The SFxT ver. 2013 guide and tech compendium

[My thread on CJR](List of moves that can cause Complete Juggle Reset a juggle system quirk that’s good to know about when trying to create optimal combos for your team.

Also the Law infinite:

@Rc_ON: Julia guide is up, as promised. Have a look!


Good stuff guys. I think I will go through your Julia guide soon MuayGio, as I’m planning to play yet another team.

I am putting out a bounty for a Rolento guide, tech list, anything. Though I suppose a Rolento guide could be summed up with “just do whatever the hell it takes don’t let them touch you!”

Even so it’d be nice if there was something about his unique movement options and how to go about using them.

I’ll be throwing out Juri some stuff (old and possibly new) in a few weeks. Gotta learn how to edit vids properly and then I can be set.

If you need a hand with editing pm me, i’ll help in whatever way i can.

Added a playlist with tons of pandora combos/setups (34 videos). Full credits go to YungIce89. Go check it out, you might learn something new!

Sounds like a plan. I’ll hit you up if I need anything.

That goes for anyone, if there is one thing i can do in life it’s edit shit.

Also i posted this a while back - Ken Bible [wip]

I want to finish all the videos but lack of feedback slowed my progress, combine that with my now broken capture card it might take a while but i did like the overall idea.

Take what is most usefull! I added my Law/Cody Pandora synergy video in there (my first in its kind! :slight_smile: )…


Here are some examples of Vega x Paul Tag Combos. This is a tribute to them since I am dropping the team, and hopefully would be a useful basic guide to the ones who are planning on trying out the team.

… And I’m separating them to Ryu x Paul and Vega x Asuka! The synergy seems to be even better, including Pandora :slight_smile:

Wait, none of those characters are Lei, what’s the big idea Street?
Have you ever tampered with Vega/Lei? I’m considering him as my gateway to Lei and the synergy seems solid.

My Lei goes only with Xiaoyu.

I never tried pairing Vega with Lei actually.

I’m using Bryan/Lei atm because he’s my best point and it helps having something familiar while learning this magnificent bastard.

If I might suggest, I think you should include some of the team specific videos in the character specific sections as well. LordWilliam’s tech videos for instance, generally cover two characters but the tech shown is not team related but universal for each character.
I also motion that, since the Cody and Bob sections are currently empty, you link a youtube search for “The Cool Kid 93,” xd.

I thought the hint that there may be videos for the characters you are looking for in the team specific header was good enough. Oh well, updated it.

Oh, I didn’t read all that for a while, I just scroll mad fast to character specifics, lol.

A few team combos to add, working on some tutorial stuff as well if my schedule will allow it to be comepleted this week.

For now, if these haven’t been added they can be:

Juri x Julia switch-sides combo (from Juri max ground dmg):

Julia x Juri EX Lashing Arrow Pandora combo

Elena x Juri Reset (Using Spin Scythe)

Elena x Julia Reset (using Ex Spin Scythe)

Elena guide:

Did a video version that post i made about how to use Pandora in SFxT

Hopefully this helps a few people, any critique is much appreciated.

Good stuff theory.