The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

I’ve got a good OS against Sim using the hit freeze of b+hk. Because no part of it can be canceled, you can do a special without fear of it coming out. Requires manual timing but it’s quite lenient.

B+hk, as Ryus foot reaches the second hit input mk tatsu.
If Sim teleports, mk tatsu will chase him down because there’s no hit freeze.
You can land super after the juggle since only the last hit of tatsu connects. If he’s in the corner ex srk works. Even if only the second part of b+hk hits, mk tatsu will not come out.

I’ll give this a try in training mode, good find if it works as intended

Cammy players in the 2500 LP range seem to love doing spin knuckle as a way to get in and have advantage. Remember that you can cr.HP xx shoryu on reaction. If you don’t react, remember that she’s plus on block so don’t press buttons. That alone changed the match a lot for me.

Up close everyone loses with the wrong choices, the trick is getting frame advantage. Nash is possibly one of the most free characters on WU apart from Birdie, even his EX reversal loses to low meaty.

Knock him down, push his shit in.

I watch for this like a hawk in that matchup. It’s so funny. Everyone needs to find these moves. The ones that players love to use because they’re safe or at least more safe vs. the entire rest of the cast. Watch for that spin knuckle startup and parry that shit. Easier input to react with than c.hp. You have more time. And you can do anything you want to her. lol I haven’t had time to really play this game a ton, but there’s a few moves I’ve learned to do this with. I’m really distracted so I can only think of spin knuckle and Nash’s moon assault…but I guarantee there are a ton in the game. Especially when people get to learning how to parry the multi hit specials. Does anyone know how that works? Parry has a 3 frame startup, so will you need 3 frames in between hits to parry multi hits?

You don’t have to wait.

Ryu’s parry can canceled ONLY into another parry.

Correct. When Ryu successfully parries an attack, he can cancel immediately into another parry that starts up in 1F.

That feeling when you get caught up in your own guard crush set-up and see Gief’s glowing V-Trigger after you’ve started charging the fireball.

Any good meaty setups? I go with but not sure what to go beyond that for a good block during our hit confirm.

Against Nash or in general? You can meaty nash on WU with anything, it will all lose if he reversals. Use for example.

In general meaty’s I’ve been using are

Combo - EX fireball KD - double dash -
Forward throw - immediate solar plexus.
Sweep - dash - stmp
Dash up after a DP knockdown
Sweep - small step - axe kick

Then just General meatys if they don’t quick rise. Basically just get in the habit of dashing after everything you do.

I’ll just post this from the Oki thread.

True meaty setups after quick rise

Mp DP: Dash in - true meaty.
Lk tatsu: whiff, slight delay - true meaty
Mk tatsu: slight step forward - true meaty
Ex fireball: dash in x2 - true meaty
Jodan Sanrengeki: dash, slight delay -true meaty

If you can NOT combo into another or into sweep, your setup is not a true meaty, only a frame trap setup.

Why do true meaty setups matter? They matter against characters with 3 frame crouch/stand jabs. Such as Cammy, Chun, Karin, Laura Mika, Ryu, Vega (no claw stance), and Necalli. These characters can effectively stop pressure due to it being +1 on block. Lights will simply trade after This leaves Ryu with the only options of pressuring with lights and or taking a slight step back and whiff punishing. None of his lights or naturally combo’s (without counter hit/meaty) into his stronger buttons. However if meaty, WILL combo into his stronger buttons, and will be left at +3 at best/+2 at worst on block and will shut down mashed jabs.

Something else I’ve been using because of the range - stand jab ( blocked) - target

The gap between the st.jab makes people push , but because the is out of reach of a further the target combo moves Ryu forward.

So basically - st.jab (blocked) - (hit) finish target combo.

St.jab is better for some wake up situations due to the startup, I find some of my manually timed meaty are losing to throws.

Having problem against Laura. Tried to enter with but got beaten by her cr.hp. Anyone has any tips for a Laura match up?

Edit: Specifically on entering and punishing?

I actually think Laura is probably Ryu’s easiest match up. She’s weak to zoning, remember lp hadouken has the quickest recovery so keep that in mind when zoning. Just be weary of ex shoulder, but if you’re throwing fbs from outside of sweep range it’ll be hard for them to punish on reaction. If they start recklessly throwing it out it is punishable on block.

You don’t really need to get in on her you can win from a further distance, but if you do get a knockdown it’s easy. She has no reversal and your throw beats wake up ex shoulder.

Zone, zone and zone. As previously said she has a lot of punishable stuff and her footsies aren’t that great. I’ll try to upload some replays to show you what I mean. You gotta AA everything against her. Don’t allow her an easy way to get in. EX Shoulder is her only anti fireball move. Abuse this fact when she has no meter. Your buttons beat hers but be weary of St.Lk, it can stuff buttons preemptively. Oh, and use HP Hadoken just outside of your footsie range, it’s far too good in this match up.

Agree with the others here, I think Laura is a good matchup for Ryu. You do way more damage, have an effective (if risky) way to blow through her mixups, and because she does so little damage the stakes are a little lower for a whiffed DP.

Fireball is very effective, and Ryu can also set up a good jumping offence with j.LK

And it goes without saying that Laura’s wakeup game is weak, and Ryu can go ham on her when she falls down.

A meaty or even a slightly late delayed attack beats her ex shoulder too.

The main problem I had with Laura is how much they jump because they don’t really have a much better option so once I reduced using fireballs and slow normals which prevented me from anti airing the match became easier.

Totally rescind my prior statements about the Bison matchup. As long as you don’t push buttons like an idiot and get hit by his CC knee you are fine. Basically don’t try to do anything until he ends with scissors. Destroy him when he tries to wake up with his nonexistent options.

two other things vs cammy:

  1. If you are at the right range, you can punish her spin knuckle with b+rh also. parry is fun too but ehhh on parry.
  2. at close range (~c.rh range), jumpback rh seems to be a good punisher for cammys doing random j.ex dive/spin knucle/cannon drill

What is Nash’s best reversal? If it’s his EX kicks move, he’s pretty free to meaty pressure. I played a set vs. my friend and he had to stop using reversals because I’d just meaty and it would beat it clean. He wasn’t really doing any wakeup reversals, but he’d try it a lot after I’d AA him with a normal and I’d stick out as he recovers. He’d reversal and get beat. It hits him before he’s even airborne so you get to hit confirm into a combo.