The shooter games thread returns! The Empire Of Ammo says, EVERYBODY GETS SHOT!

no, the tetris boss at the end of 3-1. I always forget which attacks destroy which blocks. but I guess I did ok since I FINALLY beat that boss, then I got to the end of the level and got raped by the two gay guys with swords.
as for the boss you mentioned, youre probably thinking of the 2-1 boss.

giga wing 2, holy fucking balls…that game is BRUTAL after level 4.

yeah, I was talking about the 2-1 boss. my bad. I had a little trouble on ol’ tetris boss too. I’ll shoot him up some more tonight and try to remember which shots kill which parts.


There was an interview with Masaki Sakari from 5PB about the Dodonpachi and Ketsui ports posted here:

Rough translation:
?The reason they went for the 360 was because it was where all the maniac gamers are.
?They’re working really hard to get exactly right all the parts where players have to be really precise.
?New functions for the game are online co-op, high-res mode with 4x the quality of the original releases
?The PS2 Dodonpachi Daioujou port was completed really well so it’s a matter of how to add new value to the 360 release
?Daioujou is Inouesan’s (one of designers) projects, so they’re probably going to prioritize Ketsui (super good news imo!)

that sounds hot, wish I had a 360 now :bluu:

giga wing 2 is STILL kicking my ass. too many flickering pink and blue bullets in later levels, my eyes melt trying to process all of it.

“4x” quality

i hope that doesn’t mean shitty blurry upscaling

the real reason they did it? They wanna make a cheap ass shooter addict like me give up the green to buy a 360!!! That’s the real answer!!! hating on a man’s wallet is just plain wrong!!!

I decided to take out the shikigami crew for boss rush mode and see how they stack up on a character by character basis. I’ll try to get up a list of best to worst later as I haven’t been able to get past waterboy (2-2 boss) without bombing him at least once. anyone else that’s still playing it can put up a list as well. Damn it sucks trying to shoot while sober. :bluu:


God this review of Ketsui makes me hella look forward to it for 360.

Luckily they have it in a few arcades around here so I think I might hit it up today. :wink:

man, what should a newbie play so that he can play a cave game well anyway? I mean shit that stuff really is overwhelming.

I second that. Only thing I guess I’ve saw noticeable improvement when I played over and over was DoDonPachi. But I can’t still can’t beat it without getting mowed in the later stages.

Trying to 1CC Dodonpachi is one of the hardest challenges there is in videogames IMO. At very best I’ve only gotten up to the stage three boss on one credit, and after that is just way too crazy.

I would very much recommend ESPgaluda for training, it is known as one of the more accessible Cave shmups and is in my opinion one of the best. ESPrade is apparently also really good.

Otherwise there are danmaku shmups like Battle Garrega which precede these games, but I hate BG because you can’t distinguish the shots from the background.

if you want a good bullet dodge simulator, go back the the first page of this thread, click on the link for downloadable videogames, and select rRootage. it has simulations of several of the popular styles of shoot-em ups of the time. it isn’t aboutthe looks, it concentrates more on what you want: training so that you can get into the crazy shooters of today. other than that, just jumping in and taking some bullets to the face is possibly the best training of all.


Just to add to the Cave stuff real quick, I’m figuring out why it’s so hard to 1CC either Dodonpachi or Mushihimesama on PS2. I’m not sure if it’s just my monitor or what, but the bullets leave behind a slight trace, which gives a false impression of where they are. Also, as I mentioned on an earlier page, Mushi in particular has really strange speed issues. I’ve never played the original in the arcades but I find it hard to believe some of the bullet speeds in this game. Especially stage 1 boss and stage 2 mid-boss. You basically are forced to memorize dodge patterns instead of…actually dodging. And that’s just in Original mode.

Playing these games on a PCB cab is a distinctly different experience. Dodonpachi for instance, the bullets are clearly animated and you know exactly how to dodge around them in the arcade, where tracing and the more limited color pallete of the PS2 can obscure the holes in bullet patterns that you must cut through to survive. Mushi might be the same.

And the thing is, when you play a Cave game the way it is meant to be played, you’ll see that you can do a lot of playing in the bullet patterns, that it relies on skill and not memorization. Port-wise, I think Dodonpachi is pretty good as is Espgaluda. Ibara is apparently a bit dissapointing because the bullets are often similar colors to the background.

But there’s a reason all the highest score holders tend to live in Japan or own PCB boards themselves, because these games are built attuned to a specific hardware configuration that, once messed with, can really doom its playability. Really though we will not see a TRUE Cave port until we see DDP on 360 along with Ketsui. The 360 is more than capable of handling the workload required by these games, better than the PS2. Apparently these games are coming within the year, and if Ketsui DS is November then hopefully we’ll see both before that…

Whatever happens I hope you guys get to see Mushihimesama Futari one day. I consider that the best shooter I’ve ever played.

Well that’s certainly ANOTHER reason for considering a 360. And I’ve kinda noticed the same thing just from playing like, Progear on emu and DDP and Mushihime on PS2.

heh. I guess my hands are t ied then. I must own a 360 as my next spending project after July 4th. my ability to shooot it up may well depend upon it.

another progrear man. :tup: I wouldn’t expect less though.

A question for those of you who have had the pleasure of playing offerings from these two companies in the arcade:

Which do you like more, Cave or Psikyo? consider these factors when asnwering: difficulty, Eye candy, inovation, etc. myself? I do give cave the love on this one, but I could never call psikyo weak. I hope they bring up some more stuff soon. I miss them.


speaking of psikyo, I was playing gunbird 2 the other day.

holy shit.

after playing cave shmups so much its quite a surprise when the bullets move so quickly, I could barely make it through the first level without too many continues. I just gave up.

I’m a 2-D graphics whore so, CAVE wins it for me.

Also I thought I told you I liked Progear already?

and I do play r-Rootage occasionally as well.

You might have told me once before. my memory sucks though. I need to get back on progear soon. 2-D is eternal!


oh man

true last boss for DDP DFK has just been uploaded

you have to register with nico to watch it unless someone knows a way to save the file

just rofl at the last form. seriously wtf!

double edit: fuck all that you can see it here

:looney: That’s really all I can say about that. I sense fun on the way. Time to make my friends cry out in horror when they see me not getting shot.


There are no words.

Also I bet if you 1CC that battle your combo is OVER 9000!