I came up with some more stuff last night, I’ll post up another vid when I get the chance. probably later next week. got some more ideas to test too… I’m pretty sure with the right setup you could raw tag into Frank West after an X-23 combo to level him up, probably enough to get him to lvl4. possibly lvl5 if you could find a way to get two snapshots in after the tag, using your X-23 assist… we’ll see tho. can hardly wait to finish up work today and get to the lab.
also found a way to reliably side switch somebody to put them back in the corner, a goofy corner combo that looked like a good way to squeeze more damage out of a MFC starter in the corner … until I saw that solo stair relaunch Merkyl posted, so now I’ll develop that a bit more instead to see what I can do with it. I’ll still post the other one because its hella stylish imo. then I have some pretty ridiculous looking new xf2 and 3 combos, higher damage corner combos, blah blah blah
side switch combo is for when you lock somebody down in the corner, and then use crossup M feint + talon attack. while you can carry them all the way back to the other corner, if your execution is better on one side you can get back to your strong side more easily… its good as an academic exercise too. if you learn how to do the side switch you will be able to better recognize when you are going to go flying underneath somebody, and have an easier time adjusting your combo so they don’t pop out because your inputs got screwed up
really there is nothing to it. canned setup is just c.M s.H s.H s.H s.S as fast as possible aftr the H. then up-forwards, sj.H and you will pass underneath them. dp+H after doing it, cancel into qcf+L there ya go. any of her combos can be ended with a side switch - just launch them when they are as high as possible off the ground, only do a sj.H while in the air, wait for the crossup to finish, dp+h
OK, so was messing around in training mode, working out how to deal with Buster Cancelling Zeros. I’m gonna need extra verification for this, just in case I was too sloppy with Cancelled Busters, but you can interrupt Level 3 Buster>Raikousen, with H C.Scythe/Rage Trigger on block.
You can also interrupt Raikousen>Level 3 Buster>Raikousen with the same moves. Zero can end up crossing you up, which stuffs Scythe and then you die lol. Needless to say, with assists backing him up, things get far more difficult.
I heard that correct Buster cancels are supposed to be tight(which is why I need more verification), or if they aren’t, it’s a risk that favours Zero more normally. But Rage Trigger won’t lose regardless.
iirc you can air throw Zero after air buster, before Raikousen (lightning?) as well. while buster had huge hitstun because of soft knockdown, it has hardly any blockstun, so if you can figure out the timing you can toss Zero out of lightning dash.
As far as raw tag combos: Is there’s any way you can use otg + neck slicer to get a spinning knockdown then cross them up and hard tag from the corner and follow up the combo? self note for lab-time tomorrow
As far as Frank double snaps. I haven’t found any of X-23’s assists that allow for 2 snaps in a single combo (snap has such a huge recovery and is only super cancel-able and X-23 doesn’t have any huge hitstun/special state causing assists). Admittedly, I haven’t spent much time looking into neck slicer since it doesn’t seem to have much utility in general.
X-23 Assist notes for frank: Once he’s leveled up it’s possible to use CS > j.MMS after roll cross-ups to start combos and you can do ankle slicer + giant swing M (or H in the corner) into slide, s.S as a combo extender. Also, if you time it right, you can combo into WXP from Survival Techniques, you just have to make sure you’re doing it RIGHT as he’s getting the last hit in.
On the level 4/5, how are you getting 50+ hits from X-23? I have a hard time consistently managing 49 and that’s on combos where I can fit in a cart assist and the 15 hits from WXP.
Would you mind sharing your hard tag tech before you release the vid? There’s a local tourney coming up this weekend and that would be a huge HUGE buff since I have to burn my Dirt Nap meters to get him leveled up atm (plus there are wierd hit confirms where I don’t get a chance to build the extra meter I need for the DHC.)
Quick Edit: On the self otg thing it def. seems like it is waayyyy to specific to be practical. Like Jaytoo said, It has something to do with the hitbox of the 2nd hit of Ankle slicer hitting about as late as it possibly can and popping them higher than it normally does. I was only able to make it happen 3 times out of like 200 attempts.
baaah my idea doesn’t seem to be workign too well right now. needs more time in the oven I think. plan was some raw tag shenanigans after OTG -> neckslicer, one camera shot to OTG as you call crescent scythe assist, another camera shot after X-23 picks em off the ground I don’t even think that’ll work tho.
can’t find a good setup for the raw tag either, gotta keep working on that one.
Well, I know a way to use X-23’s assist to get two camerashots, but it’s too specific. My frank combo involves a TAC from Ammy point into Frank, some plungerwork, then camera+time to go to town, then DHC into Ammy’s slowdown, do the raw tag Frank tech like it was a power-up super. Then, because of the slowdown, camera+ quick work assist lets me combo into Frank’s hard knockdown kick easily. Then I can get a third camera shot in, and there has only been one time I didn’t get enough hits for that to make me level 5 in a combo. I need to check it in the lab, but X-23’s neck slice on anchor I’m 99% positive would hit them hard enough to do the exact same thing, or maybe Crescent scythe plus slowdown would allow Frank to jumping s them to hard knockdown. I’m skeptical about a followup kick after ankle slice, but if that was the case, this would be extremely viable. It does require X-23 on anchor, which is not my favorite spot for her, but she can work in it.
