The Sagat Thread

I don’t really like how he feels either but I will still continue to play the character because I love him in SF4 so much.
I like the fast TS though very strong and extra damage on uppercuts is sweet.
Overall I feel that he kept most of the good things from SF4 and got a couple good new things that will give him everything he needs to win games and more.

Only the Second hit can be canceled but it feels like the range of the 1st hit is extended it was only the very tip that I could not get to cancel

In other words just like SSF4 2012 with extended range

I’m liking a lot how Sagat plays. into crouch mp chain is sick, as well as now being able to link into itself without counter hit. This is the combo I’ve been doing:

Jump HK>>>>>st.fp>launcher. Quite sick!

thgame4ever: what is the benefit of adding into the chain, does this mean if they dont block high/low/high they will get hit?

You can combo off Sagat’s f.hp with a tag cancel. Could be useful.

That would mean you could combo off hadouken on hit… I think you’re wrong about that.

I really like Sagat, I like his moves, his Tiger theme, his brutality, his anger.

but his obsession with Ryu is really fucking annoying.

I know he put a scar on your chest but damn, that was years ago and Go Hibiki ripped out your freaking eyeball that seems way worse since depth perception and good vision kind seem like they’re important if you’re a professional fighter.

do they think people actually think that makes him interesting or cool? that takes so much away from him as a character IMO.

I like using him in this game more than the or SFs, he’s pretty fun.

It’s kinda hard to be obsessed with someone who’s dead (but maybe Guile would disagree) :wink: And it’s not about scars and eyes - he just wants rematch to regain his ‘crown’.

Capcom is just lazy and scared to move story in any direction so they just went with the safest options in sf4 and sfxt.

well for starter Hugo is more offensive driven In his approach. I find Kuma to be more defensive has he has many options to by past stuff. But I’m also just a Kuma fan/low teir warrior at heart.

I think it’s an issue with ae frame data…the guide says ryu’s hadouken has 33 frame of recovery and the wiki for ae says 43, but I think they’re adding startup to that (and why oni’s frame data is so different from other shotos).

Anyone got some decent combos for sagat?

all im doing is xx TU

seems like sagat’s combos in this game are way less intricate and extensive than the others

for combos i am finding that having sagat in the 2nd spot with akuma on point can be use to do some nice team cancel combos. say like akuma or sagat combos into their heavy uppercut. well if sagat comes in he has enough time from akuma hp hitting with both hits mind you that he can wait a sec jump hp then land tigerupcut or with more meter do a ex or super.

akuma the same with with sagat getting hit with , then srk or a ex move. if you are in the corner with when akuma comes in you can cr,mp into chain into cr.hp into his super.

mind you this is what i was able to find tonight with my team there might be some better combos but for right now this is good for me. plus you build meter really fast in this game so you should always at least have one bar to do about 300.

@Asica: in chain allows you to hit-confirm, and you can poke safely with You see a hit, you can go into cr.hp>tag launcher, or cancel into EX tiger knee for another combo. Also you can>>cr.hp xx EX low ts to chip, kinda making him feel like vanilla.

@pjj5001: j.HK>>>>>cr.hp xx EX Tiger Knee or launcher

Here’s some footage of me at a pre-launch tourney. While we’re all new at the game, hope you can maybe learn something from Sagat here.


does the ex tiger knee cancel from cr.hp require specific timing? can’t seem to get it to come out.

What is the best way to tag in your partner if Sagat is on point? Just the regular LMP+P combo? Or can you combo launcher from something?

Also what is his best punish (say on a whiffed DP) and tag in combo? Right now I’m just coming in doing TU, but compared to King or Heihachi it doesn’t feel very impressive.

Best version of Sagat ever made Sagat finally plays the way he should

Off a tag in, for now I just do low strong into Tiger Uppercut, or two low strongs into uppercut in the corner.

For punishes, I like low strongX2 into uppercut, or two low strongs, cancel into EX Tiger Knee, juggle with jump towards roundhouse, land and juggle with Tiger Uppercut.

Here is the brady guide

I havnt played in a day or so. Does anyone know a good tag in combo for Sagat. Perhaps using f+HK? on’t wanna get stuck with bad habits.

This works? cr.MP, cr.MP xx EX TK, jt.HK, HP TU

Damn, here I was hoping I wouldn’t have to master the cr.MP link. I’m struggling >.<

You aren’t the only one struggling with it DX.

And can anyone explain to me how the hell the LK-Tiger Knee ->c.MK juggle works? Every time he lands from a tiger knee there isn’t enough time to get out a c.MK