The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

I just did this while in the lab with X-23 (I don’t know if this has been known earlier or not). She can do a relaunch after her level 3 hyper (corner only), but I guess you need to be really close to the opponent before doing the unblockable S so that the st M hits after the unblockable.

Here’s the video.


It was known but the post about it is hidden in the forums (mental note to add it to this thread) but the trick to it is either against a standing opponent in the corner (s.m followup ASAP) or at a specific height near the corner where you have to follow up with a dash s.M. The second option is practically useless since it’s really hard to tell when you have the right spacing. First option is 100% reliable tho.

Personally, I like the original dash~st.L method.

Although one thing I’m still trying is doing Dirt Nap, dash and then go straight into the ETR loop. Just to see how much damage she could do by herself. Managed to hit one light CS once, but never managed to do the whole combo. Don’t think I’ll ever have the execution to achieve it, either.
Perhaps kara cancelling crouching M might work, too.

Speaking of crouching M, I’ve been testing out how well it crosses under airborne characters, and I have to say it’s pretty good. Considering that she crouches pretty low, the hitbox covers slightly above her and that it still combos into crouching H, it’s barely usable for ambiguous cross unders against someone who isn’t Doom, or Dante, or Vergil (or Wolverine, or Trish, or…). This is something I found out against chicken jumping opponents, who’d block one attack, but then get crossed up with crouching M or H.

You might be able to do something like cornered dirtnap>s.M(1hit)>c.M(1 hit)>s.HxxMFC and go into the ETR+ Loop (or maybe j.M>2HxxTA L into ETR if the height doesn’t work out). I never have much luck with raw ETR loops against airborne opponents since the height always seems to be all wonky. That and I always have a hard time sinking time into the solo dirt nap stuff since, practicality-wise, it probably wouldn’t come up during a match often and you’ll most likely kill if you have an assist backing you anyways.

Also, I updated the dirt nap portion and linked your vid, lO.

I can do combo 1 from merkyl’s new video pretty effectively now, I feel guilty that I stole so much tech from him :stuck_out_tongue:

8.95 :stuck_out_tongue:

For real tho, I’m glad that I can help out the guys here. I’m def. not high-tier evo material when it comes to real matches so I feel like my tech-finding is my contribution to the X-23 cause, lol. I sent a full notation of the combos to ETR the other day and just forgot to post it here as well. So…

I’m transcribing these from my head at work, so there might be some minor mistakes here or there but it shouldn’t be anything major. Depending on whether you add the corner CS you might need to leave out a the s.M or s.H before the launcher and the sj.M depending on the opener and the exact hitstun at that point.
TA M Combo (This is surprisingly consistent.)
j.dHxxTA L, land, s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA M, falling j.MH, land, j.MdHxxTA L (if in the corner, CS LxxTA L, land s.HS) s.MHS, sj.HdHxxCS HxxTA L, land…
If you start with s.MH, instead if j.MhDxxTA L, you can do j.MHSdHxxTA L before launching.
CS L Midscreen (IIRC, this is like 10k more damage than the TA M variation, but I like not having to do 2 MFxxCSxxTA and the TA M looks more impressive…and that’s what’s really important.)
j.dHxxTA L, land, s.HMxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L, land, s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L (if cornered, CS LxxTA L, s.S), land, s.MHS, sj.MHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land…

Jump Loop + (Better combo if you don’t have any reason to do full damage to maximize meter gain.)
j.dHxxTA L, land, s.MHxxMF H j.MMH, land, j.MMHS, land, j.MdHxxTA L, land (if cornered, CS LxxTA L, s.S…not 100% if hitstun will let you get the s.H consistently after the CS), s.MHS, sj.MHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land…

“ETR +”
j.dHxxTA L, land CS LxxTA L, land, [j.MdHxxCS LxxTA L, land]x2 s.HS, sj.MHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land.
Relaunch 1 is assist+Charged AS or NS, s.S, sj.HxxCS HxxTA L
Relaunch 2 is assist+Charged AS or NS, s.S, sj.TK CS HxxTA L (You need to wait until the last second to do the s.S and you have to get the sj. TK CS. s.TK CS won’t leave you high enough to connect with the TA.)"

Also, one of the youtube comments from tritefr: about that last combo, i actually got just over 650k with low j.S into 4 CS loops, [into s, j.h xx H CS, land, charged ankle slice], in the corner of course (i think it was 643k without the j.S) I haven’t been able to replicate it yet myself but I thought I’d put a shout-out to him since I don’t think he frequents here. It’s height specific but you can fit in sj.H,2HxxCS HxxTA L for the super to get a little extra damage in, also.

well i lurk a lot …
oh hey look a slightly better combo:

qcb.l xx TA L, CS L xx TA L, [TK CS L xx TA L] x 3, s.S, d.h, CS H xx TA L, land, charged ankle slice

for 680k

Edit: i was able to get j.llmm d.h after the s.S for a total of 692k dmg, not sure if it was because i did the ground part quicker or i simply hadn’t tried it before

Ok, so I was finally able to do a j.S>2HxxCS LxxTA L>ETR Loopx3>s.HS>sj.MH2HxxCS HxxTA L>AS and do like 660. Is there a particular reason why you went with MF LxxTA L to start? I could never get that to work. The only time I was able to get 4 CSxxTA was if they were all normal ground CS with no starter (Think I was only able to launch off that once tho) or if it was a wierd mix of grounded and SJ TK’d CS loops.

