The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread


side and down infinite midscreen

Log Trap, Spitfire, Rapid Slash,Shopping Cart, Drones, Cold Star, Jam Session, Bolts of Balthakk, Doom Missiles = GGs. Any Area-of-Effect assist works wonders.

The only reason to be bothering with infinites is for the meter gain. It’s completely pointless otherwise since there’s almost always a better way to do guaranteed damage. If you can get where you can consistently get 5 meters off of the infinite then you’ll be able to win whole matches off the first touch with X-23.

Thinking of the infinite X-23 killydeath team, why not set up the team so that the Dante infinite gains the meter? His infinite is easier to do, and he’s pretty good in second, he’s got that safe DHC in case of problems. Then you have Dante switch out on the kill, and jam session with X-23 until death. Anyone who can open up, including X-23, in front, Dante second, or you could have X-23 in back as anchor, because she can do some damage in that spot if the plan goes awry. Or another scary anchor who could help X-23 approach, perhaps Hawkeye, Vergil, Akuma, Ammy, Tasky, Arthur even. There’s too many to mention.

This is just theory, and I can’t play Dante to put the idea into practice, but it sounds like a truly unstoppable team.

This is sort of bitter-sweet in that it’s taken something as silly as the TAC infinite for people to take notice of X-23. Before this, she was irrelevant to most people, now people’re twisting their knickers and losing their shit over this whole business.

And yeah, X-23/Dante/insert good char/assist here. Enjoy it while it lasts though haha. Couple of weeks/months tops before it’s gone probably, don’t think I’m gonna be practising the TAC infinites hardcore.

Even with the whole TAC stuff, I wonder if X-23 could 300% a whole team, especially if the team has high health…

X-23/Dante/Assist has always been her end team imho. I would’ve been running X-23/Dante/Dorm ages ago if I could actually play Dante and JS still allowed for relaunces -_-

That. I agree with every word.

I’m gonna go and play with crystal, it’s the only thing I haven’t labbed with X-23/Dante yet. I don’t think JS and WS offer enough and are pretty much a wasted assist. I like dante’s followups to stalking flare better than his followups to WXP or RT tho.

I don’t think X-23 will ever have the meter gain to 300% a whole team (outside of glitches/TAC infinites). A full TOD from her just barely builds 2 meters and you’ll have to burn those 2 meters to get the first kill against heavies. Even in the perfect situation where they die right as you build the 3rd meter, there’s no way to build 3 meters against the next character after a dirt nap. I assume that’s a completely intentional design choice to keep her from being broken.

For anyone wanting to try to abuse the TAC glitches atm. My vote for best X-23 kill team is (TAC air dash glitcher)/Dante/X23. Point options are Zero, Morrigan, Chun, Spidey, and maybe Shuma and RR. My vote would go to Zero since he’s the most broken point in the game. Using the TAC air dash glitch, you turn a 33% into 11% (or 20% if the next character only has a Down TAC). Then you infinite and tag to x23. dirt nap the other characters. Against characters with low health you might need to use Morrigan point to make up the little meter gain you need and it wouldn’t be as easy to get the first touch. With Zero/Dante/X23 even if things go south, that’s 2 strong duos and some broken XF characters.

I don’t like Crystal because it felt too slow for X23 relaunching similar to Hulk’s gamma waves outside corners. Outside notable names at Evolution I do not think we will see much of the TAC mechanic, much less the factoring of X23 simply being on a team for that purpose of meter gain but who really knows at this rate. What I do know is that Meep is in the pool I’m in, and I’m wondering if he will be running X23/Zero/Iron Fist or perhaps his X23/Dante/Akuma (or X23 at all).

Good luck at Evo Ephidel, all the best to you and the rest of the X-23 players!

Akuma’s Tatsu assist is brilliant. Really helps out X-23 at the start of the round. Going back to an old vid from Vanilla Marvel reminded me that you can OS throw+assist call. You land a throw, assist doesn’t come out, they try to grab you, you tech and your assist comes out and if they’re mashing on throw, they’re gonna get tagged, so that’s potentially a free TOD for you if you dash after them and juggle off the Tatsu assist.

If you’re in the corner, Tatsu+Wall-jump’s a good escape tool, since you’ll escape the corner and switch sides, which can cause Tatsu to cross the opponent up.

