- The South Texas Open - July 31st - McAllen, TX - $500 Guaranteed Pot for SSFIV -


The South Texas Open
July 31st, 2010

-thread in construction-

Without hosting a fighting tournament since Battle at the Border 3 (11/09), NE1 LAN CNTR is back and presents the first annual South Texas Open. We are hoping to spark a new level and perception of fighting game tournaments for the Rio Grande Valley and Texas. We will be going all out for this one by having all kinds of media coverage, bringing back old classics, and throwing down a $500 guaranteed pot for Super Street Fighter IV Singles. Also, this is the Valley’s first exclusive fighting game tournament in a long while. Our last events over the years have been stuck with the Smash series, Halo, DDR or Madden. Finally we have the place all to ourselves…so let’s make this event one to remember!

Network With Us
Check us out on:
jeff bezos (NE1LANCNTR) on Twitter
NE1 LAN CNTR | Facebook
YouTube - NE1LANCNTR’s Channel
ne 1 lan

Contact us:

Trailers and Hype Videos coming soon…

2208 Primrose Ste: L
McAllen, TX

Venue Pictures:
coming soon…

In the vicinity of the venue you can find…
Dairy Queen
Taqueria El Zarape
Burguesa Burger

Main Events:
Super Street Fighter 4 Singles (360)
Super Street Fighter 4 Teams (2v2) (360)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (360/PS3)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PS3)
Tekken 6 (PS3)
Side Events:
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Ultimate All Stars (Wii)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (360)
Classic Events:
Capcom vs SNK 2 (PS2)
Street Fighter 3 Third Strike (PS2)

Entry Fee:
$5 - Venue Fee

$10 - Super Street Fighter IV Singles
$10 - Super Street Fighter IV Teams (2v2)
$10 - Tekken 6
$5 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
$5 - Marvel vs. Capcom 2
$5 - Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
$5 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
$5 - Capcom vs. SNK 2
$5 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Super Street Fighter 4
will have a guaranteed pot of $500. If entrants hit 51+ the pot will increase to $600. Whether five people show up or fifty people show up the gurantee stands at $500 with the possibility of increasing to $600 if more than 50 entrants attend. Therefore, the guarantted splits for the pot are as follows:

If 50 or less:
1st: $350 (70%)
2nd: $100 (20%)
3rd: $50 (10%)

If 51 or more:
1st: $420 (70%)
2nd: $120 (20%)
3rd: $60 (10%)

These are all guaranteed. NE1 LAN CNTR has hosted FPS events with $500 guaranteed pots in the past and have payed out regardless of attendance. Their credibility is impeccable for the $500 being there. Don’t miss out.

To clarify further…The Super Street Fighter 4 entry fees go directly to the house. The pot guarantee stands alone and does not include the entry fees. If there are any questions or concerns regarding this PLEASE post up in a respectable manner and I will address every question ASAP.

As for all of the other events the payouts will be as follows…

If 8 or more entrants:
1st: 70%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 10%

If less than 8 entrants:
1st: 80%
2nd: 20%

[All events with less than 8 entrants can have the payout negotiated if the players unanimously agree of a specific pot distribution. Super Street Fighter IV pot is non-negotiable and stands as it is]

The Tournament Staff will consist of:

and friends :]

We would like to have commentating as well over the stream and for the recording of the top eight matches. If you would like to volunteer and have sweet skills on the mic let me know!

12:00 - Doors Open/Registration Begins
1:00 - Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
2:00 - Capcom vs SNK 2
2:30 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
4:00 - Super Street Fighter 4 (teams will follow)
4:30 - Tekken 6
6:00 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
6:30 - Marvel vs Capcom 2
0:00 - UMK 3 AFTER Tekken 6 and SSF4 are FINISHED

These times are approximate. We will have twitter and text messaging services to notify when games will be starting and matches are being called.

For the out-of-towners coming to this event here is the best way to get to the venue depending on what highway you are traveling to the Radical Grande Valley…
updating soon…

For those coming in from out of town, please post up that you are looking for housing. If you are from the RGV and are willing to house players, please post up so I can put your information up and begin networking with the out of town players. This goes the same for RGV players willing to house, please post up and help out!

