The Sonic the hedgehog thread V.7 2017 its been generations since the last good sonic game

Trust me…I don’t want to be. Plus i haven’t bought a Sonic game since SA1’s rerelease…and eventually SA2’s rerelease. Last time I bought a Sonic game new was…honestly, when SA2 came out originally.

Then hooray, you’re NOT the biggest Sonic fan on here. Everyone wins. :tup:

So much hype getting thrown around for SA2. Is the hype really justified when only 1/3 of the game is any fun? I got that game back in the DC days, loved the Sonic/Shadow levels. Tolerated the Tails/Robotnik levels, only because they were a poor man’s E102. I would rather play as Amy or Big than have to go ahead with Knuckles/Rouge levels, yuck. Even though my mind was blown by the graphics and stuff, I still knew in my heart that it wasn’t that great. I got suckered into the Gamecube version, leaving a sour taste in my mouth. No way am I getting it a third time, absolutely not.

For only $10? Sure, why the hell not? Most hype for games is nostalgia based only, and that’s the only reason I’m getting SA2 honestly. But the Sonic/Shadow levels in this game alone is worth the $10 to me.

The reasons that I enjoy this game are almost all purely nostalgic. Obviously they don’t re-release these games to compete on any kind of level with the current games being released. They come out because they know a lot of people enjoyed them during their childhood, therefore a lot of people would probably buy it again. There a lot of design choices in this game that I can clearly recognize to be poor, however I enjoy it immensely regardless because of how much I loved the game as a kid as well as how much I love the franchise and characters as a whole.

And the Knuckles/Rougue stages were fucking awesome, except for the space ones. Those were fuckin’ hard.

Man you trippin, fuck the Knuckles and Rouge stages. I hated them even as a kid.

I’m planning on buying S4e2 and SA2+Bat tle mode this weekend :slight_smile:
Now if only they made a psn version of Sonic Riders Zero Gravity

Look at the bright side, at least they aren’t terrible like Big’s stages on SA1

Real talk. That shit was confusing. o_O

I like the music on their levels :rofl:

I wanted online for this game but then I realised how easy it is to get owned at this game, by anyone :rofl:

I don’t think they were hard, just…big. Too big. Getting pelted with meteors wasn’t fun. No level in a Sonic game should take 40 minutes to complete.
What is this about Nights coming out? I will have to get on that. I mean, I have it for my Saturn, but I would like to play it with a genuine analog stick and not the d-pad.

I’ll cop it, but no online vs play is a missed opportunity. I’d rather play against seasoned players than own up on my little cousins and shit. Come on Sega, get on the ball.

i get my internets tomorrow so ill be downloading this ASAP! will probs give the Battle DLC a miss though. dont think i ever used it in the GC version.

I’m confused, is there DLC that allows online multiplayer or something? I’m looking at the main menu in the DOWNLOAD CONTENT tab and nothing is there.

Won’t let me dload sa2 on xbox marketplace. gives me an error

You have to do it through the website. It did the same thing to me too.

I noticed Big The Cat has been making a lot of hidden appearances in some of the levels. Is this something new because I don’t remember seeing Big at all in the original game.

Big appeared as an easter egg only in the Gamecube version, SA2: Battle.

DC* Big’s was removed entirely from Gc

…no it wasn’t.

according to the wiki he was. He’s returned in the HD port.
Edit: he was in cutscenes…Never knew that. was wrong.