The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

Also, how do you guys deal with zoner players?

Had a laura I tried to get in on, got anti aired every time and step in came with punished normals and hados did absolutely nothing.

Once she gets in arm’s reach she can spin me for a loop so it’s like i don’t have a real idea of how to get in on someone who plays so damn reserved.

I’m at a real loss on this game, I swear.

I’m starting to be in the same boat. last night, there was a deluge of R.Mika’s & Chuns and eventually I was just running out of ideas as to what to do. It’s quite rare that I walk away from so many matches and think to myself, “I probably would have been better just crazy mashing randomly.”

If you’re in the corner against R.Mika, it feels like you might as well just give up the round. Breaking Chun down is tough. The length and speed of her normals makes it hard. Only thing I’ve found is that when she doesn’t have meter, go HAM on her because she doesn’t have an invincible wake-up.

How do you deal with Ryu mirror matches effectively?

By being a more solid player than they are.

Holy shit. I’m a begginer but I am getting absolutely wasted by r. Mika. The corner carry move where the “tosses you on the ropes” lands, and I’m done.


Nash cross up hurts. I find that LP standing up with Ryu eliminates most air attacks but I feel vulnerable as F if I do it.

If I’m not mistaken I believe you can LP shoryu Karin’s sweep on block, even from max distance. And of course if you have full meter you can cancel shoryu into CA for good damage. I’ve been doing it in matches and haven’t had one whiff yet. You just gotta be a bit quick.

I’m not at home to test but I’m pretty sure I did before and it worked from max distance.

Edit: Yeah it works from all ranges you just need to be really quick. Just mash it out when you know you’ve blocked a sweep. LP shoryu only.

Similar question – how do you punish cannon strike? The flip seems to take her our of range?

You gotta walk forward a bit, then hit HK.

You recover while Cammy is in the air, and can simply walk forward far enough to get your standard CC punish. Takes a little practice in the dojo, but it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

Thats the passion press. Its a comboable hit-throw so basically the only thing to really say that would help is don’t get caught mashing buttons in blockstrings (which of course opens you up to her command throws, so you’ll just have to have a read on what your opponent is trying to do). I don’t think alot of Mika’s just use it raw, they usually use it in combos or blockstrings.

But if you block the clap Mika is at -2, so it isn’t punishable but it will then be safe to throw out a button and try to take “your turn” to either get some offense going or just back off if you prefer to stay away from Mika.

And if she whiffs the throw animation part she’s negative gorillion frames so just punish with a full combo.

Need help against higher level Bisons. No clue how to approach this matchup. They’ll literally press buttons all day and I can’t do shit about it. I try to keep the pressure up after knockdown but they back to pressing buttons again. Help pls!

Against Bison, if they are up close and pressuring you the only thing that you really can do is block until they push themselves out of range or throw you. Its better to take a couple throws than to eat a Crush Counter combo for half your life bar. His HK starts up very fast and leaves him +3 I believe on block so I would avoid pushing buttons in the range where HK hits unless you have tempo advantage. Sit outside that range and whiff punish into a sweep or combo to get knockdown pressure.

The Psycho Axe is another move you’ll see used a lot (his down forward + HP that looks like an overhead but isn’t). This is +1 on block, so don’t press anything unless you read that he’ll press a button and you decide to DP. Most bison’s will follow it up on block with a cr.MP > psycho blast, which pushes you away and also resets the neutral game.

As far as pressuring after a knockdown, as long as you know how to time a few meaties, then you should be able to pressure him all day since Bison has no invincible reversals aside from his CA. There’s a bunch of meaty setups in the okizeme thread but here’s a few:
[] EX hadoken > dash x2 > st.MP
] HK tatsu > bk.HK
[] Forward throw > fwd.HP
] Forward throw > bk.HK
[] Forward throw > slight walk forward > st.MP
] Sweep > bk>HK

The axe kick is really easy to time a meaty attack if you’re prepared since its active for a pretty long time. And Bison is even easier to time a meaty against than a lot of the cast since he lacks a 3 frame normal.

Basically, Bison is able to take his turn and make players sit and block longer than any other character due to his wide array of normals that leave him plus on block, but on the flipside of that coin, he has no decent reversal or fast normal to keep opposing players off of him. Once you get a knockdown or a chance to start some offense, go in! Unless he has CA there’s nothing he can do about it.

I absolutely failed the intelligence test here. Thanks.

I’m definitely guilty of pressing buttons against her. I probably need to mess around with her in training a little so I know wtf is going on.

Didn’t realize she could straight up combo I that.


Messed around in training mode over morning coffee. Makes sense. MK though, you window is actually kinda tight to punish it feels like?

Fought a couple in a row here this morning.

Not pressing buttons helps, though does lead to getting grabbed.

Her, I think it is seems hard to judge if it is a crossup or not? Am I just being dumb?

I think for characters like Cammy, your ability to beat her will be strongly linked to your throw tech ability. While she is scary up-close, I feel like she has to take big risks to open up people who are solid at throw teching.

I’ve been starting to drill throw techs in training and while it’s slow, I’m starting to tech more throws normally. I’ve noticed that Cammy went from a nightmare match-up to a more manageable one immediately because then you aren’t as worried about pushing buttons.

In regards to Cammy’s j.LK being an ambiguous cross-up, I have found it tough to read sometimes as well. I’m firmly now in the camp that blocking attempts of jump ins should be an absolute last resort in SFV. You should either dodge or AA every air approach you can simply because the reward to your opponent for even a mediocre jump in is usually 30-45% of your health. In addition, if your AA game is solid, you can usually get amazing offensive pressure on your opponent as they are recovering.

Eh. Yeah thats just kinda how the match is with R.Mika. You really gotta try to keep her out of your space and at the same time make sure you don’t corner yourself, because if she has you in the corner it basically becomes a guessing game between command throws and meaty attack combos.

I would say only go in if you are absolutely sure you have an opening. Otherwise just keep your distance because her neutral game is pretty lackluster.

To be honest I don’t really have a whole lot of experience with either of the matchups but I will agree that Laura’s pressure doesn’t give me nearly as much trouble.

As far as j.LK yeah its a pretty ambiguous crossup. I have the same kind of issue with Bison’s j.LK. Only thing that will help is just using the training room or getting experience in matches to get comfortable with her jump arc. Only thing that might help is that if you absolutely know she’s going to go for the ambiguous crossup, you can parry. You won’t be able to punish, but you’re still plus so you’ll get offensive tempo back. But be aware that this is extremely risky and I wouldn’t recommend doing this more than once a match.

But like BeastEG said, if you know it’s coming it’s almost always better to dodge or AA instead.

anyone have any insight on the laura match up? eh i guess not

Zone , more zoning. She can’t get in without losing a chunk of life. St.jab after her pressure string she is negative.

Axe kick hits twice and beats her armour move so it’s a must meaty.