This will be our new thread for compiling and discussing Storm combos of all types.
Please feel free to post your assist specific combos, team specific combos, resets/mixups, DHC combos, character specific combos and solo Storm combos here.
No Xfactor combos, unless its something earthshaking. We all know that a lvl3XFC BnB will go for 100%, we just don’t need to see all the variations.
Try to include notation and damage data. When posting team specific combos, make sure to say who is in the team.
If you see any blank or incorrect damages/combos that break from hit-decay, feel free to tell me in post to this thread, or PM me with the correct damage, or tell me where the combo breaks, and I’ll try to fix it. Also, I won’t be testing the character specific combos on the entire cast, so please enclose a list of who the combo works on in your post.
Link to the old thread here:
I will update this once or twice a week.
~intro & thread design by Mr.Nannie, edited, adapted, and compiled by Sausagephiliac
*Often, you can add the full opening magic series for more meter, however, sometimes the extra hits will break the combo due to hit-decay.
*Going for three Lightning Attacks in a row is unreliable due to a known glitch where Storm can only do two Lightning Attacks midair instead of 3 midair. Two Lightning Attacks will always come out.
*It is always possible to exchange OTG Hail Storms at the ends of combos for a Elemental Rage, which can be lead into a DHC glitch combo. Just remember to adjust ranges with :l:, , and :h:
*To do the Instant :s: Overhead (written as Instant Float xx j:s:/j:h:/j:m:/j:l:), you tap :u::u: real fast, making you float, then press :s:, which will cancel the float and cause an instant overhead. If you do the second :u: too late, an upwards air-dash will come out instead of float. Storm has a height limit on her airdashes, so doing the second :u: super fast will guarantee an Instant Float.
*j:h: causes more hit stun than j:s:, whereas j:s: does more damage than j:h:; use j:h: in combos and use j:h: to start them if you’re having trouble comboing after the Instant Overhead.
*Nearly all of Storm’s combo’s can begin with j:s:/j:h: (j:h: is more lenient), and you can easily land this j:s: off of a block-string that ends in either or cr:h:, because they are both jump cancelable into the instant overhead. Refer to the above text for said Instant Overhead.
*Doing a DHC trick into Taskmaster OTG will only work if you hit the opponent with an Elemental Rage while they’re AIRBORNE.
*Doing a DHC trick into Sentinel’s HSF won’t work if on these characters if you hit the Elemental Rage OTG:
Shuma Gorath
Tron Bonne
Latest Update (5.8.11)
- Added two more notes
:l: - Light Atk
- Medium Atk
:h: - Hard Atk
:s: - Launcher
:atk: - Any Atk
- Back
:d: - Down
:f: - Forward
:u: - Up
^ - Super Jump Cancel from Launch
j - Jump
sj- Super Jump
jc - Jump Cancel
~ - Link(combos), Approximate(data)
xx - Cancel
[ ] - brackets will be used to enclose sequences that will be repeated
Whirlwind - :qcf::atk: (specific atk will be noted, medium whirlwind will appear as Whirlwind)
Typhoon - :qcb::atk: (specific atk will be noted, medium typhoon will apear as Typhoon)
Lightning Attack - Any direction + :atk: + :s: (forward lightning attack will appear as :f:Lightning Attack)
Lightning Sphere - :dp::atk: (specific atk will be noted, medium lightning sphere will appear as Lightning Sphere)
Fly - :qcb::s: (fly will appear as “Fly”)
Air-Dash - Any direction + :atk::atk: (forward air-dash will appear as “adf”)
Instant Overhead - :u::u::s: (this will appear as "Instant Float xx j:s:/j:h:)
Hail Storm - :qcb::atk::atk
Lightning Storm - :qcf::atk::atk:
Elemental Rage - :dp::atk::atk:
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: xx Whirlwind xx Hail Storm
Damage: 429,300
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm
Damage: 496,300
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc j:m:j:h:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: 510,800
Instant Float xx j:h: cr:m:cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack cr:h: jc j:h: xx adf xx j:h:
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm
Lord Zaldivar
cr:l:cr:h::s: ^ j:h: xx Fly, j:l:[j:h: xx adf xx] x4 j:h:j:s: land, Hailstorm
Dr. GriMM:
:l::h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm (possible to tack on two more Lightning Attacks before the Lightning Storm)
Damage: 421,000
j:s:cr:l:cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc j:m:j:m:j:h: land cr:m::h:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: 495,500
j:s:cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc j:m:j:m:j:h: land :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx adf xx j:s: land, Hail Storm
