Nash is a very hard match at the moment imo. Theres some good info here on how to have the best chance at winning though.
Here is something I found that is pretty crazy. Ryu’s v trigger must be active. In the corner if nash tries to v reversal out from cr mk xx ex fireball the fireball will actually hit nash from behind ryu. It happened 2 times in a match for me. I can try to do some more testing later.
I totally agree with this. I believe the problem is that Ryu can’t punish most of his approaches when Nash decides to go in relentlessly = some of his block-strings seem to double as frame traps and are safe on block (at least against Ryu. His Moonsault slash provides an answer for fireballs and seems mostly safe on block?
Keep away Nash is much more manageable to me.
I don’t think we can do it within the thread, but some of the other character forums just start up a new thread for each character. Go ahead and try that!
All versions of Moonsault are in fact plus on block, so you really don’t want to press buttons after you block it. Fortunately, you should be able to DP it much as you would any jump-in most of the time.
The thing I try to keep in mind against Nash is just to wait my turn to act. Don’t try to press buttons through his buttons until you know you have frame advantage. For example, don’t press buttons after his cr.MP, but DO press buttons after his Rapid Combination (st.LP > st.MP), as it’s -6. Ultimately, Nash isn’t going to kill you with high low mixups, he’s not going to kill you with left-right mixups (the V-Trigger is mostly very seeable), and he’s not really going to throw you to death, because his walkspeed is so slow. If you defend carefully and watch his forward movement (stick something out whenever you see him dash up to you), then he actually has very few ways to open you up.
Most Nashes I’ve seen just make the opponent panic by throwing a barrage of normals, and get much of their damage off frame traps. But I think Nash’s frame trap game is not the most effective, just because of his terrible walkspeed.
I could REALLY use some help on the Karin matchup. I’ve been practicing all the usual things for beating her, like blocking her overhead/low special and interrupting the followups to her double kicks, but it seems like she has every advantage in the matchup. Her normals totally outclass mine in both range and frame advantage (I can never figure out where or when it’s safe to poke), she occupies all Ryu’s best ranges BETTER than Ryu does, she has enough mobility/dodge options to beat my fireball game, her overhead/low game is just dumb, and she does as much damage as I do. I feel like my opponent can basically faceroll to victory–the more buttons they press, the quicker it’s over. Am I missing anything that Ryu specifically can do to tilt the match in his favor?
Karin’s a really good character. I don’t think she outclasses Ryu in every space though. I also don’t really think she has a high-low mixup game. If you’re already blocking Ressenha (which means she’s giving up frame advantage), then you’ve got that covered, pretty much. Her other overhead, tsumujigari, is just a generic slow overhead that doesn’t lead into anything.
In terms of her pokes, yes, at st.HK, cr.HK, and cr.MK range she’s very effective. That’s exactly where she wants to be. Ryu has no effective punish for Karin’s wel-spaced cr.HK, until he has super. Fortunately, you have a fireball. Use it from just outside this range! Also, her anti-air game is spotty at best, so you can approach from that angle. When you’re in close, your normals are frankly just as good as hers. She’s not Chun, she can’t combo off lights any more than you can. You’ve got 5f medium normals that combo into damage, so does she. So at that point it’s just about gauging who has frame advantage, and making the call.
In terms of damage, Karin does NOT do nearly as much damage as Ryu, especially without using meter. If she uses bar, then she does good damage. Otherwise, it’s just average. Ryu does great damage, especially considering all his damage combos don’t require meter, meaning you can save it to threaten CA, which is a potent threat in this game.
Karin also has a poor wakeup game, especially without meter. Watch for this and meaty her whenever you manage to knock her down. Also, the fact that she has 900 health is significant. In this game, having 1000 health like Ryu does actually puts you in the solidly above average category for health, considering how many characters have 950 and below.
Alright then I just don’t want there to be a mess on the forums while we scavenge and share info cause with the new game I thought it would be a good opportunity to clean up the forums a bit.
Any gameplan to suggest when fighting Zangief? I have never won more than one round against a Zangief, even those with 500 LP less than me. I usually try to keep away from him, hit him with a few target combos when I can, but then at some point I eat a critical art and I’m dead.
I actually think Zangief is a pretty good matchup for Ryu. You have the tools to keep him out on the ground and in the air.
Your MP DP is your friend in terms of anti-airing, as always, but also try st.HK.
st.MK and cr.MK are great buttons. Remember Gief’s armour on his charged st.HP doesn’t work against low attacks.
In general, just keep him away as normal, but also remember that Gief has no invincible moves on wakeup. So go nuts when you manage to knock him down. Meaty throws or normals work great.
Watch our for his various moves that whiff but bring him closer, like his knee lift thing. Giefs will often try to throw right after the whiff.
When he has super, watch out and plan accordingly. Gief’s super does massive damage and although it isn’t invincible, it has a 1f startup before the freeze, so you can’t jump out of it on reaction like in SF4.
If you’ve played SF4 just throw everything you know about fighting Gief out the window. He can’t really threaten you during your pressure since SPD is now 5 frames and his only real wakeup option (EX running bear) loses to grabs and 2 hit meaties, which Ryu has many. If you knock him down, go in. I find his normals very easy to space myself against and whiff punish. The only things that give me trouble in that matchup are the jabs and me forgetting not to throw fireballs when he has V-Trigger.
There are a few match ups when the other character doesnt have a “get of fireball pressure FREE card”. You then can play traditional shoto play against them to much success.
I.e. zoning with fireballs and anti airing everything.
Zangief tops the list!
Zangief (watch out when he has V trigger)
Chun Li (watch out when she has super)
Ryu (but he has the parry and isnt obliged to do jackall)
Thats it I think!!!
Wow. I was expecting more to be honest.
Zangief match. His SPD being 5 frame start up makes him a lot less scary. Press LK up close to keep him honest, but try and stay outside of his poke range.
Disrespect her wakeup when shes fully loaded with CA. Most wont give up the chance of 50% damage for winging you with one normal for her only good reversal which is the ex.dp.
If you’re feeling frisky and feel like you can bait the gief, I’ve had one vaccuum me in while I was doing solar plexus for a free combo. Dunno if that’s a real way to fight Gief, but it was funny as well.
Hi having bad times vs cammy, they just do spinal arrow etc and cannot punish shit… all movements seems safe or just they put cammy in a “safe” position… halp T_T