The Sagat Thread

I’m actually liking Sagat quite a lot on my team. I’m running gief and trying different secondaries and sagat is definetly the front runner for me after playing some more with hm today. I like his pokes in this game and I really feel he is a monster at getting big damage off anti-airs, definitely one of his strengths. Tekken chars can’t wave dash through low tiger shots and most people are jump heavy as it is so eventually you know people are going to jump in and sagat really delivers a blow with x2 > TU, tag canceled TU combos and trade TU combos. Even simple stuff like, TU xx tag cancel into gief juggle bnb does like 500 damage… it really just destroys people. His TU tag cancel seems pretty safe as well on block, so it’s no problem getting him out when you start getting rushed down hard. I actually dropped Ryu among others for sagat because of the damage increase and better zoning game. It’s funny because everyone thinks sagat has ass damage but he gets big damage in practical situations that occur often like AA’ing, hitconfirms into launcher, just doing raw dp into tag cancels, coming in from a juggle, and punishing fullscreen with ex Tiger Knee. The other thing I think people don’t account for is his alpha counter that you can combo out of if you spend the extra bar, getting those 350 damage alpha counter combos can really come in handy. I think the fact hes zoning/poke character suits him well in SFxT. Wake up in this game is so strong it’s not even worth trying shit on people who can reversal/backdash/roll/roll+reversal/roll+teleport ect. You just can’t get good pressure off knockdowns in this game and luckily this does not effect sagat very much at all compared to a lot of chars.

There are a lot of character that exist only for coming in and do combos after boost, which kinda vanish the damage problem too…

In my opinion you shouldn’t do combos in a game you know you can’t land consistently. I find a better option to do c.LP, c.LP x Special, because that link is so easy to do and if you want to spend 1 meter you should go for c.LP, c.LP, EX TK, j.HK/HP, TU.

No need to start the combo with c.LK because everybody blocks low anyway.

How the hell do you fight ryu???

His and both out range sagats and Faster walk speed, awesome ambiguous crossup tatsu and everything is safe. Maybe I need to work on my tiger knee strings because even if it looks like I’m spacing it right ryu’s normals beat mine up close.

Having a tough time with this matchup =(

It helps to learn the ranges at which shotos can use their crossup tatsu. You can ruin their day simply by being too far or too close for the tatsu to even hit you, which allows you to punish its landing frames.


Stuff starts for Sagat at 3:38

I’ll be running Heihachi/Sagat today at Civil War IV. Wish me luck!

Alright, BIG ups to Jibbo for getting as far as he did with Sagat/Jin at Civil War, as well as teaching me some things about Sagat I didn’t know, like LK/MK Tiger Knees being +frames on the last hit of crouchers, c.HP>TU being the main combo ender off of a wall bounce in the corner, and the applications of Walking TU (>TU).

I herd you gaiz wanna know how to play Sagat.

Check out the link in the sig.


Hey guys, apart from small damage boost from charging a counter hit, what are the best moves to land?

I Know f.LK causes a stagger but are there any follow ups from it? When at max range it seems too far.

Also I thought a charged f.HP (overhead) caused a ground bounce but wasn’t seeing it in training mode?

I have Sagat in front and play very defensively. What moves should I use at mid range to keep the opponent just outside footsie distance so I don’t eat a big fat punish combo for a whiffed Shot?

Tiger knee. St.hp.

All you rly need.

Asica: OH only ground bounces on CH on crouching opponents. If you get the stagger on low step you can dash up and combo or do a jump in but the jump in must be frame perfect.

EL: Hmm, is it still viable to use this property or its just nice if it happens? Maybe if you trained them to block low after jump ins you could charge a counter hit, empty jump and OH. Then again maybe its too much work just to get a ground bounce.

It disappears when you hit a button whether it hits or not. Way too much work and luck involved when you can easily fish for a CH off an OH when you go for a basic mix-up.

Why is this section dead? I rarely see anyone using him online that is any good with him either. Great character with good tools. Is there nothing left to dig up on The King?

That’s a good question, because I had recently been discussing how difficult Sagat can be to play competitively. Everyone knows his tricks, and he doesn’t really seem to have a lot of depth since they took away his Tiger Knee pressure. Now it’s just fireballs, fireballs, fireballs.

I think they royally screwed Sagat in this game, and his nerfs in this patch make absolutely no sense. I don’t even play him, but when I fight against him he just isn’t scary at all. He actually feels like a gimped version of his SF4 self. Capcom was lazy and didn’t transition him well to this game at all.

What do you mean “when they took away his Tiger Knee pressure”?

Exaggeration, mostly. I mean, it’s there but it’s significantly worse than it used to be. It used to be easy to zone people with Tiger Shots then when they hit the sweet spot you apply the Tiger Knee pressure. That’s still technically possible, but since Tiger Knee screws up the sweet spot distance, you’re usually better off just continuing to pressure with Tiger Shots.
