I spent a few days with it and out of a few hundred attempts I was only able to recreate it maybe 3 times and it seems character specific and generally worthless unless someone is able to see something I couldn’t.
Also, if anyone ever doubted that the dirty south is X-23 Mecca, we finally got RCR 3’s match vids uploaded. My streamed match was against the guy that placed 2nd and I got destroyed(TAG Ash is what I played as). Wandles (Hulk/X23/IM(RB))did pretty well and has 2 or 3 matches recorded. The real gem in the vid, from about the 2 hour mark on, Darius (Dante/X23/IM(beam) player from GA) sits down and runs it back from losers all the way to the end (solid hour+ of play against 7 or 8 other people.) Hope you enjoy it, and if you do, check out some of Tyler’s other vids. He’s shaping up to be the main VG video producer for north alabama.
my current most loved team is X-23/Nova/Wesker, the synergy is stupid, but i reeeeeeeealy wanted to replace nova to someone else, i think nova is so basic, and the fact that he has no hyper with I-frames and no lvl 3 makes me sad. Any tip for second spot ? and why ? the only one that can do the same thing as follow up is super skrull, but is so… counterable, lol. thanks
What specifically do you like about Nova? The assist, dhc, overhead, ground bounce, TAC? (assuming you’re using the ground bounce assist at all.) I tend to agree with you. He makes X-23 into a strong TOD character but he’s not really much fun to play at all. As far as the assist goes, X-23 can get a relaunch/extension with almost any assist now, it just changes depending on your playstyle.
Doesn’t Nova have I-Frames for projectiles during Human Rocket (while active, not startup)? At any rate, I think the whole “red health for dmg” thing is pretty lamed out. At first it sounded like a good idea, but now it’s pretty clear that the perk is not really required for a character of Nova’s capablilites. He still gives X23 access to 800k+ combos and a solid DHC option, though.
I know there’s another thread around here for X23 matchups, but there is also a block in this thread that we can utilize more effectively. I’m not taking a look at every little thing/detail, just wanting to get a jump start on some sections and maybe Merky or somebody can edit. PRI is projectile priority, SPD is + start up speed, TRD is trading of moves depending on spacing, RNG is range of moves that can hit factoring I-Frames, fullscreen, (etc.) Kart’s has a guide with this stuff so take a look at it if you want. At the general tips section we should post odds out of 10 if X23 either beats the character or is faced with an uphill battle (just like the other thread).
[spoiler=Akuma (Opponent)
• Gohadoken > Neck Slicer (PRI)
• Gohadoken > Ankle Slicer (PRI)
• Tatsumaki Zankukyaku > Neck Slicer (SPD)
• Tatsumaki Zankukyaku > Neck Slicer (SPD)
• Talon L > Gohadoken (RNG)
• Talon L > Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (TRD)
• Cresent Scythe > Gohadoken (CLS)
• Rage Trigger > Messatsu-Gohado Agyo (CLS)
• Weapon X Prime > Messatsu-Gohado Agyo (RNG)
• Messatsu-Gohado Agyo > Rage Trigger (FAR)
• Rage Trigger = Messatsu-Goshoryu (INP)
• Weapon X Prime > Messatsu-Goshoryu
General Tips Against Akuma
Fighting Akuma on point is very rare, he will more than likely be anchored with powerful XF3 options at his disposal. XF3 Akuma can simply sneeze on X23 and that will kill her, so be aware. Tatsu will indeed blow up a majority of things X23 like to do, so don’t rush in mindlessly and combo’d. X23 Talon Dives are extremely good against Akuma’s below average normals, focusing on that particular strength can pressure Akuma players into making a mistake that X23 can capitalize on. And, with his slight health nerf, X23 should have no major trouble dismantling Akuma.
and what is the use try to punish a projectile hyper with a hyper that doesnt have I frames in start up ? its useless by all means this hyper Human Rocket
the red health for powerup thing is kinda important for Nova. without a powered up super Nova DHC into X-23 tops out around 900k ish… with a powered up super he can 1 touch people with over a million health, using the beam super. I figured out some small tricks for Nova & X-23 teams too except I run Nova first instead of X-23. I might make a vid later tonight just cuz its been awhile
What’s up fellas? Decided to hop in this thread to look for new tech. I’ve seen someone had already posted the video of the tournament I won in Bama a couple weeks ago. Thanks for the shoutout Merkyl. Also, here’s a link to another tournament I won in GA a week after the Bama tournament called Final Roundbats.
