The Sagat Thread

I believe ending the chain combo with standing fierce makes it safe.

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Just learn to confirm with It’s not hard. Or confirm with a link then go into the boost.

I really find the animation on counterhit low step kick amusing. I’m gonna be tossing that out pretty frequently.

So I’m pretty new to fighting games. I’ve played SSF4AE a lot and just getting into SFxT but I’ve never seriously gotten into it where I’ve practiced links, combos, cancels, etc.

Playing with Sagat know one of the combos is like cr. lk cr. mp cr. mp EX TU and I’m just wondering how you link those mp’s as they come out and slow and they’re not considered one string in training mode. I like Sagat a lot after playing through I’m just a little confused on how to execute some of these combos, especially when trying to TU after EX TK and j.HK

For linking the’s, you just have to get the timing right. As soon as the first one ends, input the second one. It’s possible, you just gotta keep at it. Also, do a search for ‘plinking’ if you feel like reading a bit and learning something. It’ll make the time just slightly more lenient.
For comboing TU after EX TK, EX TK bounces your opponent off the wall and back at you. Just catch him with the TU as he comes flying back. For landing it after j.HK, you’ll have to catch them in the air high enough to land and then throw out TU before they hit the ground.

Ah ok. Is his bnb combo that important to playing him? I enjoy his projectiles and shoryuken/knee but I’m still kind of getting down the cr. mp links.

^If you are talking about,, xx TU, I personally don’t think it’s all that important, but it is a nice hit confirm. The problem is that it’s not a true block string, so if your opponent blocks it, they can interupt the attempted link with one of there own moves. I tend to play Sagat by spacing him properly for standing LK, and LK TK. Spaced properly, these moves give you great advantage even on block. I like to use cr.lp to push the opponent back into LK range, and go from there. With Sagat’s poking game, you really don’t need a solid hit confirm bnb, IMO.

Ah ok. So he’s more dependant on awareness and simple moves then long punish combos? I mean I play him more defensive but I’m trying to make sure I can learn a punish or too. So far I can hit maybe 200-300 off things like cr. lk TU

Yeah, I think so. But, xx TU is a nice meterless punish. Gotta have one of those. But honestly, the damage is not that much better than a single xx TU. Best to keep practicing the first one until something better comes along, but maybe use the second one until you’re comfortable with the first.

How is it safe in footsie? Can you give some examples of how you would use it in footsie?

Having a hitconfirm bnb is mandatory. If you’re not confortable with links at least get the confirm into chains down (stuff like x -you confirm it hit- x cr.hp, launcher or after you confirm it, cr.hp xx ex tiger knee).
That said, I don’t recommend that combo you’re using., is a 1 frame link, 2 frame with plinking which I’d guess you’re not familiar with yet., cr.lp is much easier (3 frame link).
There’s really little reason to use links with sagat imo. He does really low meterless damage because his combos are pretty short, so you’re better off either tagging another character or just confirming a chain into ex tiger knee for decent damage.

Basically just do the move when you know you are spaced well enough to be at frame advantage. The priority is very high because the hitbox is in front of Sagat’s body. If they block you can keep attacking because you have frame advantage.

Awesome, thanks EL. I assume you are generally using the LK and MK versions, right?

While I think that hit confirm bnb combos are a major part of Street Fighter, I still don’t think that they are mandatory for this character in this game. Mostly for 2 reasons: 1) None of Sagat’s hit confirm combos I know of are block strings. If it’s not safe, what’s the point? 2) The hit confirm strings that I know of are pretty low damage without meter, so the pay off isn’t even worth it, imo. Especially considering the fact that knockdown isn’t the reward it once was in SF4.

The most practical hitconfirming combo I can think of is cr.lp, cr.lp, TU. I’d rather sacrifice the little extra damage that TU gives, and use the cr.lp’s to help space a TK. This builds meter (Sagat’s main strength so far, I think), and continually push the opponent into the corner. Think of Dhalsim in SF4. Lots of quick safe short distance moves to space out a close character to help get them to a spacing that is better for him.

Anyway, this is my interpretation of the style that best suits Sagat. It still kind of feels like he has some untapped potential, though, since his damage output does still seem a bit low. Kinda feels like there is something broken down in there that nobody has found yet. Otherwise, I’m still happy with this new play style. I just think some increased damage on his normals would re-enforce it a little better.

EDIT: this is assuming meterless hit-confirms, btw. I like to use Sagat as a battery, and save the meter for an anchor that can make better use of it.

Most broken thing/gimmick I can think of for Sagat the moment is this setup:

Post-forward throw, immediate LK low tiger shot, tiger knee charge then:
-If the opponent rolls forward, release the EX tiger knee on wakeup (which is +1 on block)
–If hit, continue combo
–If blocked, throw/attack mixup
–If reversal, block said reversal
-If opponent wakes up normally, dash cancel to store counter hit and proceed to zone

Edit: Been tweaking this a bit.
-Use high tiger shot if you want some extra frames to charge the tk (6 extra frames) since it has faster recovery and startup.
-if your tk charge is late for whatever reason, use the lk tiger knee charge, that way it is safe on block if spaced correctly

that’s pretty interesting, I’ve been trying to incorporate more of the charged tiger knee into my pressure game. Trying to use it similarly to how ryu can can charge cancel his fireball after a or sweep. So far I’m finding more success doing backdash cancels with it to bait a jab or a poke rather than pushing forward and continuing my block strings.

The frame data for fireballs in this game is different than sf4. In sf4, the recovery referred to the entire duration of the move, whereas in this game, the recovery is the period after the startup. So his high tiger shot recovers slower, but his low tiger shot recovers faster than they did in sf4.

You have confirmation on this?

It’s the same issue that happens with oni’s fireballs in sf4. If you look at the frame data it says ryu’s has 45 frames of recovery (which refers to the entire duration) and oni’s has 33 frames (but is actually 47 total).

Ahhh. Hmm why the change I wonder. It’s w/e. Just means you gotta be smarter. Still can’t jump shots on reaction. They have to predict it so nothing has changed.