of players so far for DanEG

Super Street Fighter 4

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Julio “hAMM” Hernandez - Pharr, TX
  4. David “Sirfishouse” Arjona - Pharr, TX
  5. Arturo “sir_arthur” Contreras - Reynosa, Mexico
  6. Adam “Coldblood” Cisneros - Pharr, TX
  7. Alvaro “Bboypoizon” Flores - Pharr, TX
  8. Seth Rodriguez - Pharr, TX
  9. Isaiah "Pwince Charming"Rodriguez - Pharr, TX
  10. Jose “Youtube” Aguirre - Alamo, TX
  11. Alberto “El c0yOtE” ?? - San Juan, TX
  12. Vilas "Chino956"Sheldon - McAllen, TX
  13. Leo “OneDeep” Garza - Edinburg, TX
  14. Alex “ch1ll 3ffect” Perez - San Juan, TX
  15. Jaime “Killer Stripes” Gonzalez - Mission, TX
  16. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
  17. Mark “RocketGruntMark” ?? - ??
  18. Dan “DanEG” Segovia - Weslaco, TX
  19. David “KoOpA” pAdilla - Donna, TX
  20. ?? “Mokey” ?? - McAllen, TX
  21. ?? “MarioGX” ?? - Weslaco, TX
  22. Gilbert “Sinic” Dominguez - ??
  23. ?? “Nican” ?? - Reynosa, Mexico
  24. ?? “Ajtucker22” ?? - Houston, TX
  25. Chris “Goose Strike” ?? - Brownsville, TX
  26. Luiz “LuizOMania” Martinez - Brownsville, TX
  27. Erick “Furix” De La Garza - Brownsville, TX

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo High Definition Remix

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Julio “hAMM” hERnandez - Pharr, TX
  4. David “Sirfishouse” Arjona - Pharr, TX
  5. Arturo “sir_arthur” Contreras - Reynosa, Mexico
  6. Alex “ch1ll 3ffect” Perez - San Juan, TX
  7. Homer “Grahf” Soto - Alamo, TX
  8. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
  9. Joseph “Magik” Moya - Weslaco, TX
  10. Gilbert “Sinic” Dominguez - ??

Tekken 6

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX

Marvel vs Capcom 2

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Julio “hAMM” hERnandez - Pharr, TX
  4. Alvaro “Bboypoizon” Flores - Pharr, TX
  5. Jose “Youtube” Aguirre - Alamo, TX
  6. Alberto “El c0yOtE” ?? - San Juan, TX
  7. Leo “OneDeep” Garza - Edinburg, TX
  8. Alex “ch1ll 3ffect” Perez - San Juan, TX
  9. Jaime “Killer Stripes” Gonzalez - Mission, TX
  10. ?? “Ez-The-Champion” ?? - Edinburg, TX
  11. ?? “Nican” ?? - Reynosa, Mexico
  12. Fonzo “Super_duperkidd” ?? - Corpus Christi, TX
  13. Luiz “LuizOMania” Martinez - Brownsville, TX

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. David “David Filth” ?? - Mission, TX
  4. ?? “Nican” ?? - Reynosa, Mexico
  5. ?? “Ajtucker22” - Houston, TX
  6. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX

Capcom vs SNK 2

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. David “David Filth” ?? - Mission, TX
  4. ?? “Nican” ?? - Reynosa, Mexico
  5. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX

Tatsunoko vs Capcom

  1. Joseph “Magik” Moya - Weslaco, TX
  2. ?? “Ajtucker22” - Houston, TX

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

  1. Chris “Goose Strike” ?? - Brownsville, TX

This is a collection of names I’ve gathered from this thread along with the Harlingen thread.

This is what I got so far. I know friends and players from San Antonio/Corpus Christi/Kingsville are coming but either you haven’t posted or you posted that you were coming but you didn’t list any games.

I know most if not all the San Antonio players are playing SSF4 but I don’t know who exactly is coming and looks the same for Corpus but I don’t know who else is tagging along. Please put whatever games you all will be playing in.


yeah u is rusty son

dam i aint even register and im already registered

Seth “had yo momma in bed last night screamin ma name” Rodriguez


maybe umk3

Francis Alain Aldaba’s tentative list:

Super 4 Singles
Super 4 Teams
Tekken 6

NE1LAN STXO HYPE!!!11 + I want to do commentary and a small size NE1LAN t-shirt. ( ^_^)/

For the people who play with hamm. He already registered most of you. If you are in a game you don’t wanna be in or want to compete but aren’t there let me know.

