yeah but if you guys got some spare dcasts we can get that going i have a stick ill have dr. james give it a check up cause i wouldn’t mind playing marvel on dcast need to know what the consensus is on marvel.
Who Showing up For Marvel
Imma try to get the Central Texas crew to this (K-Town)
Marvel on PS3? As long as it is on good monitor/CRT - Dreamcast possibility still in the works?
Well, I’m game for: S4, 3S, MvC2, and maybe T6.
Rudy, my man! You coming to this along with the rest of SA?
oh man umk3
why sads :o
Three people for MK3? I’ll bring this up and maybe we can roll with it as a side tourney…
Marvel on PS3? As long as it is on good monitor/CRT - Dreamcast possibility still in the works?
Marvel is going to be on PS3. There aren’t a lot of people with DC sticks around here anymore. I believe we discussed this in the RGV thread a while back [before the 5v5] and the general consensus was that Marvel on PS3 just had to be for everyone’s sake. I assure you the monitors do not lag. We have a couple of players [Hamm and friendz]that come out to NE1 on a regular basis and play Marvel with no complaints.
On that note, we also really can’t take in any more CRTs than we already are for 3s and Cvs2.
You can count the CHAMP to be at the Marvel tourney and maybe a surprise apperance for Tekken 6!! I think I may have played marvel with some of you guys from the corpus area online because the psn tagnames sound familiar so I’ll be looking forward to this. Now that EVO is over, it’s time to roll this joint and let cities across TX know about our tourney.
Think I’ll bring some of my local friends that HAMM and many others don’t know about to increase the attendance for this tourney.
free monies for me! =D
i’ll shall be there.
if umk3 happens to make an appearance,
i’ll help run it.
and i’ll be there
for sf4 singles and possibly some hdr. and maybe some 3rd strike for lolz.
get hype.
actually, dan if umk3 happens to attract at least 5-10 people,
would it be possible to make it a side event?
get back to me on that, thank you sir.
Dan check your PM’s I got something you might be interested in.
Corpus is hungry! Too bad demon jim is gdlk at tekken lol
LOL wrong Jim, that would be Devil Jim
i project tvc not happening as much as i would like it to. i will go ahead and add umk3 as a side event for five bucks and it can run off of the same set up as tvc. i will update the information in a little bit.
get hype for umk3 now!
got it
cool awesome dan. thank you kind sir.
are you planning to run it off 36o for umk3?
i can help out with another 360 if need be, because i know getting umk3 will be hard considering warner bros has the rights now, and decided to take it off the marketplace.
get hyppppeeeeee for umk3
Hm, might go to this.
Who’s running this? I thought someone was going to be updating the information for out of towners. People want to know information like expected amount of people entering, because I’m sure they don’t want to drive 4-6 hours and spend gas money for a <20 man tourney. Everyone here in K-Town was down to attend, but due to lack of information and confirmed players we are passing this up and hitting other tourneys that are sounding more promising. We don’t want to end up facing each other because that is how deep we planned on coming, but good luck and hopefully you’ll have people show up for this. Hope you can understand, it’s not worth the gas money, time, and mileage on the vehicles from what the current information you up at this moment and people have to schedule time off from work and such.
Is Anybody looking for MM in MArvel
I will MM you fonzo,
I am rusty on marvel.
= /
ill fuck you up in marvel girl lol
I am not the one running this tournament but I’ll see if I can help. San Antonio and Corpus players so far have confirmed themselves coming. Our friends from the Mexico side have also confirmed their attendance. They have either posted in here or the Harlingen Thread with general whats up to money matches. I don’t have exact numbers of how many from each city will be showing only speculation of what I think would be a fair number from the information I have gathered. I cannot speak for the other cities such as Austin/dallas/Houston because I have not seen a post. Hopefully someone can shed some light. J.D. from Austin has expressed interest though but I am not sure if he is confirmed or bringing somebody else with him.
I have no idea what is going on with UMK3 but from I understand both TvC and UMK3 are both scheduled to run (I know UMK3 is not listed yet). There is very little interest for TvC so from the looks of it it seems that that tournament may not happen come tourny day but it is still there because you never if a last minute boom happens. DanEG can fill you in with more information about the tournament then I can.
Since most people are are not pre-reging I’ll see if I can start if off. A few people did already in this thread.
James “Demon Jim” Garcia
Harlingen, TX
You may put what games you are going to play in to help others in showing who is playing but we really won’t be adding names to brackets till later.
I’m playing in everything except TvC and SSF4 Teams. We will not be making the brackets for SSF4 Teams on Tonamento we will be doing those by hand because tonamento only supports single player names.
This also helps because we can input your name into tonamento so come sign up we just click your name to add to the bracket (once you have paid) instead of having to set you up since we will have your information already. Remember tonamento keeps your stats and earning through out your tournament career. If you check out you can see people’s handles are their real name plus their gamername, that seems to be the trend. There is also a function to add phone numbers so that a text may be sent to let you know that your match is coming up so to those who would like to utilize that feature PM me or DanEG with your phone number (area code included) after you have pre-reged. We will also ask you in person at the tourny when you register.
DanEG has recruited me to help him with this tournament so I am trying to simplify things as much as possible and as you all know this all starts with registration.
Here is the link to the tonamento page (players names will not be added to the bracket till tournament day). The pre-reg is to help us add your name and handle tonamento’s player database so we don’t have to do it come tournament time.
Julio “hAMM” hERnandez
Rio grande Valley\Pharr Texas
Games entering-
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Super street fighter 4 singles
Super street fighter 4 Teams
Super Street fighter 2 Turbo HD remix