j:s:cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc j:m:j:m:j:h: land :s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx adf xx j:m:j:h: xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack jc :df:Lightning Attack
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :u:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: ~540,000
cr:l:cr:h::s: ^ j:h: xx adf xx j:h: xx Fly, j:l:j:m:j:h: [xx adf xx j:h:] x4 xx :f:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
cr:l:cr:l:cr:m:cr:h::s: ^ :h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :u:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: ~555,000
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc j:m:j:m:j:s: land :h:cr:h: jc j:h:j:s: xx adf xx j:s: land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm
Damage: ~548,000
Instant Float xx j:s: cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack cr:h: jc :h::s: xx adf xx :h: land
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm
Damage: ~580,000
cr:l:cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack
jc :df:Lightning Attack
cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :u:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: ~570,000
(Corner) Instant Float xx j:s: land [cr:h: jc Instant Float xx j:h:] x3 cr:h::s: ^ j:m::h: xx adf xx land, Hail Storm
Damage: 603,100
Instant Float xx j:s: land cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack
jc :df:Lightning Attack
cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :u:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: 615,200
(Corner) [Instant Float xx j:s: cr:m:cr:h: jc] x3 :s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm
Damage: 584,600
[Instant Float xx j:l:j:h:] x3 cr:h: jc j:h: xx add land cr:h: jc j:h: xx add land
cr:h: jc j:h: xx adf xx j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: 482,000
[cr:h: jc j:h: xx adf xx j:h: land] x3
cr:h: jc j:h: xx adf xx j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
cr:l:cr:h: jc j:h: xx adf xx j:m:j:h: land
cr:h: jc j:h: xx addf cr:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :u:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
cr:h: jc:uf::h:j:m:j:h: land cr:h: jc:uf::h: adf: j:h: land
cr:h: jc:uf::h: adf j:h: land
cr:h: jc:uf::h: adf j:h: xx :f:LightningAttack xx Electric Storm
cr:l:cr:h: jc :df:LA,
cr:h: jc j.:h: addf, cr:h: jc j.:h: add, cr:h: jc j:h: addf cr:h::s: ^ j:h:j:s:, Elemental Rage (DHC Glitch finisher)
Damage: ~507,000
cr:l:cr:h: jc :f:LA :df:LA,
cr:h: jc j:h: addf, cr:h: jc j:h: add, cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s:, elemental rage (DHC Glitch Finisher
Damage: ~521,000
cr:l:cr:h:, jc :f:LA :f:LA :df:LA,
cr:h:, jc j:h: addf, cr:h: jc j:h: add, cr:h::s: ^ j:h::s:, elemental rage (DHC Glitch Finisher) (hard outside the corner)
Damage: ~543,000
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc j:m:j:m:j:s: :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s:, Hail Storm or Elemental Rage DHC trick
Damage: 514,100 (Hailstorm Finisher)
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc :f:LA :f:LA :df: LA cr:h: jc j:h: ADF :h: st:m: :h: :s: :h: :s: Elemental rage
Instant Float :j:h :s:c.:h:jc.:df: Lightning Attack
land s.c.:h:jc.:h:add c.:h:jc.:h:add c.:h:jc.:h:add c.:h::s:sjc.:h::s: xx Elemental Rage
601,800 Damage - Cost 1 Meter - Builds 1 Meter
620,800 Damage - Hail Storm ender
Works on:
Sentinel (Confirmed)
:s: ^ j:h: Instant Float xx j:h: add xx j:h: land j:h: xx add land cr:h: jc j:h: land :s: ^ j:h: xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Works on:
Sentinel (Confirmed)
:s: ^ j:h: Instant Float xx j:h: add xx j:h: land j:h: xx add land cr:h: jc j:h: land :s: ^ j:h: xx adf xx j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm (Elemental Rage) (For the ending j:h: xx adf xx j:h:j:s:, you’ll need to be a little higher than Sentinel for the :s: to connect). ~ Ending Variation by Mr.Nannie
The DHC Glitch is described in-depth here:
The DHC glitch allows the player to reset the damage scaling in a combo, and to some extent the hit-decay. This is done by DHCing from a cinematic level 1 super into a super that doesn’t directly hit the enemy (e.g. Wolvie’s B.Charge, Dante’s D. Trigger). Storm’s super for the lead-in of the DHC glitch is her Elemental Rage super. Elemental Rage is a OTG super, but comes out much, much faster than Hail Storm. It’s range can be adjusted by not touching anything after the :dp::atk::atk:, holding :l:, , or :h:. :l: hits at half of the zoomed out screen,
hits at 3/4 of the screen if the camera is zoomed out, and :h: hits hits near the edge of the zoomed out screen.