**MEDIA **

We will have a total of 20-25 set ups. This will include 8-10 exclusively for SSFIV and the rest for the remaining games. All of these will be run off of VGA on Viewsonic monitors with the exceptions on CvS2 and 3s which will be on CRTs.

::pictures coming soon::

-All games will be played on the default settings, unless otherwise specified, below.
-Accidently pausing the game at any time during the fight may force you to forfeit the round (solely at a judge?s discretion).
-You must provide your own controller for games played on the Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and Wii.
-All converters are the responsibility of the player.
-All wireless controllers are banned.
-Players may request a double blind pick
-You cannot refuse to play on a stream/recording set up

Super Street Fighter IV
-XBOX 360
-Game Settings: Versus Mode, 99 Seconds, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Double Elimination, No Handicap
-If the players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds, the match will be random stage select.
-Winner must keep the same character, but can select a new ultra in game 2 or 3, but has to pick the ultra before the opponent picks theirs. This does not apply to blind pick.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2
-Game Settings: Speed, Turbo 1, Damage 2, 2/3 Games
-You may not use any glitch that prevent the game from being played. This includes game freezing, game resetting, player freezing, etc.
-Deadbody infinites are allowed to gain a positional advantage, but not to delay the game.
-Winner must keep same starting character, but can switch the order of assists.
-Winner may not use the ?Switch Glitch? to have a different starting character.
-You may not use the same character twice on one team.

Tekken 6
-Double Elimination, 3/5 Rounds, 2/3 Games, 99 Seconds

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
-Nintendo Wii
-2/3 Rounds, Round Time 99 Seconds
-If Burning Ruins/Orbital Systems Bay stage comes up in random, players have the option to re-random the stage.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
-Versus Mode, Turbo 3, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Remixed Mode
-Akuma is not allowed in tournament play.

Capcom vs. SNK 2
-Roll Cancelling is allowed.
-No EX Grooves allowed.
-You may not use the same character twice on one team.
-Ultimate Rugal, Super Akuma, Evil Ryu, and Evil Iori are not allowed in tournament play.
-Switching the order of your characters during the loading screen is only allowed on your first match.
-After winning, you must pick the same characters, same order.

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
-Winning player must keep the same super art.
-Gill is not allowed in tournament play.
-The in-game judgment feature will be used to determine the outcome of draw games.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
-XBOX 360
-Gameplay-altering kodes are banned

Besides concessions there will be various items to remember the hype that was the South Texas Open. this includes…
-More TBA…

If there are any questions or concerns regarding payouts, rules, directions, housing, or anything please do not hesitate to either post up or contact me at:

956.310.2863 [text messaging is cool also]
any of the various networking links posted above


I would like to get a list going with all players from the Valley and Texas confirming attendance for this event. I will update this portion daily. Sign up! :]

Confirmed players attending:

