The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

Mika is one of the characters that is worth forgoing VT and using VR to keep pressure off, unless youre in total control of the relevant spaces. Same with Chun Li.

I played this matchup last night a bit vs a good friend. I feel like the first thing you need to learn is how to differentiate between her mp.shoulder that you can punish vs her lp.shoulder which you can’t but leaves her at -2. For the LP shoulder on block I would suggest throw as she has to tech it; once she starts backdashing or doing other stuff adjust to that. For MP shoulder she’s -7 on block, so you can super or whatever. I think this is really important in this matchup. Also she can’t do x mp.shoulder so you don’t really have to worry about her range. Be very careful with fireballs, her jumps reach from VERY far away. It’s nice to have super in order to punish mp.shoulder but I like using vreversal in this matchup, it’s more consistent. You want to keep her away. Your footsies are better so try to force that game. Be super aggressive on her wakeup, she doesn’t really have a proper reversal, is really good in this matchup. If you’re on the offensive don’t let her get away, just bully her. If she doesn’t have meter she doesn’t really have any mixups, keep that in mind. I use hk.tatsu to go through her fireballs and also buffer hp.dp from when she’s trying to dash in… kind of like Sakura could buffer dp from

thx im gonna try to implement this asap and see how i do lol

Quick question after Laura’s light shoulder move I always get thrown even when I mash jab but when I go for a throw it gets tech or I get jabbed, last thing I can’t keep Laura out as most I played just walk forward an block till they get in range to react just to a fireball or dash in this matchup is prolly my hardest lol can’t fight her at all

Ive read some ppl suggested this MU is in ryu’s favor
Ive played a few legit high ranked lauras so far and I can’t seem to keep her out properly and once she gets in => one wrong guess can lead to 70%+ damage and stun
I feel like this is a horrible MU for ryu, not rly sure
I might be wrong though

Same I think I need to watch replays of other Ryu vs Laura but so far it seems hard.

I just ended up running a FT5 vs another 6400 LP laura today, the replays are still on my CFN battle lounge in case you are interested in watching these
My fighter ID is the same: LiangHuBBB

I will try to get some games in vs vryu by this weekend and see what I can do

Biggest problem I have with Laura is her jump arc.
It’s really low and thus hard to anti air with uppercut unless you’re really focusing on it.
If I could keep her out of the air, I feel like this matchup suddenly becomes a lot easier, since she has no way around fireball except for the highly punishable EX elbow.

If you check my profile (whoismrgund) you’ll see various replays Vs Laura. Some where I get 5-0 and others where I win convincingly.

Don’t try to zone here from a distance. Focus on staying outside of her St.HK range. You VR over VT. As her pressure is intense once she’s in. When you’re playing within her St.HK range make sure you don’t let her get a FB out. You have to react to it. Once it’s out you’re in a world of trouble. Cr.HK/CA to punish her FB. AA with MP SRK. If she quickrises or back rises close the distance on her. Pressure when she has meter on her KD. She has no reversals. If you block her EX Shoulder, punish it HARD. Make her lose life. As a reset or two from her will KO you.

Against Bison, I’ve found that one pressure string they use in the corner involves doing usual st.MP, cr.MP shenanigans, but then, when they’ve pushed themselves out far enough that they’re not pressuring you, they do a low Devil’s Reverse to get back in close and start the sequence again. At first I wasn’t looking for this so I didn’t react to it and let him do another one of his dumb “just wait your turn” sequences, but if you’re aware, you should just be able to DP this and break the pressure. Otherwise just keep blocking and look for the dashes.

I like Intuitive’s idea of LP Shoryu at full-screen just to build a little meter if they’re expecting a fireball. They probably can’t punish with anything at that range.

Does anybody have any useful tips for the nash matchup? I’m able to hold my own against gold and super gold players that use other chars, but I have silver nashs completely wrecking me on ranked and casuals.

He just seems to have good options for most situations and ranges. I know he’s free to wake up meaties because he lacks a reversal, but I have trouble winning the neutral game against a decent nash player.

He has booms and he MK scythe to keep people out and his dash and frame traps are pretty good up close. He’s definitely the character I’ve struggled with the most so far.