I can’t for the life of me figure out how this stupid combo is deciding the hitstun. Lol. If I try to do TK CSxxTA as fast as possible it pops out well before I can get a 4th. If you do one CSxxTA as a jump-in > 1 normal loop > 2 TK fast loops will let it work.

So it looks like doing the TK loops racks (where you actually leave the ground) up your hitstun a lot faster than the normal loops but it seems to care if it’s before or after the normal ones. All in all, dumb system, nice damage tho.

Past that, I spent all freaking day trying to find a way to get us an X-23 TAC infinite but no dice. Everything I’ve seen and reads makes me think these are the rules.

2.Get to the ground with any combination of moves that ends with a j.H directly before she touches the ground (I’m pretty sure the opponent has to be in hitstun for any frames while you’re on the ground.)
3.Be holding up so that you jump immediately after landing.
4.Go into a jump loop that puts you back into a j.H directly before landing.
5.Infinite and lulz.

I think the only chance we have with X-23 is going to be off a Down TAC if one exists at all. I tried every combination I could think of with TAC Down>whiff 2hxxTA L>j.MH or delaying j.M…H…2H…xx TA M…etc and I couldn’t find anything. I feel like X-23 should have one but it’s just one of those stupid specific things. Hopefully someone else can have a bit better luck than me. ;D

I wasn’t sure if hitting the TA L from a jump would work (because of hitstun decay), so i wanted to hit it as low as possible

I recorded my inputs for doing that combo a few times, to check what i was actually doing (with the bonus of making it easier to check different starters/enders for the combo) and most of the time it was 3 TK scythes, so i believe its the most consistent way to do it. you can get away with replacing one of the TK scythes with a grounded CS against some characters (though inconsistent in my experience), though i’m fairly sure the 4th one will always have to be TK (for the extra hitstun) for it to work regularly

I don’t think hitting TK loops increases hitstun decay [also, i was under the impression that HSD was time based, so doing the combo faster should be easier and more consistent (and possibly allow for more hits)], and i thought there was more hitstun off of superjump moves as well

On behalf of Mason aka Messi4h,possible TAC infinite: after down tac whiff d+H, then horizontal drill into falling H. Rejump MMH, horizontal drill, falling LH

a video would help you guys out immensely,

Jiyuna translated Kubo’s twitter, says X-23 does indeed have one, but it’s too difficult to be practical apparently. Never posted the method of course lol.

Will try out Messi4h’s possible TAC infinite later, if I can get it down consistently, that’s a free Silent Kill(unless it only works in one direction.)

I figured that Talon M, jMH would work for X-23’s infinite (though I was one normal off). Glad to see some confirmation. Perhaps putting some CSs before Talon Attack would still be possible? More damage per rep means less effort overall. I’ve got to check it out.

Either way, Silent Kill could potentially fuck people over more than it already does since it could be possible to sweep teams fully. This is gold.

hmmmm i was right. I knew that down exchange into either whiff down H or not into Talon M into M or MH depending on whiffing or not would lead to an infinite. though try as i might and even thought i feel i have better execution than regular folk, i could not even land 1 rep for the 2 hours+ that i was in training mode. that is some serious 1frame within 1frame inception shit going on there. I mean i was able to do CS loops seconds after seeing a video about it but this shit is just out of this world hard.

not even 1 rep :frowning:

though to make myself feel better, i actually managed 2 reps of a Morrigan infinite that i dont think anyone else has posted. that i could do consistently

I just tried for 2 hours myself, and got 1 rep. Just 1 time, lol. Kubo might have been right, too hard to do consistently, especially with how different characters have different “Weights”.

If the theories about the infinites are true, the hard part is getting the last normal of your jump loop to be active as you hit the ground. X-23s normals are just too fast to exploit this easily.

Waiting for someone to prove me wrong - I’ll be the first to admit my execution isn’t that great.

To be honest, it doesn’t matter too much if it’s too hard to be practical for X-23. Put X-23 on point and TAC into another char who can do it more easily. X-23’s advanced combo will either carry them into the corner or put them near it.

Let’s do some theory-fighter:

  1. Kill the first char with X-23

  2. Hit the 2nd char, TAC into someone else and infinite them if you can keep it going.

  3. Blow up the 3rd char with Silent Kill+XF.

So she DOES have one, it’s just not practical. Shucks :confused:

Just seen Dante’s. For the theory stuff, most of X23’s combos are corner carry and you can just TAC Dante in, kill for 5 bars, and dirt nap the next one. 2 characters free right there, man I got a reason to use Dante with her again. I hope they don’t patch this shit :stuck_out_tongue:

So if I do a TAC infinite then tag in Laura after they die, then do Dirt Nap 236M XF1, what’s the best combo I can do without meter after that? Best I could find was s.H QCBH j.MS j.MMS xx j.QCF L s.H S blahblah

you must not have seen my video huh? :frowning:


and to the person who said that X23’s moves might come out too fast so as to allow for the neutral ground stance to happen might be right. mabye thats why i couldn’t do the infinite with her if the explanation for the infinite is that.

But can your way net 5 BARS??!!!11111

But all jokes aside, yeah, I love Silent Kill.