The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

Getting so discouraged here. Can’t deal with keepaway nash players. I have no idea what to do when they wall me :confused:

You should be able to jump on Nash, especially at cross-up range. cr.MP is not the best anti-air.

Also, in footsies range remember that Knee Bazooka is -5 on block and leaves him right next to you, so that should always be a full st.MP > cr.HP xx HK Tatsu punish, and that you can parry his step kick and punish (hard to do on reaction, better as a read).

What are they doing specifically to keep you out?

How do you guy’s deal with Dhalsim? I was grinding out ranked matches and went undefeated for over 6 matches. My LP eventually got high enough to where it put me against a Dhalsim player of relatively high LP. No low level players choose Dhalsim, chances are if you get paired against a Dhalsim main online they know what they’re doing. I got for lack of a better word “REKT” the fireball into warp cross-ups are what got me and due to the fact that Dhalsim has long reaching normals I can’t quite play footsies as well as I can against other characters.

Also a few low level players were teching my tick-throws every single time. Yet they were trash in the neutral was weird as hell.

Any suggestions on Vega? He can get around fireballs with his spin and all his normals has more range.

Most of his moves are unsafe. The non-ex roll is -6 at best, I had a lot of trouble punishing it since the blockstun is deceptively short.

Any idea regarding the general game-play against Laura?
Those Electricity mix-ups and cross-unders are hell to deal with man …

Apply axe kick and solar plexus on her wakeup. It will beat her armored reversal. Axe kick also does work in neutral. Once she’s afraid to throw out pokes start dashing in and applying MP pressure and throw mixups.

I think Ryu has a pretty good matchup against Laura, actually. She’s very dependent on jumping and mixups, and because Ryu has a solid defensive game, he can usually get the better of her.

Some things I like to keep in mind:

-Her pokes canceled into Avante (forward v-skill) are unsafe, full punish these with st.MP, cr.HP xx HK Tatsu

-Her wakeup is very weak against Ryu. Pressure her with axe kick and meaty throws all day

-All her non-EX elbows are unsafe. Always punish, at least with st.LK xx HP DP

-Parry often, if you have the read in footsies range. Because Laura depends on throws and mixups for most of her damage, the amount of damage she can actually do at footsies range to punish a whiffed parry is quite small. You can take advantage of this risk/reward.

Against Vega, one tip I have is that you should never ever get hit by claw dive - you can always parry this on reaction and do the full punish.

Seconding everyone else who wants Bison help.

The issue is that I can’t seem to punish a single thing except predictable dives (though if they whiff it on purpose, I’m going to eat a CC…).

His blockstrings leave him plus as hell until he’s out of range (which means I’m typically out of range). His knee press is said to be punishable, but even at -4 in training I’m having a hard time doing it reliably (and the damage is pretty small all things considered).

So I end up either playing lame and dying the slow death, or I go ham and end up losing quickly.

And I am thinking that people are catching on that he’s strong. Tonight about 80% of my games have been vs Bison.

Thanks a lot guys, it looks like that the match-up is indeed a lot easier when applying the pressure as you suggested. Kudos!

Another character giving me problems would be Rashid, I could be just unfamiliar with his moves, but seeing his frame data, he’s +1/+2 on BLOCK for most of his moves = Frame Traps Galore.
And he can roll under my Hadouken and sweep on reaction. Anything obvious I’m missing?

From my experience, Rashids generally try to frame trap you by using st.LP, st.LK, and st.MP which are all + on block, and then doing st.MK once they’re pushed out to catch one of your buttons. Watch out for this sequence, and wait until after the st.MK to hit buttons, at which point Rashid will be -2. Try to be on point with your anti-airs, because often Rashids will jump for the cross-up j.MK instead of going for the st.MK after hitting those plus normals in your face. Auto-correct DP is your friend there.

Punish all strengths of Eagle Spike. These have huge pushback but you should always be able to Tatsu them on block for a punish and good oki situation. Note that when he has V-Trigger up this may not be possible.

