The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

Soooo does SeXy-23 have an infinite thats worth learning or no?
I’m trying to find something with M talon falling j.MH then jump MH M talon… buuut idk, i suck so idk what im doing.

From everything I’ve seen, the trick is to make the last j.H before you touch the ground hit so early that the animation is interrupted. I’m almost positive what’s going on is the game is reading what are supposed to be the active frames from the last normal so it misses the few frames where she’s grounded.

I’m not gonna get a lot of lab time today, but aside from super tight links from the Down TAC the only other thing I can think of is a mayeb a low side TAC outside of the corner. From any TAC, I’m pretty sure for this to work, she’s going to have to hit her TA M at the top of the character and just a bit over normal jump height and go into either a falling j.LH or j.MH. All the spacings I’ve been able to manage off of TACs put me hitting the TA M really low on the opponent and she has no way to connect the j.H since there’s not much of a vertical hitbox on it.

I think the idea now is rather to hit the first character and go into a TAC infinite. Bring in X-23 after killing the first character and do Silent Kill and kill the next character while also building a meter. Then Silent Kill the next character as well. Man that would be some cheap shit.

I feel like it’d be better just to do it with TACing to magneto (since he has all 3 directions atm and it’s not that hard) rather than X-23. Wesker/Magneto/X-23 sounds good lol I might try the team out for some troll times.

I was just watching the FGTV stream last night and in the lab and someone said they wanted X-23 infinites so I came up with the one someone posted on the previous page. I gave up in about half an hour cause it was too damn hard. I think for the rejump loop, it’d probably be better just to do 1 air normal before M talon attack (either j.M or j.H) so you get closer to the ground or else chuck in a j.d+H, but I still feel like X-23 has to either be at the same level or above the opponent so you don’t wanna let j.d+H stay active too long.


If X23 has an infinite, it would look something like this.

OMFG I GOT IT TO WOOORK!!! I was wrong and the method above is incorrect. I’l post vid soon

I think X-23/Dorm/insert good assist here could achieve something like this.

TAC infinite the first 1 if you can, Silent Kill the next char and pop XF into a loop to build the meter(possibly extend with Dark Hole), then Silent Kill the 3rd char for death. If X-23’s got enough meter, she can Rage Trigger DHC Dorm into Stalking Flare into Meteors and whatnot. But that needs confirming.

Looking forward to the vid LuisLuis. :smiley:



That’s the infinite? It looked like Hulk popped out of some hitstun towards the end.

been at it for hours and the character pops out of the second rep, much less a 4th rep, if you dont do the H properly.

its all spacing and the M M were supposed to be delayed more as to allow hulk to fall more to the ground which is why he got out because H didn’t connect

Gratz Luis. Glad it was one of us that found it, lol. That’s exactly what I expected it to look like. I’ll work on a side TAC tomorrow, I think she has one there too.

Well done LuisLuis. :smiley:

On a different note, just like to add that whenever somebody blocks your Talon M on the ground, that’s also a free instant fuzzy overhead opportunity(best backed up with assists of course.)

Mirage Feint>Talon M puts you right in the opponent’s face from anywhere and a projectile/beam assist(ones that pin are the best) will make you safe. If it connects on hit, depending on the assist, your instant fuzzy overhead can combo as well.

lol i abuse the hell out of Talon M in my fights. its how i get in.

Big characters only, or just more difficult with smaller ones?

i managed to do 2 reps on Vergil but yeah its already incredibly tight for the big characters and for the medium characters its even harder and you have to delay the moves even more. Thus which is why its not a viable infinite like the other characters.

on another note i found another infinite with another rarely used character. infact i think the method that im using will allow infinites for those without air mobility as the character i discovered it with has 0 air mobility outside of a move that brings him/her to the ground and ending the “no hitstun” phase.

expect videos soon after my phone charges

Yeah, it’s interesting technology but the tightness just doesn’t look suitable for me. That being said, I still think these TACIs will benefit greatly on getting X23 on streams more even if it means just maxing 5 bars with easier TACIs and trap dirt nap. I can do the Trish infinite, which is easier and just round harvest setup into X23 derp.

I won’t have enough time to lab it for evo tho :@

Someone out there must have a solid Trish with a mediocre X-23, and they’ll show everyone what’s up come Evo, lol.

and heres the character i was working on:



heres the character i was working on

Niitsuma has already put out tweets saying they’re looking to patch the infinites out, I wouldn’t worry about them too much. It’s gonna make for one hell of an EVO tho. lol.

From what I see in streams currently, guys try to set up an infinite when they could have killed, drop after 4 reps or so, most of the time it does not do enough to kill, and they pay for the drop later on. Unless people get significantly better at executing these infinites, I think it will be a death sentence, trying to use them at EVO so early after their discovery.