I’ll have to double check in the lab to be sure, but I’m pretty sure she can still CS after a charged ankle slicer outside of XF. I was messing around with it the other day and got all excited cause I thought I found an answer to not having a followup off the ankle slice in the Tatsu Select (I realized the derp immediately after since you don’t get a charged AS on the Tatsu Select… >.>) That being said tho, I’m almost positive charged ASxxCS LxxTA L combos out of XF.
(Derp Edit: It combos against a standing opponent, not as an otg outside of XF…derp derp derp.)
Also, it’s some pretty scubby matches since it’s my week 1 Dr. Strange, but I got maybe an hour and a half of matches on my friends stream the other day. Most of the X23 play is xf2 loops into dirt nap so it might get a bit boring there. Maybe an hour of the matches is against my friend’s Chun teams. He’s a bit mashy, but annoyingly effective with her. Might be worth checking out if you were wanting to pick her up. Stream quality isn’t the best in the world, but just putting it out there since there haven’t been very many X-23 match vids lately.
Matches start at ~1:30:00 (The name’s wrong for a little bit, but all of the Strange/X23/Frank play is from me.)