The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

Anyone a master of this combo?
AA s.LP + dash under + cr lk + s LP + HP SRK

Connecting the cr lk. Trouble connecting the s lp.


Crouch lk doesnā€™t chain into stand lp. Only crouch lp

It does. The crouch lp is much easier however. Figured it out after drilling for an hour:

After you dash in, quickly release the stick to let it return to neutral. On the cr lk, hold forward/down (4:30pm/7:30pm), then finish the link swiftly.
Comes out with high success.

I cant watch daily motion videos on my phone, but the title indicates youā€™re doing this after a cross under. Good chance your crouch lk is hitting meaty or something

Anywho, reversal DP punishes some of those long ass sweeps that we usually canā€™t do anything about from max range.

Karin gets lp or mp. Chun gets HP.

He is doing it after a cross under. @Parrythis if you canā€™t do it by simply walking up to your opponent or after a jump in then it doesnā€™t count. Iā€™ve dropped the cr. LK, cr. LP, SRK combo many times because I accidentally stood up during the jab and it didnā€™t combo.

As for DPā€™ing long range sweeps like Karinā€™s or Chunā€™s, I wish I could do it but I just donā€™t have the reactions. Basically we only get like 3-4 frames to punish it instead of all 12 or whatever it is that theyā€™re negative, correct? Every time I block one of their sweeps at near their max range I have to tell myself not to do anything because my sweep wonā€™t reach(and I might be whiffed punished for it) and itā€™s already too late to DP punish it. The only thing that Iā€™m thinking about doing is F+HP. That wonā€™t punish the sweep but it might catch those Karin/Chun players that think they can be all sneaky by throwing consecutive sweeps looking for that whiff punish.

When dictator becomes predictable and you notice a pattern eg., or whatever, Parry the move after and punish. Of course your you will get countered if they start delaying there attacks in there combos. So donā€™t abuse it.

Just going to post something important vs Bison online. If the connection isnā€™t good and you canā€™t punish his teleport on reaction prepare to alter your game plan. As for me that is something that is quite important to the match up.

Any ryu players wanna practice later? Just wanna get your guys input on how should i inprove my ryu psn is ichigo334

Is Lariat reversal from Zangief immune to charged fireballs on wakeup? I always fail when i try to hit him with that, not sure if i am missing the timing.

Guys i need techs against Karin. I keep losing to platinum players. She does so much damage and dominates the neutral. Very frustrating matchup.

In general, what should I do against Guile?

According to FATā€¦

Double lariat

Upper body invisibility from frames 1-11

Projectile invisibility from frames 1-41.

So yup meaty fireball will miss if he uses it as a reversal.

I tend to play a very lame game against Guile. Ryu can keep up the fireball game and with a life lead itā€™s tough for Guile. This strategy has worked well against every Guile player Iā€™ve come across. Fireball zoning to get him to throw out a Vskill which you jump and punish. AA jumps. Walk to the corner. EX Booms and VTrigger combos hurt so just be careful when he has those resources.

I currently have not beaten a single Guile. Not a single game. Ryu canā€™t win against Guile in fireball game. His fireball is shorter start up, shorter recovery, meaning he can boom more than you can hadouken. His ex boom is stupidly fast. If he ever gets his vskill out, heā€™s walking you down and if you jump you eat a crouching fierce. You dash in, you eat a flash kick. You dash back you eat more booms. The only way you can jump Guileā€™s boom is if you jump 10 frames before he booms. Guile has a very low jump that allows him to jump 10 frames after you fired a hadouken and he can still hit you. This match up makes 0 sense to me.

Guile has to charge his fireballs which you forgot to mention, be patient and walk him back.

Hk tatsu

You can jump in on reaction to v skill or boom. OK v skill may be a fake out while he down charges. Even if he can block your jumping attack in time over a boom, he wont be able to anti air and you are in.

This match is pretty even. You can see everyone in the Guile forum complaining about Ryu lol. Ryu can stay away with parries and his own fireball. When he gets in, he has a big advantage.

O yea and cross ups. Cross ups blow Guile up. He can only do an EX flash kick very very late, and that takes skill at least.

Quick question about the Dhalsim matchup. Cause that slide bullshit is fucking stupid.
Is that slide safe or what? People do what I believe is the Lk one? And I cant jab or anything.
Counterhits my jab everytime

Unsafe on block. Mash DP if youā€™re unsure.