You always get a turn after slide, crouching jab should always work. Dp is a bit risky for me, it’s only -3 I think if they space it.
Don’t forget about V-Reversals. Many Dhalsim players love to slide into vtrigger in the neutral. It is punishable but the timing is fairly strict, either way even if he blocks it, you have taken away that pressure and reset the field more or less
Same with Yoga fire into slide set ups or yoga flame.
Basically use your V-reversal on sim as soon as he gets close. Daigo apparently thinks Ryu Beats Sim, which is a pretty big call. I had that one down as either advantage sim or even, but the way I see Daigo approach it, he’s pretty awesome at those spacing matches.
Hey guys my mate found an excellent Ryu OS with the parry that works wonders on Bisons V-Reversal… all credit goes to him.
So the OS is when you do you immediately parry… so if he blocks the nothing comes out but if he V-Reversals the parry comes out and you can do a second into tatsu…
Now for Karin… man shes an excellent answer for Ryu in terms of fireballs fml… what do you guys do to beat Karin? I thought I had a good idea of what to do but clearly not.
I’m looking for answers in the Karin matchup myself. As of now I have been trying a more aggressive approach, exploiting the fact that she has a weak AA and wake up game. Also counterhit into sweep has been a nice tool against cr.jab mashing Karins on wakeup. Still having trouble with the match though.
But that’s where things make even less sense. You can’t react tatsu unless you’re really close but when you’re that close his booms are too fast. If you’re trying to go for yomi tatsu you’re going -10 on block. I see 0 commitments from Guile while Ryu has to take all the risks.
You can jump in on reaction to v skill or boom. OK v skill may be a fake out while he down charges. Even if he can block your jumping attack in time over a boom, he wont be able to anti air and you are in.
This match is pretty even. You can see everyone in the Guile forum complaining about Ryu lol. Ryu can stay away with parries and his own fireball. When he gets in, he has a big advantage.
O yea and cross ups. Cross ups blow Guile up. He can only do an EX flash kick very very late, and that takes skill at least.
Thanks for the cross up tip.
Edit - not working. cross up gets anti aired every time. I feel silver guiles are better than even super/ultra gold guiles because they simply don’t care and they manage to pull off anti air flash kick every time and they boom randomly.
Hey guys my mate found an excellent Ryu OS with the parry that works wonders on Bisons V-Reversal… all credit goes to him.
So the OS is when you do you immediately parry… so if he blocks the nothing comes out but if he V-Reversals the parry comes out and you can do a second into tatsu…
Now for Karin… man shes an excellent answer for Ryu in terms of fireballs fml… what do you guys do to beat Karin? I thought I had a good idea of what to do but clearly not.
That sounds sick, I saw Tokido parrying v resversals and it is so fun. However, I can’t seem to get the training dummy to perform V reversal as a reversal action, it seems bugged?
@gorillacat Nah, its not a bug, or its at least not something only you are experiencing. You just can’t set Guard-Recovery action to V-Reversal for whatever reason. I think its because the recording actually only starts when you leave blockstun >_> (need to double check though)
So how can you practice it without setting Guard Recovery? I’m no Ryu player but I believe you can OS parry after a few normals.
Results of Google search:
Yeah, you can input st.MP>st.MP>Parry for example, and if the opponent V-Reversals the first st.MP your OS parry will come out. You want to time the buttons such that if they V-Reversal after the first st.MP, the 2nd st.MP input is “eaten” during V-Reversal activation frames, so you only get parry as a result. To practice you should record Ryu doing the OS and V-Reversal out yourself (like in the video). If you get parried you did it right in the recording. Edit: Honestly a pretty easy OS but it can get messed up if your opponent does a really late V-Reversal.
Tips for the Chun MU? I struggle a lot vs Chun. It feels like an uphill battle, especially in the neutral. It feels impossible to contest her buttons as Ryu, and her walk speed makes things worse. I feel that fireballs are really strong against her in the neutral though. I’m confident in my fb zoning and timing/patterns etc but its not enough to keep up in the neutral I feel.
Also, fuck her slide. It makes me so salty lmao. I find it really hard to contest/whiff punish. Also, her ex fireball feels godlike in this mu. Its almost an instant way for her to get in, it moves so slowly and she can use it to cover her advance. It makes you want to jump which is really dumb against chun I found.
Her pressure gets me too. especially in the corner I feel helpless. I found good success with cr Mp buffers against her however. IAL is also a nightmare.
