I’ve been getting screwed over so badly lately by ppl chicken blocking or XF canceling my Talon Attacks I’m trying to drop them from my game as much as possible. I get guard canceled into stuff more often than vanilla wolverines in this town used to on the plus side, I guess that means ppl don’t like fighting my X-23 because she’s just so cheap
Anyone know any good XF1 meterless combos? I’m trying to get at least 1.050 mil damage to kill those Captain America’s and other 1.050mil characters. I’m using my Nova OTG assist, but I can only get up to 1.036mil. D:
When you think they are going to guard cancel, a good strategy to use is to go for repeated jab xx dash xx j. d+H frametraps. That stuff blows up guard cancels so hard it’s hilarious. Plus not only do they not get the free kill, usually they get hit for their trouble anyway and you can strip a good 50% off that x factor time.
Here’s mine: M(1hit)H>XFC, j.MMHS, land, j.MMHS, land, j.MH>d+H>qcf+L, MHS, superjump, j.MMH>d+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack, land, call Nova, Ankle Slice, S, superjump, j.H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack, Ankle Slice.
1.068mil, nets you 2 bars. Gonna work on a better starter for it though. With another assist tagged on after the last Ankle Slice(for example, a projectile assist like Taskmaster’s H Arrrows), you can get up to 1.1.mil.
I like using the uncharged Neck Slicer for my XF1 combo starters (though I very rarely use my XF1 anymore since I’ve gotten better with XF3 felix.)
s/cr.MHxx uncharged Neck SlicerxxXFC j.MMHS, j.MMH(delayed)S, j.MMHSxxTA, s.MHS, sj.MMH,d+HxxCS HxxTA L, land half-step back, Felicia OTG + charged Neck Slicer, s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L, land, Charged Ankle Slicer
Ideally you would have a CS L to end the jump loops, in practice I don’t do it tho in real matches very often. I’m not 100% on the damage since I’m at work, but I know it’s 1mil+.
I found a new ~815k 1 relaunch, 1 meter combo for X23. I’m pretty sure there’s a way to work into one more CSxxTA to push it to 850~900 but I haven’t worked out the specifics yet. I think I might do a TA M combo vid sometime soon and have all of these compiled since I seem to have a soft spot for that move, lol.
s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA M, falling j.MH (or S if you hit the TA M a bit higher), land, j.MMHS,d+HxxTA L, s.MS sj.MMH,d+HxxCS HxxTA L land OTG + charged Neck Slicer, s.S sj.HxxCS HxxTA L, land, Charged Ankle SlicerxxRage Trigger.
I think there’s some modification that can be made at the j.MMHS,d+HxxTA L to get an extra CS. What I’ve worked with atm knocks them a bit to high and the TA L won’t have enough hitstun to get back to the ground. Still pretty swaggy and the CSxxTA M is nicely consistent to get the hit midscreen instead of passing through. Even without the assist this will carry coast to coast too. You might be able to have a stronger opener but the TA M is really touchy when it comes to hitstun so you can’t do a whole lot.
Didn’t think to use Neck Slicer XFC into a loop haha, nice stuff.
Slight correction on that combo I just posted, it does 1.63mil, not 1.68mil. And nice stuff on the throw unblockables too.
Storm is dirt. DHC Hail Storm is an excellent ender for X-23’s combos. And Rage Trigger lifts them high up into the air, allowing Storm to link either Whirlwind or Lightning Attack afterwards. So I applied it to X-23’s CS Loop using a multi-hitting assist for a relauncher.
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica](1hit) :h:xx:qcb:+:l: ~:s:, :h:xx:qcb:+:h:[/FONT]:dp::uf: +:l:xx:qcf:+:l:, land,
(1hit):h:xx:qcb:+:h:, :dp::uf: +:l:xx:qcf:+:l:,
(1hit):h::s:, super jump, j.
:h: :d:+:h:xx:dp:+:h:xx:qcf:+:l:, land,:qcf:+:m:(fully charged)xx:qcf:+:atk:+:atk:, call relauncher assist(example, Chun’s Hyakuretsu Kyaku), :s: superjump, j.:h:xx:dp:+:h:xx:qcf:+:l:, land, :qcf:+:m:(fully charged)xx:qcf:+:atk:+:atk:(Rage Trigger, mash), :qcb:+:atk:+:atk:(Hail Storm,mash), into Storm’s :qcf:+:l:[/FONT]
-This combo(with Chun’s assist) does 1.05mil damage.
-This combo gave me 1.70-1.80 meter. But the combo gives you enough meter to do it consecutively(so you can kill off two 1.05mil chars in a row with the same combo. )
-Not the easiest of combos lol.
I’ll try and get it on vid, but my camera’s junk, so it’d be in poor quality.
EDIT: Done: [media=youtube]230qp3Z_zGQ[/media]
I was messing around with x-23 and i noticed that after she lands her command throw the assist reset…so what if in the middle of a combo you mfcx3 and right before the 3rd hit you call spencers slant wire grapple which pulls them in while chaining into x-23’s qcf H…if you time it correctly there shouldnt be ANY escapes except to those with invinciblity on there hyper combosmoves (it may be unguardable and an infinte if you can time it perfectly to where the oppenent cant use a hyper with those frames). Basically the plan is to time the qcf so that as they recover they recover into the throw and since it resets the assist when they fall down you can repeat this again and again. My execution and timing isnt that good so maybe somebody can set this up and further test on it but i couldnt get out of it.