Remember to be on point with your punish to his EX Spinning Mixer, as Rashids love using this as their panic button. You can completely change the tone of a match by landing a beefy crush-counter combo after one of these.

Remember that when he has V-Trigger up, many of his moves are faster, travel farther, and are safer. Watch out especially for the overhead. Rashids love doing this from behind the tornado, as it will rush through and hopefully open you up to the tornado itself. If you see the tornado and Rashid is behind it, just block high.

Rashid’s mixup with the V-Trigger depends on you not knowing on what side he is on. When he puts up the tornado, watch Rashid and ignore the tornado. Always block away from Rashid, regardless of how scarily close the tornado is. This is very difficult against good Rashids, as they will try to position themselves exactly on top of you just as the tornado hits you, but this is just something you have to deal with.

I played some offline games against a teleport happy dhalsim and you can hk CC it if you’re ready. Don’t press buttons after his jab, spaced slide or any drill that hits you below your knee as you’ll get counter hit all day by his jab into mk combo. It goes without saying you should pressure him on his wake up with meaties or tatsu if they like to teleport after they get knocked down. Don’t panic and mash because his punishes hurt and you have to deal with another fireball teleport mixup.

s.MP/c.MP, VSX are both -2.
LP elbow is -2 and EX elbow is -11.

If Nash is walling you with projectiles just walk forward and block, he has to give up space to keep up the fireball game. Eventually he has to commit to something dangerous or play footsies. Your fireball has the same startup as most of his long range pokes. If you feel like you’re getting out-footsied you may not be using your fireball as a poke enough.

Create hesitation within your opponent with your fireball game then abuse that hesitation with dash forward into throw/buttons/block, depending on the situation.

A lot of strong characters with really good offensive potential have really bad defense. It’s stating the obvious, but characters like Bison, Vega, Nash…just be patient and get these guys in the corner, then start putting in work. Bison and Nash especially can’t do shit, slow normals, slow walk speed, no good reversals, only escape option is v-reversal. If you corner them their responses to certain strings might become obvious enough to set up a parry for yourself.

Whoops mixing up Bolt Charge and Thunderclap in the frame data. Thanks for correcting.

In any case, MP elbow is -7, and that’s the one people are gonna be using more often than not at footsies range. Good to know not to punish LP elbow as part of a blockstring though.

In terms of pokes into avante, I wasn’t really considering st.MP and cr.MP, as they’re so short-range - was mostly thinking of cr.MK as that’s what I’ve seen people do most. Again good to know that those two normals are safe when V-cancelled!

Any Vega tips would be appreciated, at a loss as to how to fight him. Guy is a nightmare :confused:

Also, any Necalli advice? That’s another match I’m finding very difficult…

Fireballs and anti air.
His forward HP is unsafe to st.LK and that can be comboed into with light or medium tatsu on certain ranges.
His flying Barcelona thingy gets stuffed by jump back MP. Every roll except EX is highly unsafe, you can frame trap him and he’s free on wakeup.

I played a couple last night, and lots of fireball pokes helped (lost both matches, but both guys were substantively better than me.)

The “regular” footsies game against him just seemed to be the death of a thousand cuts.

Just a quick note on the Fang matchup, guys. Have you noticed that his CA is ridiculously hard to punish on block? He basically just runs away. Nonetheless, here are a few punishes I’ve been able to make work:

[] Immediate jump back and air tatsu on block (100 damage)
] Immediate jump back and j.MP on block, follow up with either EX air Tatsu or EX Shoryu (224)
[*] Wait a beat, then walk forward a beat (towards where Fang is flying), then jump over the poison bombs. You should be able to land a very far j.HK into Jodan Sanrengeki

Anyone found any better punishes?

Also, do NOT try to punish his poison balls on reaction with Super - Fang can and will cancel out of the balls with his command dash and punish you!

Good advice! Even so, i feel Nash destroys Ryu. I struggle with that matchup more than Karin/Bison, even Dhalsim as weird as that is