Didn’t Sonic The Fighters have a hidden in the data character called Honey or something?
…now that you mention it…yes. And now that I’m thinking about it…they did have her in that trailer didn’t they?
Holy shit.
Sonic The Fighters and Virtual On? Forget it.
My Espio will body all ya’ll motherfuckers.
Also, I’m glad SOMETHING is being done with Virtual. I’ve always thought they should at least try to modernize that franchise…
Cool, you can also play as Metal Sonic and Robotnik.
she was in the trailer…so she might be playable…
there is also was a SRK user named Giza who basically broke the game down on how it plays, “a faster virtua fighter”. and had a tier list…not sure where he is in 2012 though…
Did anyone play Sonic Jump?
I doubt my iPOD can run the game
Hmmm this seems more in the line of a Mario game.
On the topic of SA2:
So I got all the emblems in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and the only ones remaining are all Chao related. Unlike some hardcore Sonic fans I actually liked Chao but I admit being a sucker for the cute stuff. Apparently you need to be level 90 in all stats to beat Chao Karate’s final difficulty which is insane since the races don’t require you to be that high. I’m going to go above and beyond and breed all three Chaos Chao types. I got the Angel Chaos Chao in SA2 on DC but this will give me an opportunity to get the Devil and Neutral. It’s been a while since I played Chao mode and I forgot a life time alone can 15+hrs and you need to reincarnate at least twice before making it a Chaos Chao. A long grind ahead…>_>
SA2 still seems challenging getting all the emblem even all these years later. Really shows you the depth in the point ranking system with all the tricks and gimmicks the game has. Also the GC version has some higher A rank requirements for a few levels. Great game and am starting to notice a few minor flaws in this port. Particularly a few rare sound glitches and bg layers like the sky not being redone for hd and looking pixelated. Other than that this clearly is the best version of the game.
Hopefully I can get 3 Chaos Chao before Okami HD comes out on PSN October 30th. I hear giving the Chao more fruit makes them evolve quicker.
Yeah, how did you breed Chaos Chaos again?
I always managed to make dark and light chaos, and then I’d place them in their respective gardens when they unlocked.
Also, one of my favorite moments with this game was when I realized that “Chao” is just “Chaos” without the s.
Just treat your Chao well and make sure it reincarnates 2 times, then on the third life that it has give it all 21 animals at birth or before adulthood. Don’t give it duplicates of an animal or drives and wait for it to evolve to adult hood. Depending on it’s breed (Angel,Devil & Neutral) you will get that respective Chaos Chao. Chaos Chao are immortal but do not get physical traits from animals, though they have behavioral traits of all 21 animals. I remember my Chaos Angel Chao farting like a skunk lol. They also have the highest multipliers when it comes to stats. From what I hear Chaos Chao have the best potential to beat the final level in Chao Karate but I’m pretty sure you can max stat a normal Chao in all areas and do fine.
What is the quickest way to beat all this chao nonsense? As soon as I finish all the missions it’d be a shame not to 100% because of the little bastards. In SADX I know you used Knuckles, dig for the magnetic field stand on the switch get a bajillion rings buy 9999999999 chao fruit and… yeah. Any other easy way out? I really loathe these chao things.
Sadly the easiest way is still a grind in this game but not as big of a grind as just getting drives. What you do is you take any animal of your choice (I prefer Dragon/Unicorn since they don’t bring down any other stats) and place it in front of your Chao. Roughly one Chao length away. Just enough so that the Chao gets the stats from the animal but not completely absorb the animal. This way you can do this over and over to boost stats. Going by this method takes close to an hour to get all A stats (Think you get S stats in your second reincarnation). I don’t think you need Chaos Chao to beat this mode like others have said. Just once Chao with good stats on his first life is probably enough. Going by this method you can probably beat the entire Chao mode in 2 hours lol.
I’m just getting all 3 Chaos Chao because they look cool. Anyway I think a video can clear any doubt. BTW drives are harder to do this trick with. No matter what if you plan to get a Chaos Chao for lulz or love it takes 45+ hrs because it’s more of a time based thing regardless of stats.
EDIT:Selling eggshell tops from hatched Chao to the blackmarket dealer gets you 50 rings. By the time you A rank all stages you will get 20,000 rings. I think there is an exploit to trick the blackmarket dealer into selling you stuff without losing rings but I’m unsure of how to do it. Thank god the gamecube version actually shows you stats of your Chao.
Good tips.
I need a good chao a bad chao and a neautral chao that can dominate the events, what’s the fastest way to grow the good and evil ones?
Pet a Chao with Dark Characters repeatedly & Raise= Dark Chao (Will start to go dark with each pet)
Pet a Chao repeatedly with Hero Characters & Raise= Angel Chao (Will go White with each pet)
Pet a Chao with Dark and Hero characters evenly & Raise = Neutral Chao (Hardest to get imo, you need to balance)
First two are brain dead easy but the 3rd one is a balancing act. You just pet them until their colour changes to either white for hero or black for dark. Neutral Chao are usually green or some other colour depending on their stats. This game has a truckload of combinations with all the animals,loyalty alignment and drive specialties.
Well, I just need a neutral one so that one can enter all the races/karate things, it doesn’t actually need to be neutral completely, just able to be in all the events (and hopefully win).
Yeah Neutral can do the job just fine.
BTW, I just beat every difficulty of Chao Karate and I can confirm that leveling up a Chao to 99 in all stats with the exception of stamina will do the job. My stamina is in the 20s but everything else 99.
Ok so, I already have this chao that I petted with mostly dark characters (accidently gave him a chaos thingy as Sonic and accidently picked him up and pet him), he looks like a freak because of all the animals but he won’t eveolve (or whatever they call it), how many levels before they change into trophy getting chao?
As long as the Chao is dark in colour you should be fine. It doesn’t become an official Angel or Devil Chao until it reaches adult hood. You can tell when it does because it will be surrounded by a white cocoon. Giving it more drives and fruit should speed up the process, a ton of it to be exact. To beat all the races and Chao karate it must be level 99 in every stat except for stamina which can be in the 20’s.
EDIT: When you get an Angel or Devil Chao a new Chao garden opens.
Angel=Heaven Garden
Devil=Hell Garden
Each garden comes with a new egg so you can raise more Chao that way if you choose to.
What are the numbers behind that? At what level can I expect them to get up and evolve?
I thought that if you pet them too much they became spoiled and sometimes didn’t do what you told them to.
Or can you just pet them infinitely until they go dark/light without any consequences?