The SFV Lounge: MUTINY!

How do I delete someone else’s post? :nauseated_face:


The point isn’t that some things can’t be done, its that they’re made needlessly complicated by having a bunch of stuff mapped to one button.

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The only thing you can do is embrace it!!!

You’re wrong, I still have a last resort…



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Here you go fam. Feel better.


It’s not haha. IMHO

It’s not even designed with a fighting game in mind from the ground up or as a priority. So I don’t count it as one

I will do If will someday, I’m more of UI and UX Designer.

If I would had the leisure of time someday I will study coding again. need to catch up alot.

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Having command normals assigned to the same button as one of your best footsie buttons is enough to make me not use a character. Shit drives me nuts lol



Pertho’s fascination with nipple art fascinates me.

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That guy is the chosen one, the only person who can make pertho post cosplay.


that man created picachu out of his gut and womanly legs.

cosplay could never be that clever.


Why do I feel like @Pertho subbed to this guys OnlyFans :rofl:


So now BFTG is probing the masses to get the SF Ranger characters into BFTG.

We might finally get a Vs. Game where Ryu isn’t ass!

Hey bro I’m playing hyperscape rn. Some thoughts

  1. The movement is good in some ways and bad in others. The slide isn’t as clean as in apex but it also takes way less time to speed up. You can slide>sprint for like half a second l>full speed slide again. It doesn’t really carry momentum tho…so you’ll slide off a ledge then drop almost straight down

Double jump is pretty high but doesn’t go far horizontally imo. Game could also desperately use a small amount of climb. When you get the right abilities you can move really well, but there is still a lack of horizontal mobility.

  1. TTK is long as shit. Some guns kill decently fast but other times it feels like you need 5s of sustained DPS to kill. There is also passive heals so that plus the movement, the hacks (pickups that gives apex style tacticals), so there is lots of running away

  2. The map is very difficult to navigate because every area looks the same. A lot of the buildings have standardized interiors but are also like 3-4 stories with an entrance on every level. The whole place is basically big ass Skyhook with less variety. It’s super easy for someone to dip around a corner and you lose them.

  3. Looting is different, and it’s limited to guns, ammo, and hacks (tacticals). You upgrade your shit by finding the same thing and fusing them. If you’ve ever played fallout new Vegas where you repair your gun by finding the same gun, it’s like that. So if you have a mini gun, then find another one, your mini gun is now level two. 80% of the upgrades I’ve seen are basically bigger mag sizes or cool down reductions, nothing much unique.

  4. The ring mechanic is visually confusing, to the point where I’ve been playing the better part of 3 hours and I’m still not 100% sure how it works

  5. Aiming in this game feels awkward. You can get it decent enough but you’ll have to fiddle with the settings

  6. Characters are bland as fuck. There is like 8-10 and I couldn’t tell you shit about them besides their race. The voice lines are also repetitive as fuck.

  7. Ping system is decent enough. Works basically just like apex but the UI element can be hard to notice.

  8. When you die you become a ghost that can scout around for your team and wait for respawn, so you aren’t just sitting down doing fuck all when you die.

  9. It’s one of those games where recoil feels mostly based on screen shake and I found it really jarring at first.

  10. Sound design is another really average category. You can hear people but your footsteps are way louder than anything else, and people move around so much that your primary method of detection is sight. Guns can be heard but it’s not a third party magnet like Apex

Overall: It’s pretty good, but outside of the movement it feels kind of bland and barebones. Characters are dry, the guns aren’t very exciting, the abilities mostly the same shit you’ve seen in Halo/Apex/any Sci-fi shooter. Even the movement feels like poor mans Titanfall 2…it’s really great compared to 90% of games but it could use some polish.

Like a year down the line this game could be one of those amazing shooters that make you not want to play other games, but rights now it’s just ok.

TLDR: Feels like a high mobility shooter made by guys who say “C’s get degrees”.

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Yeah that’s the biggest thing about Hyper Scape. It’s only okay. It’s nowhere near good enough to challenge the BR titans, and not even bad enough to be a meme. Futuristic City should’ve been a neat setting, but they made it bland as fuck. Characters, bland as fuck. Looting, boring as fuck. Like I guess the looting is fine as it consolidates skill rather than being luck based, but it decentivizes actually exploring. You get your shit early and just start fighting which is fine I guess, but just makes the world bland. And as mentioned, the TTK just doesn’t feel good whatsoever (unless you have a maxed Protocol). Even starting out it was way too easy for me to get the fuck out of dodge and not die. And the Crown Rush mechanic, while different…is more infuriating than anything.

The only good part about Hyper Scape is the Respawn system. The ability to stay active as a ghost, and needing to head into fights to earn your revives is good.

But yeah, Hyper Scape is just the blandest BR out there and you just can’t get away with that these days. Apex is out there, Warzone is out there, even shit like Spellbreak is out there.


Hey Guys I’m back from work, how is it go…


The entire thread…


you got any of those dragons as pets @Dime ?


Yeah I’m a complete beginner and can already give people the slip.

I will say that I’m already real tired of the mini gun weapon