The Sagat Thread

The sf4 book and sfxt book were done by different teams, so they just describe the data differently. There’s a section in each guide that tells you how they decided to count frames.

When i first saw sagat’s frame data i thought they shaved 10 frames of his fireball =(

Yeah it’s all good though. Tiger shots overall are better and jumping is still a huge risk thanks to a much faster step rh.

The only problem is people still ending strings with fireball. I’ve lost count of how many games i took punishing sagat’s and ken’s low fireball with reversal supers. You can’t poke with kick fireball like you could in sf4 at all.

That aint new to me lol. Alot of chars could do that in Super.

Huh what do i know…it’s -7 in sf4. I can punish it with cody’s ultra lol

Yup. Alot of chars could do stuff. Hell Sagat could do it to himself. So, that doesn’t bother me. Also max range to low shot is safe, but only when they don’t have Super. Otherwise just poke at em all day.

thanks for the tip, works much better than c.hp

however, there are still al ot of things that can punish it just fyi, ie gief and marduk

i have trouble pushing those 2 back when they’re in. ending a boost combo at leaves them in range for a 360 grab

Guile’s flash kick can also punish the boost combo ending in s.fp

Stand fierce is your friend.

I thought close standing fierce was 0 on block while far tending fierce was +2 on block?
Can anyone clear this up?

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do moves have different property or frame data during a boost combo? seems like to me that they do. I could be crazy though.

Ive used boost combos and ended at st.fp close range against ryu before and ive eaten after the block.

Yes, by design every normal in the game has worse frame data when used as part of a boost combo. There are very few boost combos in the game that end up being safe on block, even when they are composed of typically safe normals.

Boost combos also have extra damage scaling applied, only doing 70% of usual damage, but I bet you’ve already noticed that.

Using a boost combo adds anywhere from 7 to 10 extra frames of recovery.
Damn… So st. Fierce is not safe at all?
Or is it still alright from max distance?

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How are you guys dealing with Guile? I find this match-up different from SF4, because it seems his fuckin crouching normals beat out my TS on recovery or start up into magic series.

I really need help in this match-up

Just do it raw. The move is fucking awesome at max range.

Also vs guile. idk I play it the same then again I didn’t really tiger shot in footsie range. You really don’t need to do that anymore. You have much better/safer options.

Thanks em!

Played a Sagat earlier, did a very cheap thing, but pretty smart IMO lol. He would zone my Heihachi out but than hold down the turbo button for his fake kick and he was building retarded meter! I wasn’t too upset because it taught me that the Fake kick builds meter and I gotta start using it more. My only problem is hitting fake kick all the time actually starts hurting my fingers lol So I doubt I’ll be able to do it consistently in tournaments, casuals, live etc. Hopefully my fingers can adapt to it!

But I feel players when they want to drop a game because there preferred playstyle is absent in there character. I’m ready to sell this because of Ken’s character, and no Fei long, that’s more than enuff for me right there. Ken is not “bad” but he’s a part of this silly “point” “support” character split and his toolset is one of the strongest examples of the system where all his normals are designed for a tag in. He has like no footsies on his own…lol

And it’s not that I’m losing too much either, having a bit of fun with Ryu, really looking for a replacement for Ken though as I simply don’t like his role in this game, and that’s enough to make me not like the game so much. I disagree that everyone is beastly too…most point characters are, but not everyone.

Yeah I agree. I dont think Sagat is that bad in SFxT its just hes not the same character archetype I fell in love with in ST, CVS2 and IV.

Sagat isn’t bad at all.

Also Sagat is not the same sagat at all in CvS2. He is a totally diff char. More diff then he has ever been or ever will be.

And in IV AE he was DESTROYED with stupid nerfs and glitches that hurt his gameplay and crippled him at mid range. He was good only because of his comeback potential and huge reward for proper zoning. As a char overall he was subpar. SFxT changes that. He only lacks damage. THAT’S IT!!!

He is a REAL character again. But you dn’t like him because why…he doesn’t hit hard? Ill take average damage with an otherwise amazing char over being meh in several areas but hitting hard.

Sagat deals higher than average damage, he deals good damage. If he could deliver Tekken type damage he’d be on everyone’s team.