My key points for Laura are to look for her forward dash and knowing that her stand roundhouse is -4.

Most lauras want to dash into or jump, so i key on the dash and make sure i have a button out. checks pretty well for beating and hitting the start of her jump.

If they try and play footsies, if you block rh you can usually punish with into tatsu.

Also remember you can go over her fireballs with rh tatsu, and watch your fireball if she has meter. Her normal AA gets stuffed by jump lk so you can jump if the player isn’t using that dp looking thing.

Dunno. Haven’t fought many actual good Laura players that can adjust past having her typical neutral stuff not working.

He is a counter fighter so basically you have to counter his counter 1 for 1 until you put him in a position to make an mistake. I do this for all nash players. You need to back him into the corner.

If he throws a boom just empty jump forward to close space. usually at this point they may try to for a spinning nuckle whatever that long rang grounded kick he does. iFthat move wiiffs then immediately throw a fireball as its recovering. At this point they most likely will jump if you that happens dp them if they block then that kind of resets the situation.

Anyknockdown you get make sure to dash in to push him further in the corner.

As far as his scythe I just block them until I seee a pattern in which I will dp on reaction. I think they are easy to parry but i dont use parry much.

I dunno whatelse to say. Maybe look at my replays. My name is OPTICNADS

My tips against Karin for anyone who wants to know… I vs my mates Karin all of the time and I think Ryu destroys her. Mainly because she has such shit health and pathetic anti air options.

In this match I’d save ex bars… CA does too much damage and can help you with making a comeback so easily.

Don’t shoot fireballs from full screen… she can ressenha you over fireballs pretty easily… I always shoot fireballs at her just outside of sweep range.

If you ever have a life deficit dw… one solid frame trap will get you back in the game lol Ryu is so damaging…

Her Ressenha is punishable by medium dp… do that if you don’t trust your parry game.

The scariest thing about her is her V-trigger + CA combination… once she has CA just jump at her constantly and get her to burn an ex bar… trust me you get more breathing space this way knowing you aren’t gonna cop 400+ damage from a million different angles.

Also her is whiff punishable with sweep and st hk so do what you will with that information.

Also against Karin just jump with Ryus lights… because Karins best air to air options are usually light normals and you would want to beat her to the punch.

This is all I have so far… my greatest problem is Nash. Fuck Nash and fuck Ono for releasing this slimeball onto us… idk why they made a character with such an amazing neutral game be such a brick wall, have amazing offensive dash and also an amazing anti air game and amazing fireball game. What do I do guys? I feel hopeless against Nash its like I’m vsing bs in its purity.

I remember thinking Karin vs Ryu was like 8-2 or 7-3 for her during the beta. I know she was much stronger back then. But even then I think that had more to do with having no idea how to fight her and getting hit by every single full screen ressenha. As for the match up I’m not sure if I agree with it being in his favor but I don’t think he loses this match up either. I do plenty of the things you mentioned and still do some of the things I shouldn’t do and still I feel very comfortable fighting her.

As for Nash, I find him to be probably my toughest match up. I still struggle a little against guys a couple leagues below me. One good thing about facing those lower level Nash players is that they’ve prepared me to deal with his V Trigger because they’re always using it randomly.

Yeah my mate is not the best of Karins but is pretty decent… good enough for me to learn MU on basic level.

Against Nash its different… it’s like it’s a MU heavily in his favour… we need some divekick characters so we can just go dumb haha.

Lets talk about Birdie. Wow that guy is hard to fight and hits hard.

He out pokes you and his cr.MP is way too good as an anti with next to no recovery.

This match up annoys me so much I gonna use Birdie for a week.

well birdie is a problem vs ryu. when i fight him i like to whiff jab and play footsies while i keep them guessing if ill throw a fireball, once they get baited and commit to a jumping command grab counter with a st.MP. parrying chain might help some to might open fireball game. will add more info once i find some

Matchup tips vs Alex? Feel so horribly outgunned and unable to punish…
Playing a fullscreen fireball game seems stupid as they just stock up on V-Skill then come in to kill me

Help pls vs Chun. I feel like she can hold her own in the fireball war plus her pokes are ridiculously better than Ryu. Plus once she gets V-trigger, she is a nightmare. Tips please against Chun!