The Sagat Thread

You have to land it from a certain amount of space out from your opponent so just the tip of his knee lands right before he hits the ground.

One big change from sfiv I’m noticing is the change to standing rh . It whiffs almost (?) always on crouching opponents. I’m having to train myself not to just throw it out randomly like I did in super. Still a so-so anti-air…

I mean you shouldnt have been doing that anyways.

Move was overrated.

That may be so, but it had its uses. In sfxt I’m hardly ever using it (or trying not to)

Look up the Vesper arcade Sagat trials. When you can visualise the combo timings it’s much easier.

st.RH was overrated in vanilla, and it can be beat by someone with competent footsies. I make sure only to use it with big characters such as Abel/Zangief, and most of the time stuck to poking with is so fucking godlike in this game. You only need that and cr.lp.


Can you elaborate? I’m sure I’m not the only one waiting for some EL Sagat technology/knowledge to be dropped.

I think he’s just talking about fishing for EX or tag out combos. The fact that the short links from a crouching strong into a dial in combo is pretty big. I am not sure the damage is always worth it though if you’re using a bar, and you might get more from simply doing the EX knee into jumping rouhdhouse and then uppercut. Damge scaling gets kind of ridiculous in this game, and the auto combos are fairly weak in general.

Of course it depends on who your partner is as well. If you had King on anchor, then you would end up getting some pretty easy DAMAGE off of a cross rush and without the need for meter.

Also, if you’re going to start your combo off of a light attack, skip the medium if you know the light attack will hit. You’ll get more overall damage when you start adding in the “real” moves.

Sagat is retarded. We are all underestimating him. Shots have even less recovery then they did in SF4. About 9/10 frames less for low and high shots respectively. TK is NOT Super level. The recovery is slightly worse BUT block stun was increased. Perfect spaced LK TK is +3. Perfect MK is +2. Perfect EX TK is +6 (!!!) It’s interesting that the recovery is worse then SF4 but the blockstun is better. That means whiffing will get you murdered but good spacing and intelligent use of this move will get you somewhere. Capcom is rewarding the REAL Sagat players that know their ranges and spacing. Feels like capcom really did him justice in this game and kept him from being OP by keeping low damage on second hit of TK, boost rush combos get scaled badly and he excels at that and EX TK as well as high step kick are juggle point hogs so his damage is really nice but not super crazy.

As far as how to play him, I mean you are basically ST and CvS2 Gat on steroids but now your best poke converts into real damage and if people jump at you, then they really really wish they hadn’t. You can honestly chuck plasma without much fear cuz the recovery is really nice though start-up is a it longer by a frame or two.

I also felt that start up on ts had been slower!

How can you really scare people from jumping on you?
And, is there a preferable string for close range low TS? I think Rolento managed to punish me after c.lp c.lp low TS (on block) (and TK were no where near the range needed for frame advantage)

Yeah slightly slower start up but ill take that trade off for everything he received in return.



You have REAL blockstrings and REAL mix-ups now. Fuck a block string ending in Tiger shot. has been my main tool with Sagat. It’s basically like from vanilla sfiv but being able to chain off it opens up so many more possibilities. on counter hit combo into
jump in,, cr.hp ch set up into
poke with combo into

Such a strong tool for sag.

Em, cr.lp is an amazing tool as well and shouldn’t be overlooked. 3 frames into magic series and great reach for a light normal

Emblem or anyone else, maybe you can help me, but I’m having a real crisis of character with The King.

He seems terrible in this game to me. Just terrible. Some of the stuff that seems so bad for him:

  1. st.HK and high step kick are both horrendous in this game. HK doesn’t have a hit box anywhere between the top of his leg and his head/upper body and it whiffs on some people standing at max range and on everyone crouching at all but close range. I’ve predicted jumps and had people sail through his actual foot without getting hit. It went from being arguably his best button to being a liability. Same thing with high step kick.

  2. Tiger shots are ass. Yes they recover quicker, but they also move a ton faster, meaning opponents can jump them much earlier after you throw one, making them completely unsafe at any range besides full screen. Especially when you factor in the invincible roll in this game, plus the fact that most Tekken characters can just move through projectiles for free, this move can now only be used sparingly.

  3. Relative to the rest of the cast, his damage is below average. Usually you can count on Sagat to be in the upper tiers in damage output, but in SFxT, his damage is average at best. Low 300’s on meterless combos off a jump HK, high 300’s with one bar and a hair over 500 with the whole stick. Compare that to a character like Asuka who can put out around 430 off a cross-up with no meter, or Steve who can explode into the mid 500’s off one bar or even hit the 700 mark with a full stick.

  4. DP’s are pretty bad in this game with a couple of exceptions. He isn’t one of them.

  5. Low tiger shot is sweepable on block after a at max range, leaving him no good block string ender for chipping/spacing.

  6. Reduced kara range.

  7. No real damage potential off his best and only footsie tool (st.LK)

  8. The game’s short throw range combined with his slower than ever walk speed makes scoring throws very difficult which hurts his ability to reset situations and get back into safe zoning range.

Sorry for the laundry list, I’m just really frustrated. I want to stick with him because I haven’t main’d him since Championship Edition and I was looking forward to returning to him. So far it’s been infuriating. I feel like everything but his TK has been made nearly worthless. HALP!

I just haven’t found this to be the case. People jump and punish my tiger shots for free. Still stuck in the animation. Or if they are a tekken character they just wave dash or whatever move they have and go right through and punish. TU trades for days. st.HK and step kick whiffing constantly due to nerfed hit boxes. He feels totally declawed to me.

Granted his best poke converts into more damage than it did in previous games, because that’s how this game works. But relative to what others can do off their pokes, his damage is sub par, especially compared to the Tekken side of the cast.

IDK, maybe I’m crazy but even when I messed around with him casually in SF4 I felt like I could still zone with him very well. In this game, it seems impossible to toss 2 tiger shots in a row without getting blown the fuck up. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

It seems that SF4 Sagat zoning is less effective in this game. With jump in buffs, and DP nerfs, it seems like you throw much less tiger shots this time around, which is fine when you consider the trade off. When considering Sagat’s anti air (when you’re prepared for it, spaced properly, and not thinking about applying TS pressure), your opponent’s best option for approaching is to simply walk forward. That’s when you have a max range LK/MK tiger knee waiting for them. At correct ranges, you’ll get some great block advantage which can lead to some great mixups. This seems to be Sagat’s best strength so far, so we should be trying to figure out ways to use it.

Just my own theory right now. We’ll see how well it works out for me.

what mix ups and block-strings do you use?
I’m having a hard time getting past the players with more than 2500 BP.

Sagat definitely feels like a solid character in this game, although he’ll still have some bad match ups notably: Ryu and Juri.

Note: It’s also jokes when you cross cancel a TU into a Kazuya 100 hit combo on the fatties.