The Queen of MAHVELL 3!: The Morrigan GD Thread

Flight would allow her to do what she does best, which is rush that shit down.

One of the reasons she was a good character in DS was that in addition to being able to zone with fireballs and really good normals, she could get in and do some serious damage. In a marvel game, she doesn’t really have the option to zone as well as the Marvel characters so she should at least be able to get in and do damage.


And give her the super she had in MvC2. The one where she shot all the lasers out and shit. forget the name of it, never played much mvc2 lol. :smiley:

Soul Eraser.

Yeah, that one. lol. That’d be sweet. :slight_smile:

Personally, I want a hybrid of her MvC and TvC HCs. Soul Eraser’s central beam (and faster startup) but with Finishing Shower’s controllable missile barrage instead of the secondary beams.

Eternal Slumber. Keep mentioning it so capcom people reading this can see we want it lol.

Oh hey guys, I was just readiSOUL ERASER.

So I guess the most wanted things for her are:

-Soul Eraser
-comboable Darkness Illusion (just like TvC)

And Eternal Slumber.

And the return of her Eternal Slumber super. Don’t forget that.

Added that and the rest to the first post for easy reference.

Wow, completely forgot about Eternal Slumber. Would be cool if the animation was more dramatic if used as a finisher.

damn well it looks like morrigan keeps the same shower super from tvc


I at least hope that she can combo into it now.

She can combo into it in TvC.

God damn it. They really are making this just TVC with marvel characters. I fucking hate you Capcom.

Oh my God, please tell me they didn’t replace Morrigan’s “Soul Eraser” Hyper Combo with “Finishing Shower” like they did in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Finishing Shower is wack!

Now to wait for someone to quote me and tell me that Finishing Shower is actually good and is satisfied that they’ve replaced it with Soul Eraser. Let’s go.

Most-likely she would be able to with the help of assists or using Hyper Combination.

Not reliably outside of specific setups. They need to at least fix the startup time on it so that you can do it out of any point in an aerial rave.

Okay, I play this bitch in every game. First thing first - TvC Morg runs circles around MvC Morg in terms of options. I’m sorry but MvC Morg just blows. She can’t reliably combo into two of her supers without an assist and her damage is ridiculously low because of this. Her defense is bad for some reason despite that and her normals cannot compete with other rush down characters. She is meant to be more of a balance character but she’s not balanced!

Hell in MvC1 her fucking Hard normals were PUNISHABLE on BLOCK. What fucking sense did that make?

No it wouldn’t; you use air dashes for that.

Morg was only “good” in VH, she dropped to low/low-mid in VS. Anyway, there’s no problem with her doing small damage as long as she is balanced in other parts of her game. The problem is Capcom was too stupid to do that.

MVC2 Morrigan has toooonnnnssss of options and even has a pretty good infinite. Also, assist characters are more important than they are in TVC so it’s not really a fair comparison. Regardless though the finishing shower doesn’t exactly have the fastest startup so I hope it’s faster in this game.