The rage quitting is out of control

Pick spiral = ragequit
Pick Cable = ragequit
double snap “omgz cheapest infinite” = ragequit
Rom = ragequit
Reset = ragequit
Infinite in general = ragequit
AHVBx3 = ragequit
ocv = ragequit
almost perfect = ragequit
unblockable = ragequit
tri-jump = ragequit
jump = ragequit
jab = rage quit
hello = ragequit

FUCK. when will it end??? Literally like 50% of my games are ragequits

Anyone else getting ragequits in player matches? wtf man

Got 2 today against a team shoto and team scrub. It does get annoying.

I had a couple of ragequits today, 4 in a row!

I was murdering them with my Spiral/Cable/Sent and they wussified on me and ragequit!

seriously…and I don’t even mind if it’s noobs to the game using hayato, spiderman, etc.

but all these people using top tier teams RQing, especially against low tier…that’s seriously some wack ass shit.

The rage quitting is not a understatement. 90% of my games are rage quits. Thing is, I’m not even good. I’d say I suck. I’m just using low tier for the most part too. Sigh*

I’m not that good either. People have usually quit on me when I’m about to make a comeback, or get an ocv. Plus I’m just using the horrible wireless pad, which I can’t even roll the majority of the time when I’m tripped.

when i originally read this i was like:confused:

but i came up against a sent/capcom he just held down back and called capcom for the first half nearly killing my spiral so i call in cable

he hits me with capcom starts to fly and on my way down ahvb hit both cap and sent then he quits

wtf hes winning with this garbage and i fuck his shit up with one move and he drops wat a sack of shit

well yeah, it’s not too bad for cable. now try playing magnus against a sent that just stays flying around with lag spikes…hahaha fun times indeed >.>

I spent 10 minutes going back and forth with one ragequitter (JDBigsomething or other), as he ragequits on 2 ranked matches on me.

I also remember going againsta spiral player with me as Doom and just smacking her swords out of the way with simple superjump pink lasers and Commando assist, then when he gets down to 10% health and realizes I’m still at 95% he just quits.

I’ve had people ragequit with me just STARTING a Strider/Doom string. I’m a pretty chill guy, but this bulllshit is starting to get to me now. :annoy:

i know in games like COD5 people were using modified rapid fire controls. So with semi-auto guns they would realistically be better, faster, stronger than fully auto guns since they shoot faster with more stopping power. They released a patch where if anyone used a certain semi-auto rifle and shot at an inhuman speed, they would from now on only be able to shoot at a minimum rate of fire (actually slower than what most people could do)

They need to incorporate something like that with people who ragequit too often. Like they won’t be able to join a game for an hour.

yeah, that shits funny. ahvbx3 is an instant rage quit no doubt. i just take it like a man, and im glad to see someone executing shit like it is suppose to be fucking done. you lose and move on. people get to but hurt from the rape, but some noobs are cool. i rush this motherfucker down yesterday with rogue/cable/doom, and he said gg, you gotta teach me that shit.

but yeah, the rage quitting is crazy, and im always in player match, so im like, fuck you rage quitting for in something that dont matter. lose, and leave if you want. dont take away my enjoyment of beating you down god damnit!

My Cyclops has been getting quite a bit of ragequits, which is to be expected (“quit spamming cheap lasers”). But I got my first ragequit with Spidey today:

Strider/Doom/Psylocke. Dude may as well have had his assist buttons on auto-fire; several times called out Psy with me a full screen away. Guy tries to dash in under my air Web Balls and activate Orbs. His timing is awful, and he does it with no assist to cover him, Ultimate Web Throw->Strider dies->RAGEQUIT.

Not sure how you can justify ragequitting on Spidey, especially since I don’t even use his good combos most of the time (it’s a wonder I manage to kill anyone with my terribad 3-hit strings). At least I’m finally learning how to deal with Strider+Doom rocks.

Iv gotten ragequits up the ass and i just downloaded the game today. People have quit as early as double snapping at the start of the match to some crazy almost comebacks. (which we may never know) I can honestly say that i have gotten more ragequits today in mvc2 than i have the whole time playing sf4. Shits outta control

I earlier played 3 player matches against this weird dude. The first game he didn’t even do anything. He just sat in the corner and let me perfect him by sweeping. The 2nd game I beat him again, but this time he actually tries a little. The 3rd game, I pick Team Z and He picks Roll/Servebot/BB Hood (?) He mostly just did jumping jab with roll and then quits after I kill his roll and was about to kill servebot. I was like WTF is this the whole time:looney::lol:

It may not all be ragequits. This port is so buggy it constantly freezes on me making me reset my PS3. Annoying as shit when you are right in the middle of beating someone down. Must have looked like a “rapequit”

Last night my strider/doom team got so many damn ragequits, I find Ouroboros hitting them + assist into snapback and launch infinite on the assist is pretty much a guaranteed ragequit. Out of all my matches where I did it only 1 person actually stayed in the match.

yesterday a player who used a competent rowtron ragequit on me after I raped his Sentinel with magnus…

I can understand scrubs ragequiting… but someone who actually knows something about MvC2 ragequiting is just sad

Got the same dude to ragequit twice in a row, then third match he unblockable AHVBed me ftw.

I hate this game.

Uuuugh true that. My own policy of not caring about quitters and even going after them again backfires when this happens and then I want to throw my joysticks off the balcony, hopefully four stories down onto the quitter’s head by some coincidence.

Team scrubs and Cable/Doom/AAAs online are miserable to fight even if they suck.