Any tips on how to overcome this MU as Ryu?
Does anyone have a gameplan for fighting against nash as ryu. I feel that ryu has to chase nash down which makes the mu annoying. I wanna know how to desl with nash
Chun Li matchup is fucking bs, it’s very hard to aproach with that walk speed, godlike and normals, and people say that Ryu is OP…
Daigo went over the Chun MU on his stream, it was really interesting to see how he approached it. I got a lot of good tips and “food for thought” about this matchup. Daigo’s approach to fighting her is really smart, gonna have to try and adapt his gameplan into my own gameplan. He’s done like 5 of these now (Nash, Karin, Ken, Sim, Chun) however I am struggling to find links to the Nash and Karin strat videos he did. Anyone have them or links to timestamps on the VODs? They don’t seem to be on YouTube but I definitely remember watching it from his stream.
Ryus forward dash is greater than Chun Lis forward dash and that is Ryus best answer to getting in.
its hard but a Chun Li won’t ever stop doing iaLL because of the risk/reward factor however against Ryu its different because of the sexiness that is parry.
jumping against Chun Li just puts yourself into a mixup situation that is hard to deal with so… I guess dont jump at Chun Li.
V-Reversal is amazing in this MU… because Ryus V-Trigger is really good but Chun Lis one is much better… best to use V-Reversal to lower stun and get her off you. If you are gonna use V-Trigger use it as a confirmation into CA… for e.g st mk xx VT > CA.
sometimes copping a crush counter off a blocked dp is not so much a bad thing if it means getting Chun Li off you… you always have V-Reversals to bring the stun down so do it sometimes if it makes the Chun Li player think differently on how to approach you.
Thats what I got so far… I’m pretty stoned haha so I didn’t get the gist of everything but I’m pretty sure those are all the main points… dw guys Chun Li frustrates me too but Ryu is fun to use and I’ll never abandon him. Fuck Chun Li…
I’m looking for answers in the Karin matchup myself. As of now I have been trying a more aggressive approach, exploiting the fact that she has a weak AA and wake up game. Also counterhit into sweep has been a nice tool against cr.jab mashing Karins on wakeup. Still having trouble with the match though.
My best friend uses Karin and I find myself vsing him for hours…
Bro shes reallllllly hard to deal with on the ground… all of Ryus normals can’t reach her so I started using jumping and dashing as my means of attack.
So what I do is mix it up with dash and jumps… dash in a few times untill the Karin player recognises this and starts throwing out and to stop my dashes and I start jumping and tagging her with > st.lp > st.lp xx hp.dp.
Also any blocked sweep that isnt full on max distance is a mp.dp punish… keep that in mind always and practice in training till you get it down.
You have to also learn how to battle her on the ground and this is where it gets hard… her,, st.hp and sweep are just amazing pokes to throw in neutral because Ryus best buttons can be crush countered or punished so what do you do? You gotta whiff punish with sweep if anything whiffs and you have to be quick… anything you whiff can be swept or for big damage… because thats what Karin does… big damage from very far away… fuck that shit makes me salty lol.
But the good thing to keep in mind is that in neutral you gotta do much less guesses than Karin… one jab anti air could put her in a mixup that could end her really quickly… just make sure you dont abuse this lol… leave it as smfn to get the stun.
Hopefully I helped ya mang.
Oh and as for Nash I find that starting the round off with is good opener for those scrubs who start off with f.hp… gets good CC damage… but scythe is a problem… however both can be beaten with a
I start with all the time against Nashes who don’t get matched often with me online, it counter scythe as well, unless they delay it. also beats syth and doesnt have th elong recovery of St.HK
Oh god did you guys watch that GF? Just goes to show if you respect a Nash player he’ll walk all over you… gotta go ham… some things Tokido did that was truly interesting:
- after kd tokido did a jump than to catch nashs backdash
- tokido did a meaty st.lp and beat nashs v trigger outright… couldnt teleport to other side
- tokido used v trigger to help him react to Nashs v trigger thats pretty smart
- so…many…dashes wow
- parry reads so essential… especially if you read a
- parrying the ex moonsault is easy if you use the cr.lp to time between the 2nd and 3rd hit gaps.
Tokido is a Ryu pioneer and deserves to win. Kudos to Tokido.
Any tip on how to fight a non-rushdown Dhalsim?