Super Street Fighter 4

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Julio “hAMM” Hernandez - Pharr, TX
  4. David “Sirfishouse” Arjona - Pharr, TX
  5. Arturo “sir_arthur” Contreras - Reynosa, Mexico
  6. Adam “Coldblood” Cisneros - Pharr, TX
  7. Alvaro “Bboypozin” Flores - Pharr, TX
  8. Seth Rodriguez - Pharr, TX
  9. Isaiah "Pwince Charming"Rodriguez - Pharr, TX
  10. Jose “Youtube” Aguirre - Alamo, TX
  11. Alberto “El c0yOtE” ?? - San Juan, TX
  12. Vilas "Chino956"Sheldon - McAllen, TX
  13. Leo “OneDeep” Garza - Edinburg, TX
  14. Alex “ch1ll 3ffect” Perez - San Juan, TX
  15. Jaime “Killer Stripes” Gonzalez - Mission, TX
  16. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
  17. Mark “RocketGruntMark” ?? - ??
  18. Dan “DanEG” Segovia - Weslaco, TX
  19. David “KoOpA” pAdilla - Donna, TX
  20. ?? “Mokey” ?? - McAllen, TX
  21. ?? “MarioGX” ?? - Weslaco, TX
  22. Gilbert “Sinic” Dominguez - ??
  23. Abid “Nican” Vega - Reynosa, Mexico
  24. Alec “Ajtucker22” Tucker - Houston, TX
  25. Ivan “Goose M.D.” Rojano - Brownsville, TX
  26. Luiz “Luiz” Martinez - Brownsville, TX
  27. Erick “Furix” De La Garza - Brownsville, TX
  28. Rickey “Bullwinkle” Saenz - Corpus Christi/Alice, TX
  29. ?? “Ez-The-Champion” ?? - Edinburg, TX
  30. Adam “Jewelman” Jewel - Corpus Christi, Tx
  31. Chris “Big_Nasty” Sklarkowski - Corpus Christi, TX
  32. Isaac “Untitledproject” Ruiz - Harlingen, TX
  33. Fonzo “Super_duperkidd” ?? - Corpus Christi, TX
  34. ?? “Spin4U” ?? - San Antonio, TX
  35. Rodolfo “Shin-Rotendo” Camarena - Killeen, TX
  36. Sean “Maximo” Murray - Killeen, TX
  37. Billy “Shin-Rukus” McLaughlin - Killeen, TX
  38. Raymond “Chobo” Chun - Killeen, TX
  39. Rodolfo “Sinister-X” Alaniz - San Antonio, TX
  40. Adam “Mister Daku” Wratten - McAllen, TX
  41. Jose “Banana Ken” Llera - Austin, TX
  42. David “dragula96” Martinez
  43. James “Fro/bane3789” Marroguin - Brownsville, TX
  44. Jonathan “monkeyspank” Guzman - Harlingen, Tx
  45. Mike ‘‘King Broly’’ Begum - Brownsville, TX
  46. Jonathan ‘‘Vash’’ Begum - Brownsville, TX

**Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo High Definition Remix
**1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
3. Julio “hAMM” hERnandez - Pharr, TX
4. David “Sirfishouse” Arjona - Pharr, TX
5. Arturo “sir_arthur” Contreras - Reynosa, Mexico
6. Alex “ch1ll 3ffect” Perez - San Juan, TX
7. Homer “Grahf” Soto - Alamo, TX
8. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
9. Joseph “Magik” Moya - Weslaco, TX
10. Gilbert “Sinic” Dominguez - ??
11. Ivan “Goose M.D.” Rojano - Brownsville, TX
12. Isaac “Untitledproject” Ruiz - Harlingen, TX
13. Chris “Big_Nasty” Sklarkowski - Corpus Christi, TX
14. Sean “Maximo” Murray - Killeen, TX
15. Jonathan “monkeyspank” Guzman - Harlingen, Tx

Tekken 6

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
  4. Victor “Xeromos” Short - Killeen, TX
  5. Billy “Shin-Rukus” McLaughlin - Killeen, TX
  6. James “Fro” ???

Marvel vs Capcom 2

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. Julio “hAMM” hERnandez - Pharr, TX
  4. Alvaro “Bboypozin” Flores - Pharr, TX
  5. Jose “Youtube” Aguirre - Alamo, TX
  6. Alberto “El c0yOtE” ?? - San Juan, TX
  7. Leo “OneDeep” Garza - Edinburg, TX
  8. Alex “ch1ll 3ffect” Perez - San Juan, TX
  9. Jaime “Killer Stripes” Gonzalez - Mission, TX
  10. ?? “Ez-The-Champion” ?? - Edinburg, TX
  11. Abid “Nican” Vega - Reynosa, Mexico
  12. Fonzo “Super_duperkidd” ?? - Corpus Christi, TX
  13. Luiz “Luiz” Martinez - Brownsville, TX
  14. Jesse “Mr. Sakura” - Weslaco, TX
  15. Isaac “Untitledproject” Ruiz - Harlingen, TX
  16. Chris “Big_Nasty” Sklarkowski - Corpus Christi, TX
  17. Victor “Xeromos” Short - Killeen, TX
  18. Rodolfo “Shin-Rotendo” Camarena - Killeen, TX
  19. Rodolfo “Sinister-X” Alaniz
  20. Jonathan “monkeyspank” Guzman - Harlingen, Tx

