The Raven Thread

I may consider maining Raven. I’ve had a weird attraction towards ninjas lately, they intrigue me more recently. If Jin enters he will definately be a main of mine since he’s my Tekken 6 main, but Vega most likely won’t make this game, so I need a ninja-replacement xD

For a cool looking character this thread died.

Cool, thanks brobert. I wonder if Raven can cancel his jumping moves into air shuriken/EX air shuriken. Would be sweet.

Nice to see people playing who kinda know what they are doing. I hope his air shuriken has some practical use

In any case I’ll likely be going to GAMEfest here in the UK in a couple weeks, Capcom is bringing the game over so I’ll be looking to explore the usefulness of that among other stuff. I’ll probably be taking some requests also. That’s if anyone wants me to find out anything Raven specific for them

alright i got around to talking about this man, Raven~
there is only a few things i can note about him considering i didnt play him for very long…=_=
his moves are flashy as they can be, and hes pretty fast. his normals are just as awkward in this game as they are in Tekken. but thats ok, because he can get around the stage like nothing. his super does good damage but it isnt a beast like Steve’s…but it does look awesome.
lastly it mite have been me but he seems to have alittle below average health, or those Kazuya combos just hurt…period.

Seth did say he was a glass cannon because he is extremely OP in the gamescon build (guess he means extremely offensive)

Oh yeah. I played the game at Gamescom and Raven is ridiculous in that build.

i just dont know raven in T6 so i didnt know what to do with him in SFxTK either~ so i was just getting a feel for the character~ hes cool though.

If Raven is a Glass Cannon then going by Capcom’s predictable design philosophy…

  • He will have low health
  • He will have a lot of good tools on paper.
  • He will play like the Seth/Akuma/Yun archtype. Meaning he is really, really, really good, but you can’t fuck up.

That sounds about right from some of the gameplay Ive seen

Don’t forget his damage output might be retarded

Took the words right out my mouth. Raven’s so sick…Maining all day errrrrday. Sooo surprised when I saw he was in the game, didn’t know he was highly requested. (Btw; people are so weird like that…like NO ONE played Raven in T6 but he was highly requested… I was like the only Raven ive ever met lol :|)

He has low HP? Idc, my favorite characters at the moment have crap HP anyways lol. Seth Akuma Ibuki.

‘’- He will play like the Seth/Akuma/Yun archtype. Meaning he is really, really, really good, but you can’t fuck up.’’ Just the way I like it :smiley: Means not everyone will just play him even if he’s top…but that doesn’t mean he won’t be effective. Unless you can Mash out reversals…then I’ll be sad again. Oh and im still sad I wasn’t fast enough to make the Raven thread lol

Karas??? :love:

Counte me in for the Raven hype train.

Thinking about Kazuya / Raven and Poison / Bob

from the video’s looks like he doesn’t have a get hell off me move or im getting the hell away from you move.

His teleport?

doesn’t his teleport attack though? And no one knows if it has invincibility on start up

No, I dont think it does because in the gameplay trailer he teleports through the opponent to get to the other side while Yoshi does his low kicks. I think the move your thinking about is the one where he goes through them and slashes.

Jeah, Raven has a tele-slash and what appears to be a normal teleport/command dash:

Looks like Raven teleported to the other side of his opponent during Yoshimitsu’s Switch Cancel without the follow up slashes (also, his aura while dashing is a different color).

Looks like Raven could be a sleeping giant for the Tekken cast because nobody would ever guess that Raven would be really good in a capcom game.

Just got done playing the crap out of Raven, well, as much as I could anyway

A quick clarification for his movelist. His teleport kick is done with qcf+k not hcf+k. I only used them mid-combo so I’m still iffy on the properties though I’m certain the light version still hits low. Light version is probably best in combos since it’s consistent from ground combos, juggles and in the corner. The Hard kick version could possibly be a good option but I stopped using it after I screwed up a couple times

His air shuriken can be TK’d. It seemed TKing it made it a lot more useful since he’s safer than doing the ground version, after making someone block a shuriken at a certain distance I was able to get a free jump-in. I was unsure if my opp. had time to anti-air but it felt legit

He has a couple command normals, though I can only remember one which I think is f+MK>MK (I may be incorrect since it was so long ago) it’s his u/f+4,4 double spin kick in the Tekken games. It’s a decent move to Tag Cancel, used it both to save Raven’s ass and keep the pressure on which worked out nicely. He had another one which was his b+4,4 in the Tekken games but I only spotted it once and got interrupted before I could finish the string, didn’t know how I achieved it

Few general things, j.MK crosses up consistently, his backdash goes a nice distance, I heard someone say it was ass but it was pretty good when I used it. I just couldn’t find a way to start self juggles without tagging, his ninja slash looked like it would work but it recovered just a little too slow to follow up without a tag cancel. c.MK has good range and goes under some attacks, I just used it to punish everything, whiffed throws, blocked launchers, unsafe crap, worked everytime.

Oh and Raven = godlike