Seems like it might be tight but viable. Her command throw has something like 8 active frames. My only complaint towards any of the spencer resets is that you have to reset them so early in her combos.
This vid got posted earlier Unblockable command grab. I haven’t spent any time with it in the lab, but I think this might be a huge end game tool for her if there’s some way to force an air tech into one of the assists to set up the grab.
I think he is throwing through the jump recovery frames in which case they cant do anything. I think it could be pretty viable the only problem is finding a way to put them both on a team optimally because neither of them do much for the either in terms of assist and dhc’s
Both of them work with a beam assist. If you have a good beam assist on anchor, or something close, maybe Arthur, Doom, Iron Man, Tasky, Hawkeye, you could play X-23/Spency/ASSIST. The DHC is not fantastic, but Rage Trigger cancelled earlyish into Spencer QCF super wouldn’t be terrible. Obviously, some work better than others on anchor, but both X-23 and Spence benefit a decent amount from it. X-23 needs the Spencer assist for this crazy command-throw reset idea, so he’s gotta be after, hypothetically. You could use anchor Spencer as combo extension assist, then have X-23 second, which I like, because she has meter for dirt nap. The problem is then finding a point character who could build meter and survive a good ranged game (no good projectile assists leaves for a zoner-vulnerable team). I thought about this for a while, Trish or Deadpool. They both have excellent ranged games. Deadpool could use the Spencer assist to set-up fun little traps into his standing overhead or pull them into a teleport explosion for some long combos that reset your teleport count. And there must be some set-up for X-23’s low assist and deadpool’s standing overhead, for some terrifying results. And he makes for easy, swanky dhcs. Trish, on the other hand, might even be able to set-up a scythe throw super, raw tag to spencer, and unblockeable with X-23’s low assist and his overheads. That could be a one-touch kill easily, and sounds scary enough to make a team around. I’ve seen something similar with Trish’s scythe, Doom’s overheads, and Wesker’s gun assist. Trish also has that godly trap assist for incoming, which Spencer and X-23 can abuse to no end.
Probably ruuning trish at anchor with low voltage would be the way to go…although i meant in terms of spence x-23 neither have safe dhc’s for the other. doesnt x23 have an invincible CC?
Yeah, CS is an invincible alpha counter (though I saw a match the other day where it somehow got stuffed…so I need to look into that.)
Trish isn’t the greatest anchor though and she’s one of those characters that really shines with an otg and I’m pretty sure ankle slicer works for her combos.
Personally I think playing Trish on point with round harvest unblockable reset is the way to go. It gives you 1 meter TODs and once you get practiced it’s pretty reliable. So I would play Trish/X23/Spencer if you want those three and just hard tag to Spencer for the followup. X23 in 2nd position doesn’t honestly need a neutral or reset assist tho since I think you should always be going for XF guard cancel into TOD loops > Dirt nap. If I had to choose between X23 backed with just slant grapple or just low voltage I think low voltage would win out.
If you end up with X23/Spencer be sure to abuse grapple + dash under on incoming since it’s one of the most annoying 50/50s in the game IMO. If you manage to catch them with grapple without crossing up, Charged Neck Slicer into dirt nap (as long as they get pushed into the corner and I’m assuming the stagger gives you enough time to activate dirt nap) will let you combo after the dirt nap with a s.M without having to burn XF or a relaunch assist. (Maybe dash into the corner and use the backflip from the neck slicer to act as the crossup for the grapple to set that up?)
Low voltage is a decent speed to cover spencers wire grapple but I don’t know if Trish gets much from wire grapple.
**Ninja Edit for lab findings: ** I was wasting some time in the lab today playing around with Tasky’s other arrow options (parabolic and up). I think vertical arrows might be REALLY good for X-23. Just dicking around I found 3 combos that broke 800k (980k~1mil with the vert. arrows dhc) for 1 meter and 2 relaunches (Felix OTG and Vert. arrows) and it is possible to relaunch in the corner/midscreen with it (I usually lab against Zero so I’m assuming it works on all sizes) multiple ways depending on the combo and all of em are pretty badass imo. I haven’t messed around much with using it for neutral yet, but I’m liking it so far.
Up arrows have a ton of hitstun on them so it will let you convert combos off of superjump height hit with a ground or jump combo with very little scaling. and with the right combo you can force your opponent to air tech right before the arrows hit while you can do a dash under mixup from the ground. (little gimmicky, but very marvel bs.)
I might do a vid with some of the stuff I’m working on but here’s the text cliffnotes for anyone interested.
From a grounded hitconfirm(pretty sure this one works midscreen as well): You can do something like ground combo leading into s.M+up arrow, s.HS, TK charged Neck Slicer (slight delay, you have to TK it or else you won’t be able to cancel out of the S). The Arrows will spike them back down into the NS giving you a spinning knockdown so you can probably do this even on higher ground hitstun levels (you still have to have relatively low air hitstun to have them drop far enough down without teching.)
