The Sagat Thread

sagat have any kara tiger shots or kara uppercuts in this game?

He has all his karas, dont worry.

Played him a bit last night at WNF. VERY good character. Great pokes (anyone with good pokes will be viable in this game imo). Insane damage. J. Fierce is so good, j. fierce air to air them, then uppercut to juggle them…stupid damage lol.

I stacked defense gems on him to make him a walking tank. It also allowed me to mash uppercut during blockstrings. If they block it, hey whatever I got 30% defense boost and a shit ton of health lol.

S. LK is his best poke probably. You can hit confirm it into c. mp, c. fierce, launch. When chaining combos, USE CROUCHING ATTACKS. His standing attacks love to whiff on some of the shorter characters. Was annoying but whatever. St. Roundhouse is still godlike as poke, anti air.

EX Knee wall bouncing is ridiculous. Hell…Tiger knee is ridiculous. You can do like the light verson of TK, then do c. MK->another TK. Juggling in this game definitely benefits Sagat. I would only use Light TK to pressure though, because the medium version can easily be punished if you space it wrong.

When playing him, remember that fireballs are not that great in this game. Don’t be mindlessly chucking plasma at mid screen against characters like Kaz and Heihachi…you’ll get owned quick.

A good strategy I found was to use him on point and build meter. I paired him up with some Tekken characters I was familiar with (Kaz, King, Lili, Asuka…I played way too much Tekken 5 DR LOL). Tag into the Tekken character (usually through a chain combo into lauch) and let the shenanigans fly. Meter is a must for Tekken characters, and Sagat is great at building meter without putting himself in danger. Perfect harmony lol.

i’m on the fence with sagat. his entire design won’t work in this game. but on the other hand, certain gems (speed and power in particular) may make up for that and give him what he needs when he needs it. i think he’ll end up being a character that’s worthless gemless, but with gems, good enough to get the job done.

Play him like Cvs2 Gat while abusing the games engine.

Basically poke all into huge damage hit confirms and use well spaced knees to frame trap and start offense.

Tiger shot only vs other SF chars.

Sagat looks really good. I got no complaints about him thus far.

I wanted to main Sagat with either King or the Bear (Kuma?) Anyone have early indications as to which he’d work better with?

That’s good, good news!!
Since Dudley’s a no show in this VS. series, Sagat will be my main on the Street Fighter side.
I’m planning on teaming him up with Steve & Kazyua.
However, I am concerned with dealing with Cammy & Ibuki…again! :frowning:

About st.LK, I’m gonna ask because I keep hearing conflicting reports. Is the second hit (max range) cancellable? Y’know, vanilla SF4 status?

answer is no. they tested it on the iplaywinner stream.

edit - go to about 27 mins into this link.


You can’t.


i’m most definitely gonna use sagat.

because sagat is a zoning specialist powerhouse. i dunno how to create his team around this game. i dunno if i wanna back him up with;
footsies like chun or ling xiayou,
or grappler like gief or king.

game is not even out yet, but its crazy thinking about building a team chemistry.
stopping power with sagat and commando pro with king. :smiley:

Think I’m going to pair Gat with Law just because I play Gat and Fei in SF.

Hopefully they work!!

He has his karas oh thank you thank you thank you capcom.
I actually think he looks better in this game now just from all the stuff I have been hearing.
Shame about the St Lk but what ya gonna do

Gonna pair him up with Paul day 1 so I cant wait to see how that works

Where is all the hype?
The good:

  • 150 damage uppercut, still 5frames invisible(unlike ryu, who lost hes incivility frames)
  • Can still do karauppercut with lk and hk
  • is 2hit, but you can cancel it from any range like Sf4 vanilla
  • High fireball damage(75)
  • Recovery on low tiger shot is like sf4 vanilla
  • His “peoples elbow” is like vanillia . Very nice jumpin, it trades with Ryus DP all the time
  • overall: he is more like vanilla sagat and less like super sf4 sagat

The bad:

  • Tiger knee is like super
  • Standing heavy kick is still weak when it is used as anti air
  • His tiger knee charge is kinda useless, other than if you want a super

Due to there is no FADC, hes defense is not so good so he may have a problem with rushdown characters. So maining sagat and a grappler is really good combination.

^ That’s some good info. Are you sure about the standing lk cancel from far range being in there? I thought others were saying its absent?

Does the fact throw range has been nerfed change any of Sagats shoto matchups? I’m hoping due to tech roll and short throw range, Sagat will actually be stronger than he was against Akuma etc. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can confirm my theorycraft?

They cut 10 frames of ryu’s hadouken recovery, I wonder how good tiger shots are this time around.

Can either hit be canceled?

Wow that’ll explain why I feel so comfortable with Kuma and Sagat together and i have to agree with most of your post.
One the man reason I use sagat is to build meter, and alpha counter (6 FP=FK) and tag cancel shenanigans.

While risking i think an option worth mention is sagat cornering himself help in reversal options. Closer one is to the wall when tag cancel, sooner one can gain control of the partner

keo-bas: Why is Kuma your go to grappler? I am kind of leaning towards Hugo myself.

Sagat player in sf4 here, i don’t like how he feels in this game at all. i don’t think im gonna touch him mostly for the fact that i can remain fresh with him in AE. I think he will be at least a solid mid tier character just because of his inherant design though so don’t lose hope if youre going to play the king in this game.