The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

A quick vid i made showing how holding back to block instead of down back when Nash is close up allows you to get a parry on light moonsault as opposed to it going straight over your head and being vulnerable. Excuse the absolute trash quality of the vid, it was the most ghetto vid set-up ever, involving my phone and a pile of cardboard boxes B)

Also, if anyone can help on how to embed the vid as opposed to link it i’d appreciate it. Keep seeing error codes on the vid when i embed!

Im starting to feel this way about every single matchup.

I keep getting Mika, Necalli, ,matchups as well, and it’s just hell on earth.

Ryu is just so fing slow.

Lol no he is not, dash in throw FTW.

He0s bad, not slow. Too much nerfs in the beta

Anyways, does anyone have more tech to ruin Bison’s life? after scissors kicks is really good and parrying the Devils Reverse allows you to punish him with a decent combo.
Anything else?

I played against a Bison last night we had one round each and were nearly down both 10% health. He scored a knockdown and was in my face so I did wake-up Critical Art. He got hit, but also managed to poke through it at the same time. I lost the match. I was so salty.

I guess you have to block a lot against him, and punish the dashes properly, but Ryu has a hard time punishing those dashes

@ 3:36
I ran into this Bison who played solid, my gameplay was not perfect - not even close, but it’s a little start / bit of an idea for this match up.
The Bison player started to teabag me though for no reason and on the third game he did RQ.
Still, after 1k+ games now on the first release week I gotta say Bison might be one of the most difficult match ups for Ryu among with Sim.

How do you guys deal with a defensive Nash? My normal plan would be to call his bluff and make him eventually come to me, but obviously the fireball absorb makes this tricky…

Once I’ve gotten super, I’ve used it effectively against Bisons who would reflect fireballs. I just started doing this so I’m not sure how viable it is, but just an idea. I know Chun can do it all day but she has like 0 travel time.

If it’s not reactable, maybe v trigger at the point he starts throwing the fireball back to confirm.

for someone who plays way too defensively just push him to the corner. Once he’s there block his way outs and rush him down.

Specially against Nash, just meaty him on wake up since he doens’t have a good reversal. Also, once he has V-trigger be ready to cr.HP on reaction to it and put him into the corner again.

[quote=“LiangHuBBB, post:67, topic:178675”]

@ 3:36
I ran into this Bison who played solid, my gameplay was not perfect - not even close, but it’s a little start / bit of an idea for this match up.
The Bison player started to teabag me though for no reason and on the third game he did RQ.
Still, after 1k+ games now on the first release week I gotta say Bison might be one of the most difficult match ups for Ryu among with Sim.


Chucking a fireball and doing air tatsu is a good idea though, I’m going to steal that from you XD
That v-skill is a nightmare, combined with the fact that ryu’s normals in neutral are all pretty much negated by bison’s standing forward. DP’ing him while airborne I find to be risky too, as he can do an air shimmy with devils reverse, and often time stomp will actually beat the SRK.

How do you feel about the cammy matchup? To me that seems like the absolute worst matchup for ryu so far. Her reversal option make it hard to pressure after knockdown, zoning her is risky because she has virtually 3 moves to go over/under/through fireballs and her normals also destroy yours. Plus she can easily whiff punish you and hit confirm into spiral arrow due to her superior footsies and just get in your face. Really, this one is a struggle.

What do you guys do against Birdie and FANG? Those two matches I have no idea where I should put myself.

I don’t know this matchup all that well but I can give a piece of advice that can make you figure out where to zone him. Look for what you can bait. Ryus fireball is really good in this game. If you chuck a fireball and he jumps over it with the grab, note that in your head. Hes looking for it, how does he react when you look like you are going to throw fireballs? Probably defensive and walking back. Walk forward. For birdie i see two ranges at this point, one for his air grab and one for his forward fierce. Once in, always be aware of armor.

I’m having a hard time dealing with Laura. I’m getting blown up by the lowest LP of Lauras =( No clue what her gimmicks are and I am honestly trying to figure out how to approach this matchup. Would love some tips.

[quote=“Citrus_monkey, post:71, topic:178675”]

this is the list I have mentioned a few days ago with Sim and Cammy on top. After more games vs Bison I would move Bison up there as 3/7 in Bison’s favor.
You can jab cammy out of most of her special moves, but the timing is kinda tricky sometimes, once she gets in it’s hard.

Sim 3/7
Cammy 3.5/6.5
Bison 4/6
Karin 4/6
Fang 4/6
Necalli 4.5/5.5
Birdie 5/5
Nash 5/5
Ken 5/5
Laura 5/5
Chun 5/5
vega 5.5/4.5
Mika 6/4
Gief 6/4


@ 1:35

I posted this match vs Vryu ( 5500+ LP right now ) maybe it might give you some tips.
I will post more, if I face any high ranked Lauras

Bison is a tough match up but i dont think its 3/7. More 4.5/5.5 or dead even. Bisons s. Hk has + frames so you kinda got to wait it out. What i have been doing to avoid Bison’s pressure tho, is knocking him on his ass via v-reversal (particularly when i am locked in a corner). I then try air tatsu to the other side or dash up for room. Ryu needs those knockdowns i notice and the more Bison is on his ass, the better chance ryu has.

I think that’d probably deserve its own thread. Can always link to it from other threads.

Vs zangief? cr.HK and fireballs?

I find st.HK is a pretty effective anti-air against Gief. He’s also quite susceptible to dash throws, although this won’t work against attentive players. I find that crossing him up with j.LK and tick-throwing can work quite well, too.