DanEG: Can you edit the first post with the list of players? It isn’t everybody because A LOT of people won’t pre-reg and we won’t see them till the day of but it sure helps out of towners and us to count heads.


Rickey “Bullwinkle” Saenz

Alice/Corpus TX



I just got my schedule from work and I’m for sure going, if you need my irl name for the list put Alec Garcia.

if theirs not gonna be a tvc tournament I’m still gonna bring my tv my wii and my stick incase we can get some casuals in and hopefully get more people playing it. This will be my first time playing against competent people but I’m still entering for the love of the game and I encourage others to do so as well.

Make sure to look for me
ill play tvc with ya all day

Also sign me up for umk3

im still deciding if i want to enter ssf4 or now

Adam “Jewelman” Jewel - Corpus Christi, Tx

SSF4 singles/teams

Hey somebody update that list and add the CHAMP to SSF4 singles. Yeah that’s right!! THE CHAMP is entering this ssf4 shit and and looking to take out people EARLY!!! Ohh and also be sure to add Jesse “Mr. Sakura” from weslaco for the marvel tourney. He told me he’s coming to this and I know Hamm, Jose, Alvaro and others know him well.

SSF4 singles & MVC2
McAllen TX

Jesse "Mr. Sakura"
Weslaco tx

I might try and get a few other guys unknown to most of you guys to try and join but nothing on them yet.

On a side note, my only concern regarding this July 31st event is the time layout in which the event’s are taking place. We’re looking at over 30 plus people to enter ssf4 and I know this will take longer then the time stated of 30 min. Same goes for Mvc2. I think it’s best we just get rid of the games that have very little entries and use them as side events for casuals and concentrate our efforts on SSF4, HDR, and MVC2.

Updated 07/21 @ 8:21A.M. (ignore post time this is the time on my cell phone)

The time schedule doesn’t mean that the projected tournament time will be 30 minutes long. Hell I wish that was true. It’s just a starting point for the games. Multiple games will run at the same time until they have concluded. Playing in multiple games will not hurt you in being DQ’d. We understand people are playing in multiple games (I’m playing in 6) and will keep track of who is playing in what.


Sorry guys I have been out of town a few days and not around a computer to respond/update this as quick as possible. Ill be on this thing 24/7 now that I’m back home.

I would first like to give a pre-post-tournament shout out to Demon Jim for covering my ass like no other the past few days and compiling a epic list and setting up a tournamento for this. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I OWE YOU BIG TIME.

Secondly, everything is going according to plan and pretty smooth. Attendance is looking fairly gnarly and I am completely stoked for the 31st to come around. Should be great competition and a lot of fun.


THIS SATURDAY (24th) we will be setting up a test stream and simulating the tournament as much as possible to troubleshoot any potential problems that we might run into come game day. Everyone is welcome to come out and kick it and get some games in. Let me know if you would like to attend but do not know where it is or if you have any questions regarding anything.


Yes, 360 is the best console to run it off of. It would be sick if you could promise bringing the set up for it :]

Also, the night before we will be setting up EVERYTHING for the most part [stream, crts, consoles, chairs, etc] so if there is any way you could drop it off the night before that would be dope. The place gets locked down super tight so it shouldn’t be a worry that it will go missing. All consoles lent for the tournament will be tagged and watched carefully.

Send me your number in a PM please so we can confirm on some things :]

We understand ;/

There is a guy who hangs out that will be money on Hamm vs. Anyone. We need to stream you vs. Hamm if that happens haha

Magik is top tier at that game. If the tournament doesn’t hit and you guys want to money match I will be sure to get it recorded and streamed.

Thank you so much.

Don’t forget we won’t be adding names to the tonamento brackets till tournament day. It would be dumb to make a bracket before hand and then like 1/3 of the confirmed people don’t show, if we had a pay online feature this would be likely but since this is a live registration we are going this route. Pre-Reg is to add your name to the player database (save us time) and for headcounts.


One last suggestion from the CHAMP!! Try and bring fans or something because I have a feeling with so many people in one room and in the middle of the afternoon will be hot as hell in there. Bring all the fans you can get cause I have a feeling we’re gonna need em.

We already ran a tournament in there with over 100+ people (Battle at the Border 3) and it wasn’t anything horrible, you really only feel heat when you are sitting next to a machine. The A/C works very well. Check it out on Saturday so you may see for yourself.
