For real tho, I’m glad that I can help out the guys here. I’m def. not high-tier evo material when it comes to real matches so I feel like my tech-finding is my contribution to the X-23 cause, lol. I sent a full notation of the combos to ETR the other day and just forgot to post it here as well. So…
I’m transcribing these from my head at work, so there might be some minor mistakes here or there but it shouldn’t be anything major. Depending on whether you add the corner CS you might need to leave out a the s.M or s.H before the launcher and the sj.M depending on the opener and the exact hitstun at that point.
TA M Combo (This is surprisingly consistent.)
j.dHxxTA L, land, s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA M, falling j.MH, land, j.MdHxxTA L (if in the corner, CS LxxTA L, land s.HS) s.MHS, sj.HdHxxCS HxxTA L, land…
If you start with s.MH, instead if j.MhDxxTA L, you can do j.MHSdHxxTA L before launching.
CS L Midscreen (IIRC, this is like 10k more damage than the TA M variation, but I like not having to do 2 MFxxCSxxTA and the TA M looks more impressive…and that’s what’s really important.)
j.dHxxTA L, land, s.HMxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L, land, s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L (if cornered, CS LxxTA L, s.S), land, s.MHS, sj.MHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land…
Jump Loop + (Better combo if you don’t have any reason to do full damage to maximize meter gain.)
j.dHxxTA L, land, s.MHxxMF H j.MMH, land, j.MMHS, land, j.MdHxxTA L, land (if cornered, CS LxxTA L, s.S…not 100% if hitstun will let you get the s.H consistently after the CS), s.MHS, sj.MHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land…
“ETR +”
j.dHxxTA L, land CS LxxTA L, land, [j.MdHxxCS LxxTA L, land]x2 s.HS, sj.MHdHxxCS HxxTA L, land.
Relaunch 1 is assist+Charged AS or NS, s.S, sj.HxxCS HxxTA L
Relaunch 2 is assist+Charged AS or NS, s.S, sj.TK CS HxxTA L (You need to wait until the last second to do the s.S and you have to get the sj. TK CS. s.TK CS won’t leave you high enough to connect with the TA.)"
Also, one of the youtube comments from tritefr: about that last combo, i actually got just over 650k with low j.S into 4 CS loops, [into s, j.h xx H CS, land, charged ankle slice], in the corner of course (i think it was 643k without the j.S) I haven’t been able to replicate it yet myself but I thought I’d put a shout-out to him since I don’t think he frequents here. It’s height specific but you can fit in sj.H,2HxxCS HxxTA L for the super to get a little extra damage in, also.