The Sagat Thread

I don’t understand. “Used to be” when?

…when Sagat was top tier…?

? Are you talking about vanilla street fighter 4? I don’t understand, what does that have to do with SFxT?

God dammit, I get these notifications in the mail and I didn’t even bother to check what forum I was. Sorry.

Sagat is actually good in this game. You just have to play him with a SF2/SF4 style. He still has tiger knee pressure, you just need to know your ranges or you are going to get punished severely.


since he moves SO slow, he cant really go forward or go in from far distance, and fireballs are weak in this game IMO.
he needs some of the HITBOXES he had on some attacks in sf4. the St.HK buff will help a bit. :slight_smile:

Hmm, I feel like his hitboxes are actually way better in this game, particularly since his monster pokes like standing light kick and standing medium kick actually lead to stuff. Standing attacks hitting crouchers also works wonders for him in this game with standing fierce covering a crazy amount of space.

Fireballs aren’t that good in this game, but the fact that his low fireball beats a lot of anti-fireball special step type moves is pretty great. That and tag cancel DP does so much damage, or god forbid, cancel. If you hit someone with that, it’s over.

pretty true. i guess i should try out Fierce button more than just for DP. lol

Shit I think he is just fine after the patch

Trying something new this week: I’m going to put Heihachi (all attack) in the front and Sagat (all defense) in the back. The idea is to build a huge life lead with Heihachi and if he doesn’t finish them off, tag in Sagat and then use him to run down the clock and keep a life lead, forcing the opponent to come to him where he can keep them out or anti-air them.

Does Sagat kara fireballs in this? Doing a kara fireball has always been difficult for me, because I don’t honestly know how to do it. I can kara TK and TU with f.LK consistently, though.

^ Yeah he does I find it easier to do than in AE, Buuuut forward lk doesnt move you as forward in this game.