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. David “David Filth” ?? - Mission, TX
  4. Abid “Nican” Vega - Reynosa, Mexico
  5. Alec “Ajtucker22” Garcia - Houston, TX
  6. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
  7. Isaac “Untitledproject” Ruiz - Harlingen, TX
  8. Luiz “Luiz” Martinez - Brownsville, TX
  9. ?? “Spin4U” ?? - San Antonio, TX
  10. Rodolfo “Shin-Rotendo” Camarena - Killeen, TX
  11. Billy “Shin-Rukus” McLaughlin - Killeen, TX
  12. Jonathan “monkeyspank” Guzman - Harlingen, Tx

Capcom vs SNK 2

  1. James “Demon Jim” Garcia - Harlingen, TX
  2. Daniel “Shizuma_15” Sendejas - Harlingen, TX
  3. David “David Filth” ?? - Mission, TX
  4. Abid “Nican” Vega - Reynosa, Mexico
  5. Francis “Alain” Aldaba - Rio Grande City, TX
  6. Isaac “Untitledproject” Ruiz - Harlingen, TX
  7. Jonathan “monkeyspank” Guzman - Harlingen, Tx

Tatsunoko vs Capcom

  1. Joseph “Magik” Moya - Weslaco, TX
  2. Alec “Ajtucker22” Tucker - Houston, TX
  3. Billy “Shin-Rukus” McLaughlin - Killeen, TX
  4. Sean “Maximo” Murray - Killeen, TX

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

  1. Ivan “Goose M.D.” Rojano - Brownsville, TX
  2. Rickey “Bullwinkle” Saenz - Corpus Christi/Alice, TX
  3. Joseph “Magik” Moya - Weslaco, TX
  4. Chris “Big_Nasty” Sklarkowski - Corpus Christi, TX
  5. Luiz “Luiz” Martinez - Brownsville, TX
  6. Billy “Shin-Rukus” McLaughlin - Killeen, TX
  7. Sean “Maximo” Murray - Killeen, TX

im in for ssf4 singles and dubz and HDR!!! :slight_smile:

extra hype!!!

yo dan you know im there.:tup:


cause guiles theme goes good with everything

Put me down for CvS2 and 3s.

i like this one better >:]

i like this one better >:]

im up for SSF4 and HDR… looking for teammates for SSF4 teams :wink:


I am hAMpy to be part of this

time to post up the info to other cities.

man i wish there was a pot for marvel and do you think we should have a vote on what system marvel should be on, cuz from what i heard last time was alot of complaints about it being on ps3 and people taking so damn long, but thats my opinion though

let there be a vote for the marvel.

most people have TE’s and would rather play on that since DC sticks are hard to come by now a days.
and the issues with dreamcast on the blue screems ETC

also ps3 is the standard for this years evo.

mindless well play it no?

Being as I was in the frontlines when that problem happened I can tell you that it wasn’t cause we were playing on PS3 it was because the tv’s sucked for marvel. They handled the other games ok but not marvel.

Seriously quick fix to this just hook up the ps3s to a CRT and it’s all good. CRT will obviously be available seeing as TvC and the PS2 games can’t run on a HD tv without serious lag.

DanEG: Check your PMs.


Very nice. I’ll totally be there. I’ll also see what I can do about getting it some coverage in The Monitor/Festiva.

well mas just recently got back into business so, it shouldnt be hard to get them now :p, im gonna place an order next week for mine actually, and id go with dreamcast as a vote since its the real way to play it, and im willing to bring mine to this tourney since its still good in shape, and dont forget marvel wouldnt be in evo if it werent for those meddling kids lols, but w/e right, like you said mindless we’ll play it since its MAHVEEL BAYBEE!!


is there going to be some BYOC setups?? if so if anyone is interested and can bring some KOF games, im down for some games and even MMs =)

Im in for Ssf4 singles/teams & HDR… What do u think about making the Ssf4 team tourney 3v3? i say yes to that

i challenge you to some games of KoF XI

this sounds really fun
I’ll go since I haven’t seen the valley peeps in a while
can’t confirm a 100% cause its right after EVO, and thats always expensive :rofl: