My team is X-23/Nova/Wesker, what do you guys recomend for me to do, to land the Dirt Nap on a incoming enemy without assist ? i do air m m S, CS oftenly the S whiffs, the talon M also doesnt look too good to guarantee the Dirt Nap grab
activate Dirt Nap. Wait until you see the opponents portrait slide to the middle. Do a TK CS H and cancel into S when you see the hitsparks. You can also just mash S after, whatever floats your boat The TK is the most important part if you don’t TK it you won’t be able to cancel the CS >S early and it’s much easier to miss.
If timed meaty and TK’d properly, I’m pretty sure it’s only a 1 or 2 frame window for Hard Drive/reversals, the S will come out before any pushback from advancing guard can happen and I’ve only had somebody xf guard cancel throw me twice in the few months I’ve been using this method and I’m pretty sure those were circumstances where I missed the TK/timing.
another thing, has somebody found any TAC combo to x-23 besides the simple m, h, H-CS, L-Talon ?
Good question actually. Though it’s unlikely, I’m suspecting you could get X-23’s Talon Relaunch/SJ hitconfirm combo from a TAC(I’ll link them later as examples.)
What I’ve been doing was mashing down H when she enters to get down before the opponent does, then s.H, S, j.H, j.dH, H-CS, L-Talon, OTG assist, S, j.H, H-CS, L-Talon, ankle slice, super. xD
Edit: Here’s a video I made really quick. Sorry for the bad quality. xD
Why are you so sick Merkly? So obvious as well haha, very nice.
Tries to figure out what he did… So all vids that get posted are automatically credited to me now? I can get behind this, lol.
You could probably do some TA M stairstep stuff off of a TAC, though. I never do TACs if I can help it tho. I’ll mess around and see what I can come across for anyone that does use them.
…I have NO idea why I thought Hikarihoshi was Merkly haha. Sorry!
Haha, It’s all good. xD The TAC only works on up and down tag outs though. Left or right causes X-23 to connect her down H, which you do not want. xD
So guys, what are your opening moves for X-23 on point before the start of the round, especially up-close? This is an area I’m working on.
Mine’s pretty much the usual.
- Walk up and throw if they allow it(may be able to buffer Mirage Feint L or even an MFC during f+H as well.)
- Jump, airblock and d+H.
- Stay at st.M range if they allow it.
- Back off.
I’ve found that wall jumping into light talon attack usually throws people off, get a lot of starts like that - unless they throw out some ugly assist like dante or something
I usually do jumpback - j.H + assist, L-Talon. Beats most character’s st.H (if they’re going for a standing throw), OSes an air backthrow, if a throw tech happens, L-talon comes out, they’ll be forced to block the assist, then the Talon, and you’ll be at frame advantage. If they block, they’ll also have to block the assist, then the Talon, then be at disadvantage.
Loses to AA st.Jab, raw launchers, and DPs, varying with the assist you use.
A solo variation is starting with Talon Dive (jump, d.H), L-talon, which OS throw tech, but not airthrow.
I’ll back off a little and just try to start the round playing footsies if they have strong defensive assists, I guess.
X-23 isn’t my lead, so I dunno. In vanilla I used her in front, I usually went for Talon attack to start, or just played footsies.
Hey guys, I’ve got a question. I’m not really that great technically, so I’ve always used a really bare-bones X-23. Just crossups and shite, Nemesis has most of my flashy stuff. Well, I want an instant overhead with her, but I cannot figure out what to do. This would be fixed in like 2 hours of training mode, but I don’t have my own ps3 here, so I only get to learn while playing, and my sparring buddy is great at blocking crossups. What are the inputs/timing for an instant overhead with her? I have some fun setups for it too, but nothing to place after them but pressure.
Oh, and Hikarihoshi, that TAC maneuver is so sick. I’mma steal and adapt it for Nemesis, if you don’t mind.
[FONT=Helvetica]Thanks guys! [/FONT]
Alright, here’s a stronger Level 1 meterless XF combo.
M(1hit)H>XFC, j.MMHS, land, j.MMHS, land, j.MHS>qcf+L, MHS, superjump, j.MMH>d+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack, land, call relauncher, Ankle Slice, S, superjump, j.H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack, Ankle Slice>H Crescent Scythe>Talon Attack(I prefer the H version.)
You can add a second assist before the bolded part for a bit of extra damage, but I don’t think you can relaunch again.
Using Cold Star and Whirlwind, I got 1,187,000 dmg all together, meterless. Meter gain was 2 bars(but not on lower health chars, they die before you gain your 2nd bar.)