And I think I may be stating the obvious, but there’s always a charged command grab for raw tag shenanigans, if you’ve got the right assist to set up the throw. A decent number of the cast can otg after the switch and combo.
On the stair relanch, if you do TA M>falling j.MS+hold assist for tag you can ALMOST get frank out in time to snap a pic off a raw tag. The idea is to hit the S as low to the ground as possible so he tags during the hard knockdown off the low “flying screen”. Might be something there I’m missing.
Past that out would def have to have some kind of high groundbounce/wall bounce/ spinning knockdown + crossup to even have a chance of working.
I found a character specific way to cross up into the corner against ryu that might have some weird use.
s.MHxxMF H j.MMH land, ub(7) j.MHxxTA L land fast s.MH…
The last s.m will cross up or not depending on the timing and you have to chain the H really fast after. I was hoping to be able to use this for the rage trigger DHC cart relaunch/snap but the height is a bit off. Have to try cr.H and see if that makes a difference.
Probably only works on midsized. Def doesn’t work on zero.
I went into the lab and tried to work out any strong combo options off neck slicer and couldn’t find anything worthwhile and nothing frank post snap with x23s assists at all.
Quick edit: If we can find a solid way to hard tag that wouldn’t get a bunch of scaling, I think X-23/Tron teams would be some broken shit. It’s almost a guaranteed TOD or Dirt nap after every touch and it removes tron’s 1 weakness.
Well dip guys, looks like decapitating slice just got real useful. Let’s go broken unblockables, I’m stoked that we finally have one! (Well…aside from Dirt nap…I guess…that would…be…unblockable. cough)
Hate being that guy that triple posts…where’d everyone else go? Lol. (echo…echo…echo…)
Found something pretty awesome, though.
Connecting a dirt nap against a grounded opponent in the corner, you can combo with a s.M(1 hit), cr.M, s.H into whatever combo you want. You can almost mash out the M since you need to do it almost right when you hit the ground but it’s a pretty lenient link, IMO. Works on Zero and Ryu, I assume it works on everyone else as well. Might be worth letting them hit the ground on incoming so you don’t have to pop XF for the kill or use your OTG to pick them up.
That really isn’t new info, I’m afraid. You can also do a dash~L plink and start a combo from there, too. It’s easier when the dirt nap is activated on the ground, since then X-23 herself lands on the ground faster and closer to the opponent.
I also always had a combo concept of doing this and then going to ETR’s L CS loop (by dashing and doing DP really fast). Might be a way to get over 1.2 million damage with X-23 solo. But I never pulled it off, obviously.
I knew about the plink~l option, but I’ve never been able to hit it consistently. Hard to tell when she actually hits the ground half of the time. I didn’t know about the s.M option tho.
The s.M doesn’t need any dash and it’s a pretty lenient link but it only works against after a dirtnap against a grounded opponent so it’s somewhat meh on the excitement scale. Works really well with RB, Cold Star and Shopping Cart tho.
I’ve just been messing around with dirt nap and ways to reliably reset into it for shits and giggles. If you push the opponent into the corner with any combo, then end with a s.H into a slightly delayed Silent Kill activate you’ll be far enough back that you can do a TK CS H into dirt nap against any tech and in most cases you can plink dash in and solo combo from there. Not practical in most situations but if you ever need a 3 meter mostly inescapable reset its there
Where I saw this being useful/broken is as an unblockable corner reset. I haven’t played around with the viablity of it yet but I was expecting it to be something where you would put them in the corner. Hit them with an OTG + neck slicer late s.L to force a low air tech while calling a lockdown assist that lets them hit the ground, then if the poor sap neutral or back techs be able to snag them for an unblockable follow-up and maybe go for nonsense dash under mixups on forward techs.
This is the why I was looking into silent kill as a corner reset just so I can have a bevy of absolutely bullshit options to troll with and I just got sidetracked and started doing that first.
I’m hoping I can go into the lab today and look into getting the grab down and then make a list of assists it works with etc. My initial list of I’m pretty sure’s are in line with most of the guaranteed dirtnap assist sans Jam Session (this doesn’t drop you down on block, right? will have to lab check…I hate Jam Session). Tenderizer, Cold Star, H.Missiles, Repulsor Blast, Lariat, maybe eye of agamotto, maybe cart, maybe weasel shot, maybe dark hole (doubtful tho), maybe Senpu-Bu.
Personal question. I keep hearing people say X23 can connect Spencers slant wire assist after ankle slicer? It comes out so fast…how?
I haven’t tried this is the lab, but my opinion is no way on earth that’s gonna work. I mean, unless the active frames on that assist are massive and in a deceptive spot, but that doesn’t seem the case to me, either. I’m thinking the only way that could work is maybe only hitting with one shot of ankle slicer, perhaps.
X-23 guard break… qcb+H feint, j.S as they come in. you want to hit with the topmost part of the S so there is no chance you will get airthrown out of it.
if you time it right you will hit them right as they come on screen. easily confirms to a 3 x DP combo so you could take them out for 1 bar if they come in swinging. j.S into triple DP launch, relaunch, etc. does about 915k. if they pushblock they get stuck in the air and have to deal with the air throw mixup. if they don’t pushblock… you still might be able to air throw them before they can hit the ground. came up with this setup too late night, had to go bed haha so I couldn’t test it as much as I watned. it certainly works vs all chars tho