Lol, np man. Nice to see you actually on the boards, you should stop by more often. Gratz at Ranbats, too. I heard about it but I hadn’t gotten a chance to watch it yet.
When I try to do s.h :l: MFC s.h, I get the MFC and then I get another mirage feint for the s.h. Help? How do you input something like that to avoid buffer leniency? Also, I know that if you’re holding down S it automatically feint cancels but how is that practical since you can’t hit S in a magic series without getting launcher?
As far as the MFC it’s a 2 part move. You’ll do the s.H and input the MF L or M (if you hold it down, X-23 stays in the crouch state.) During the crouch portion pressing S makes her stand back up. I don’t use the hold S method and I haven’t had any wierd issues like that so it’s hard to say for sure. You’re able to just put in s.Hxxqcb L(or M)+S and she should return to full neutral. So you would either have to be missing the S and just releasing the MF hold or somehow putting in a 2nd qcb before pressing that 2nd H to get what you’re describing. Sorry I can’t be more of a help but hopefully it’s just something simple. If you still have trouble, if you post a cell phone training room vid I’m sure we can be a bit more specific.
You can go into level 3 pretty much however you want with EoA. If you’re against someone with no air mobility you can use it on incoming but it’s not amazing for it (you don’t NEED an assist for incoming, anyways so it’s no big deal.). If you buffer the assist into a blockstring (I think along with an s.M(2 hits)) on block you have time to activate dirt nap and get a free combo (X23 can solo relaunch if you have them all the way in the corner with s.m(1 hit)c.m(1 hit)s.H into whatever combo you want). At the end of combos you can do anything that ends with TA L, land, assist+charged neck slicerxxDirt Nap.
Other cool EoA stuff:
(as a blockstring) s.L+assist, wait, forward tick throw (strange will throw out the eye, and X23 shoves them into it and it you have time to dash in with a s.M and follow with a full combo)
(corner combo extender) whatever ground combo you want into s.S+assist, fast sj.HxxTA L, s.S, fast sj.HxxTA L, s.S into full air combo.
(ground combo extender) any opening into s.M(2 hits)+assist, s.H (opponent now being juggled by Eye)xxFull charge NS into whatever combo you want after that.
Optionally, you can do s.M(2 hits)+assist, c.M(2 hits)xxCharged NS to keep them on the ground if you want that for some reason.
(“DHC TRICK” redux) If you end a combo with TA L, land, assist+charged ankle slicerxxWXP>Strange Counter super (very timing specific, but not super tight)>s.S>FoF Palm Loops with strange into whatever you can sneak in depending on the combo before. (nice 200k+ and meter building DHC if you can get the impossibly annoyingly tight FoF Loops down.)
Since we’re all friends here. Here’s a peek at my new X-23 vid I threw together. I was having to fight YT to take the freaking music so it’s unlisted atm, no annotations and there’s just BG chatter for now (I’ll update this post once the updated version is up). I’m headed to bed, but I figured most of the people here care more about the content than the fluff so I’m putting the alpha up for now. It’s nothing ground-breaking, it’s mostly refinements to stuff that’s already out there. (Though I think I’m the only one I’ve seen using any TA M combos, for the most part.)
I have the ETR loop plus at the very end. Also, I realized that almost every combo that isn’t fully maxed can have a j.m>2H>TA L (and usually even a CS>TA L after that in the corner) added on to it to beef up the damage a bit. The back half is intended to be an archive of damage and meter build for these options since once the assists are added it’s pretty much the same. (I’ll have those in the notes since meter is a bit hard to see.)
Quick note on teams. These extensions should work with almost anyone. The first relaunch just has to get the job done (so it’s a really big pool) but the 2nd has to give you an untechable state (ground bounce/wall bouce/OTG + neckslicer) and you can follow up with s.S>TK CS H>TA L (same as the XF3 loop) in almost any case for a nice damage and meter boost. All of the full combos are meter neutral and I’ll go back and make the full 1.28mil full TOD meter neutral vid in a couple of days too. I was just running out of time and wanted to get everything together from this weekend.
Crits/Comments/Etc welcome. Catch you guys, later!
well done! I was wondering on how you could use the eye of agamoto for stuff instead of bolts, because I generally favor that assist for Strange anyway. The loops at the end were great stuff.
What kind of resets do you think you can get off of Dr. Stranges Alpha Assist - Daggers of Dennak? this assist because his Beta assist causes damage to scale.