Unfortunately, X-23 has no instant overheads by herself. BUT, If you’ve got an assist to pin them down, you can set-up an instant overhead. Here’s how it goes: "Turns out, X-23 has instant overheads on a lot of members of the cast by making use of fuzzy guard.
For people who don’t know what fuzzy guard is, it’s a hitbox issue where characters that go from standing block to crouching block often still have a standing hitbox for a number of frames (the duration of blockstun imparted by the high/overhead move), even though the game recognizes the character in “crouching” status.
Now what this does is essentialy give a lot of character a Sentinel sized hitbox in this situation.
The easiest way to do it is using qcb + H and then use her j.B as late as possible to get as much blockstun as possible. Then do an instant jump forward B cancelled into Talon dive (j.d+H) and then cancelled into L Talon dive. When performed correctly, the fuzzy guard will make the jump forward B connect as an overhead, which lets you combo into the Talon attacks for a 3 hit combo, and any desired B&B aftwards.
This tech only works on characters with average or above average height, and then there are a couple exceptions (plus I havent tested on everyone)
Notable characters that it works on are ; Dante, Wesker, Dormammu, Trish, Magneto, Dr Doom, She Hulk, Phoenix, Thor, Viper, Hulk, Haggar, Taskmaster, Spencer, Akuma (not sure about the last two)
*Notable characters that it (obviously) doesn’t work on ; Ammy, V. Joe, Wolverine, Felicia, Morrigan." *-Credit goes to Traumatisch.
Though not an instant overhead, you have cross-up D+H on crouching opponents as well. If you dash then do it, you can make it super ambiguous. Deviljin came up with that one.
Sweet. I like this fuzzy guard cheese, and I might even have a setup for it. This hasn’t been labbed yet, and may not for a while, so it’ll take a while to put it into my game if it actually works. Dash forward and start jabbing like an idiot, but also call Nem’s clothesline rocket. They block it, and I’m in Heavy Mirage going for that late jumping B, hopefully the rocket doesn’t muddle stuff too much, I’m hoping I can time it so the rocket whiffs right before my jumping B, or they get hit by it and I combo (or, if the assist’s first shot hits, hopefully I can follow up that wall bounce, maybe with a CS into Talon light, or if I ever learn that Talon Attack M swag…). They block, I go for the fuzzy. And if they don’t block the j.B it’s combos as usual, I guess. I wonder if the “instant overhead” followup still works if the j.B hits. Either way, what do people think? It’s a lot of thought, but if it works, and I’m not sure if it will, I might have something interesting as far as an option selecty mixup goes.
I like the dashing j.dH idea. I dislike that it’s not an overhead, if it was, X-23 would win forever and ever. I usually don’t trust that move from up high because I saw (and punished) too many X-23’s in vanilla just throwing that dive out there as their only method of approach. But close to the ground, everything gets a bit safer. I’mma use that on occasion. Does it cross-up in the corner occasionally as well, or is it mostly for midscreen fun?
Haha, yeah go ahead. xD
As for my opening moves for the start of the match, I also do a TA. My other openings moves is to barely get into st.M range and use that or get into her dash range and then call assist+dash, jump, grab/TA.
AFAIK, D+H only crosses up midscreen.
And if j.B hits, depending on the assist you’re using, it’ll still combo, but if you’re using, let’s say, a multi-hitting pinning assist like Cold Star, it’ll scale your combo pretty badly. But you could go for something like a Mirage Feint M>Talon Attack L after they’ve been pelted with the assist for a surprise reset, or even on block.
Mixing it up between an instant overhead, a low or perhaps even a left-right mix-up once in a while like Mirage Feint M>Talon L will probably baffle them lol.
With Nemesis’s Rocket Launcher, I think you can wave dash up to them and go for a loop, though I can’t remember how far he smacks you into the wall and how high they get lifted.
You can Crescent Scythe after an Ankle Slice??? O_O Say wahhhh? goes and tries it out xD
Yup, only in XF, but I was shocked that it still works like it did in Vanilla!
Ok, then mine will probly not combo, because the assist is pretty much always going to be clostheline rocket, or triple arrow. Those aren’t really known to linger, lol. I might just continue as if it did combo, and if my j.M attempt to instant overhead whiffs, I can just dive on them, go for some pressure.
Well, yeah. This overhead setup will help me a bunch when I figure it out. My regular game is abusing Mirage Feint M with triple arrow. It works pretty well, but I’m looking for some more tools, is all.
He smacks them really really far, and they are lifted sort-of a medium amount, not too high. I know for a fact you can wave dash in time, but what loops can go off a raw assist hit, not so sure, as usually my Nem is part of combo extension, and there’s a lot of scaling by that point in my bnb.