Off a normal combo that launches from the corner: Whatever combo you want that leads into s.S + up arrow(just make sure you’re not under the opponent in the corner or else the nearest arrow will land off screen), sj.HxxTA L (quick, you don’t want arrows to hit it) land, s.H(the edge of the arrow will OTG and it has a suprising amount of hitstun I was able to use this as a 2nd relaunch and it still connects)S relaunch into whatever. You can also do sj.HS, (slight delay) TA L, s.MS(have to hit with the TA right as they’re otg’d by the arrow so timing is a little tight…looks swaggy as fuck tho, lol)
Midscreen and corner: I didn’t spend a ton of time on this one, but you can call the assist (don’t remember if it was with the S or slightly early) into launch into a short air series that ends in a 2H right before the arrows connect and you’ll land in time to continue the combo from the ground. I think you have to have low air hitstun on this one or the arrows won’t bring them far enough down.
what is the best way to confirm a random talon M into a combo ? talon M - wait the animation- S ? sometimes S simply whiffs
M-Talon, recover, MS should work.
just linking S is harder, but has a bigger hitbox so allows you to confirm in more situations than MS.
yeah, the M-S worked, but only in a minimum height, too low to the ground the S whiffs =/ thanks anyway
Is it me or does linking Talon M into MS at SJ-height not work midscreen unless they’re near the corner? Talon M seems to pass through them after the hit, preventing me from linking afterwards.
Having issues vs Firebrand and Taskmaster currently.
Firebrand- Dunno much, but god help you if you don’t have an AAing assist, Jam Session’s really valuable here, pins him down and AAs him. Once I had that, the MU became much easier since he couldn’t rain fireballs down on me anymore and I could snipe him out of the sky. J.MMH, D+H has a tendency to whiff at midscreen during extended combos, or possible just in general 'cause his hitbox is small. His normals are quick too.
Taskmaster: I have supreme trouble trying to fight this guy directly on the ground unless I have the correct neutral assists to get in(Tatsu, Beams and so on.) His normals are far too good. TK’d Talon Attacks and D+H were good at dealing with his cr.L.
Without specific assists, he can’t openly you up as easily as other chars. Unfortunately, I’m always tempted to advancing guard lol, so I get caught pressing buttons. Thought I could throw him out of staggered links, nope, his cr.L had much more range than I thought. which gave me an H and I got blown up lol. So yeah, don’t be tempted to press anything.
How to deal with his Swing: About dealing with taskmaster's Mighty/Spider Swing
Like said before, having projectile/good neutral assists like Tatsu goes a long way vs his projectiles.
EDIT: Actually, I just remembered, punishing Swing might not be an option if the Taskmaster cancel the Swing into specials I think.
If you’re low to the ground, just linking j.M directly to st.M should work as well, if it’s early in the combo.
**On midscreen TA M: ** Talon M is a bit tricky to use midscreen. It’s possible, but it’s character/height dependent. I show TA M working midscreen on my SJ combo vid. The trick is to hit the character at chest/shoulder level. Every character has a point where they will get pushed along with you rather than X-23 just crossing up and it’s one of those things that you just have to get a feel for. For the SJ height combo you use the 2H to get yourself at the correct height so you’ll vary the timing depeding on how high or low you connect with the first sj.H. (Same applies for when you use somethign like s.MHxxMF H, j.MHxxTA M.)
What I’ve been messing around with lately is the s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA M, falling j.MH, land j.MHSxxTAL land s.M(1 hit)S etc.
the opener is really consistent both midscreen and corner so it might be worth trying that a few times just to get an idea of where you have to be height-wise.
On comboing out of TA M: It’s very hitstun specific so you can’t do much more than 4 or 5 hits in a ground combo before it doesn’t have enough hitstun to let you combo afterwards. As long as you’re on the low side with hitstun you can almost always connect with a j.M afterwards and what you do after that is height dependant (I don’t have any shortcuts on learning the timing and I don’t think it’s possible to mash out the link. It took me forever to get it locked into muscle memory but it’s always the same so you should only have to learn it once.)
Since you can only use falling normals to keep a combo going after TA M it’s a matter of how much hitstun you need to land and keep the combo going. You can usually only get 2 hits after the TA M before you’re too low to hit with any other normals. The first hit almost always has to be the j.M unless you hit them with a raw TA M at which point you can sometimes connect with a j.H or S (depending on height.)
From anything at SJ height you’ll want to follow up with falling j.MS so you have the best chance to land and jump and combo again before they tech.
At high neutral jump height you often wont have time for the S to come out before you land so you’ll want to use j.MH instead.
At low neutral jump height you have 2 options. If you use falling j.MM it’s usually best to go into another jump combo. Alternatively you can use j.M2H if you want to going into standing attacks afterwards. j.MM will sometimes leave them higher and mess up standing combo chains.
Once I get some time to chill at my setup I think I’m gonna try to do a combo vid that focuses on TA M. New apartments, weekend tourneys, job interviews, and general life have been cutting into my lab time.