The Elemental Rage can be used to punish from fullscreen Shot Supers such as Dante’s Million Dollars, V. Joe’s Six Cannon, Arthur’s Goddess Bracelet, etc.
(Wolvie):h::s: ^ :h::s: land :a2:(Akuma Tatsu):df:
, :h::s: ^
:h::f::s: (Storm enters)
:h::s: land, Elemental Rage xx DHC B.Charge (Wolvie enters):h::s: ^
:h: xx Drill Claw, Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ :h::s:
(Storm)cr:h: jc
:h: land
cr:h: jc :h: adf :h: land
cr:h::s: ^
:h::s: land, Elemental Rage xx DHC B.Charge (Wolvie enters) j:m:j:h:j:s: land j:m:j:h:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:l:j:h: xx Drill Claw (xx Fatal Claw or link either Dive Kick or Aerial Exchange)
Damage: +1,300,000
(Storm) cr:m:cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack cr:h: jc j:h: adf j:h: land
:h: xx Elemental Rage DHC Aegis Counter (Taskmaster enters) cr:l:cr:m::h::f::h: j:m:j:m: :f::h: j:m:j:m:j:s: land
:h: (slight pause) :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land j:uf::h:arrow(charge) xx Legion Arrow(
:h:) (Corner)
Midscreen end with j:s: land j:uf: Legion Arrow(:l::h:)
Damage: 1,130,000 (Corner), 1,065,000 (Midscreen)
Instant Float j:h: cr:m:cr:h: jc:uf: :df:Lightning Attack land cr:h: jc:uf: j:h: adf j:h: land
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land Elemental Rage, DHC HSF :s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land :l:RocketPunch xx HSF ~ Energy Ball Super (if in corner *energy ball after is not confirmed). (also end-able with DHC HSF :s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx Aerial Exchange to switch into storm/third char) ~ Variation by Sausagephiliac
(Storm)j:s: land :l::s: ^ j:h: xx Fly, j:l:j:h: xx add xx j:h: land
cr:h: jc Instant Float xx j:h::a2: (Magneto HyperGrav) land, Hail Storm
Damage: ~660,000
(Storm) j:s: land cr:h: jc j:h: xx add land
cr:h: jc Instant Float xx j:h::a2: (Chun-Li Legs) land Instant Float xx j:h: land, Fly j:h: xx add j:h: land
cr:h::s::a1:(Dante Jam Session) Fly, j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm
Damage: ~675,000
(Storm) Instant Float xx j:s: land cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack
:s: ^
:h::s: land, Elemental Rage xx DHC HSF (Sentinel enters) :s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land, :l:RocketPunch xx HSF :s:
Damage: ~1,019,000
Storm/Thor (ground bounce assist)
cr:l::h:,:df:Lightning Attack,
cr:h:,jc:h: xx add ,cr:h:, jc:h::s: xx adf j:h:,
cr:h:,jc:h::a1:(thor groundbounce assist) xx adf j:h:(ground bounce),cr:h::s:,sj:h::s:, E. Rage, DHC Thor’s grab for reset into Thor combo of choice.
Instant Air xx j., xx land xx
xx Instant Air j.:l:, j.:h: xx land xx cr.:l:, cr.
, cr.:h:, jc. uf. j.
, j.
, j.:h: xx land xx juf.
, j.
, j.:s: xx land xx (Option 1)/(Option2)
Option 1: “DHC Trick w/ Wesker” - s.M xx c.H, M Whirlwind xx Elemental Rage (If you notice the foe should be high enough for you to land c.M before they hit the ground) xx DHC into Rhino’s charge xx c.M, s.H (two hits) xx Ghost Butterfly > L Teleport, c.M, s.H (two hits), launch, j.M, j.M, j.H xx Phantom Dance/ Team Aerial Combo Down for extra meter bar (Storm should come back in), j.M, j.H xx adf xx j.H xx Lightning attack UF , Lightning attack U xx Lightning Storm
Damage (Option 1):
Damage (Option 2):