learn to punish her s.hk move either by neutral jumping or parrying. every rmika will either s.short after (cause it combos) or command grab (if you keep blocking). dp beats both
watch out for c.rh and s.forward range
corner is hell
try to get a read for what type of mixups she does… getting a good command-grab read is just like getting a good jumpin. neutraljump and punish!
vs dhalsim
i have no reactions to punish the teleports except with a jab. i think DP should work, and MAYBE s.rh but i haven’t tested it enough. s.jab is easiest and can work in most cases. most dhalsims will mash c.short after getting hit by s.jab so you can try to set up some meaty combos
dhalsim’s best anti-airs are s.jab and c.strong. neither does a lot of damage. not saying you keep jumping like an idiot (like i do all the time) but you have to get in on dhalsim and jumping is a good strat. you can jump from really far and hit his slides with j.rh if they are a sucky dhalsim hahah.
overall, your goal is to stay super far or super close
Fireballs work surprisingly well against Mika as long as you’re not predictable with it. She can’t really do anything at full screen. Although I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played a Mika online only to both get one hit from death and her V-Trigger Nadeshiko thing body slams me as I jump backwards to create space. That’s happened so many times I get frustrated when I know I can outplay a Mika and that wrestler comes out of nowhere.
I’m having the same issue. I can deal with most of the cast by being defensive and slowly working my way in, but against Dhalsim all of that flies out the window.
Any Ground teleport Sim uses can be punished by c.HP relatively easily which stops the teleport gimmicks pretty quick. If you see a sim shoot a fireball, just dash in and take the space advantage. You have to be REALLY patient with Sim unfortunately.
I honestly didn’t know that Nash’s V trigger was vulnerable to fireballs. I was messing around with meaty fireball setups and found some stuff that can be useful in the right situations.
Skip past the first 15 to 20 seconds of the vid. I didn’t mean to get that recorded.
It actually is vulnerable to normals as well. I’m guessing only on the first frame. With the different recovery methods it seems very hard to meaty consistently. Fireballs seem to work best because they’re active for so long.
I’ve been trying to dash out of cross-ups and have noticed my dashes aren’t coming out. It looks like that when your character is switching orientation, it kills you ability to dash. Wasn’t sure if this was Ryu only. Has anyone noticed this?
I actually think cr fp is a better option than jab. Dhalsim players can space the teleport so that st jab will actually whiff. Cr fp requires better reactions but it does more damage and is more consistent.
Honestly, I typically have trouble with r mikas, karins, chuns, sometimes birdies and laura.
i kinda got a grip of the latter matchups, but i can’t for the life of me beat the first three when they start spamming normals out. i can’t stuff up. anyone know how?
Against Karin, stay out of her St.MK range as much as you can. Either be further out so you can fireball, or closer in where your strongs are as good as any of her normals. And remember that she has spotty anti air. Pick your moments but jumping works against her.
One other thing to consider is baiting her fireball pass through move (the thing where she leaps forward). Karin’s love that move and you can get a free jump in by simply neutral jumping it and landing on top of her. That alone has made the match-up so much easier for me.
Once you remove that option for Karin, it comes down to your ability AA her jump ins. If you remove both her options, then it comes down to straight footsies where you should have the damage advantage.
Karin’s damage primarily comes from her CA. Pressure her to the point where she has to burn meter for reversals, and you should be able to control the match-up.
Thanks. I ran a set against this gold Karin, but it seemed like none of that worked. In close range I found myself blocking the entire time and in the distance, hado worked none since it’d be baiting her across the screen flip attack thing. When I tried to neutral jump punish or shoryu it I either trade or I get the timing off. Kinda frustrating.
Do you know when is the right time to poke between her combos? I found a few instances where I could interrupt and realize she’s linking it into something else, but it’s so dangerous as she has options to switch up into whatever and sometimes i end up eating it.
I’ll keep this in mind.
As for the neutral jumping, I found this one spamming that EX dp right after if she saw me neutral and sometimes I legit eat it if my timing on the jump is too high when she comes forward and i’m coming down to taste the dp.
I faced a r mika today who literally just hit me with the handslaps and kept dashing forward. I felt out of sync cause his jump timings were off, which pretty much told me he was really good at changing the tide of battle. I was doing good at first, but after that I just got bodied. couldn’t respond on ground close match and he had me thrown off in air battles, so it was like I had to back away just to think of where I could get the guy.
I definitely need a response for mika on ground game though, so anyone know any good ideas?
At many ranges, you don’t unless you have Critical stocked. Closer up, punish with sweep or if you’re really close, cr.HP xx Shoryu.
Personally I don’t try to neutral jump her Ressenha as it often hits me out of the jump. Try just using cr.MP on reaction, it almost always works, even if done pretty late.
In terms of up close normals, no one can tell you in advance what buttons to press and when, that’s what footsies is all about. You need to know the frame data on her buttons and on yours, as well as the ranges. Then you assess whether you’re at frame advantage or not and make a decision.
SF5 is extremely well balanced in that almost every button Ryu has fills a specific function, so you really need to experiment and get a feel for the right buttons to press at the right ranges.
Remember that Karin does a lot of stuff that leaves her minus on block. I guarantee she’s leaving spots for to to press buttons. Cr.mk is -4 on block. Her shoulder barge is -2. Realistically, the main thing you need to remember is not to hit buttons after her cr.MP, and not to hit buttons at her St
MK range.
Okay, I seriously need a gameplan against Chuns and R. Mikas.
Like I’m facing super gold and up and I’m hitting a serious wall where their setups or normals stuff everything I have. I had a R.Mika literally cr.mp slide or whatever across the whole screen and neutral jump punish wouldn’t work, blocking and trade didn’t work, nothing worked and I literally ate all the command grab setups. trying to look for holes or punish my way out of it.
Chun was no better because her normals stuffed everything. getting in got good anti-airs or ex spinning bird and walking in just got me jabbed. timing a hado? jumped in and punished or neutral jump got me anti-aired and mixed up.