Thx bro, I’m just a college student that plays this game on his free time. Since you insist that you are the worst X23 ever I may very well be second, but evo should be fun and I’m looking forward to the experience.

You’re definitely not 2nd lol, you’re better than you think you are. I’ve got similar issues, I’m usually very busy so I rely on online play for gaming(and some offline sessions with my other friends who are similarly serious about Ultimate Marvel and other games), but online sucks and it’s not very often I play offline. So, I’m generally lacking EXP. Luckily, the people I play with are better than I am, so even though I lose often, I learn something new everytime I play them, plus this game’s crazy fun. Also, can’t seem to find a correct team lol. Tried X-23/Dormammu/Akuma and if I touch someone, they’re going down, but I absolutely hate playing as Dormammu since my day 2 Dormammu sucks and my Akuma’s lacking.

Dante’s a char I’m very familiar and comfortable with, so tried X-23/Dante/Akuma, but can’t deal with certain teams properly, and I can’t kill chars easily, not even 850,000K chars at full health, which is sad lol. And it’s not for lack of trying either, I’m doing MFC CS Loops, the works, but Million Dollars as a DHC ender sucks after Rage Trigger. Rambling incoming btw:

So, played my friends today, was getting worked by Mags+Drones and Taskmaster+Hidden Missiles. Any other team they tried, I comfortably defeated it.

Mags MU is horrid for me right now, well, it’s always been horrid for me, but now, ugh. Friend’s Mag really stepped it up, had great difficulty trying to evade his Mags, cross-up airdash Magnetic Blast was really messing me up, Mag’s conversion in general’s so dumb and of course, Drones.

Old stuff but general information:

  1. cr.H and Mirage Feint(hold button) shrink your hitbox so you can go underneath Disruptor.

  2. Disruptor’s punishable at closer ranges. You could probably dash up to him and st.M into a full combo.

  3. If a Mags player does a string into flight unassisted, it’s not safe, hit a button(preferably st.M.)

OK, I think in general for neutral from mid range, you’d probably want to be using st.M cr.M and maybe st.H since they’re all good pokes and st.M and st.H are effective versus tri-jumps/airdashes. Versus his empty jump tri-jumps into cr.L, d+H is good, since it’ll leap over his low normals and crush them, which can lead into a full combo. OS d+H by using df+H so it doubles up as an airgrab if he gets too close to you.

I’d say stay in the air to avoid his assist calls+Disruptor. Mags can pull you down with Gravitation though, which was what was happening to me a lot. If you get locked down in Drones, fuzzy guard for your life lol. Talon M unassisted(or even assisted if he spots it at times) can get blown up by Magnetic Shockwave.

I don’t think X-23’s really safe anywhere versus Mags, not on the ground or in the air since he can convert airhits into full combos/airgrab you for full combos. His mobility’s too much for X-23 to keep up at times, she really has to be on the move(wavedashing, SJ-ing, wall-jumping, whatever it takes really)and tossing hitboxes his way to dissuade unassisted tri-jump offence

Don’t know how to deal with Magnetic Blast, except if he does it quite high up in the air, wavedashing underneath is helpful.You can sometimes even punish Magneto for it, for example, like if he airdashes too high up and does it. Mag players can correct this by air plinkdashing then Magnetic Blast though.

Things I’m uncertain about:

-can’t remember, but I know Magneto can use of his weird Magnetic specials(can’t remember if it’s Attraction/Repulsion/Gravitation/whatever) to create a 1-frame reversal or something like that.

  • I suppose his special counters(Force Field) can be used against obvious X-23 offence? Meh.

That’s all I’ve got, anyone know anything else about the Mags MU? Also, Viper can burn in hell too. :frowning:

Double post, sorry, but been exploring X-23’s tech-chasing: [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]RwZvqu8B-iQ[/media][/details]

Managed to make it safer by not doing Ankle Slice + I combined it with Tatsu assist(sorry for mentioning this particular assist over and over lol.) Needs more testing, but it could be handy if you don’t wanna spend meter.

After an Ankle Slice OTG, wavedash 3 times(you may have to plink your crouch-cancelled wave-dashes) on their wake-up whilst calling Tatsu and you can dash through them if they roll forward, or you can control it by wavedashing 3 times slightly slower(very, very slightly so you don’t give any hints away though.) The opponent can mash on a reversal/mash a fast normal on wake-up and catch X-23+assist, so it’s not completely tight.

But you can do this instead: after the wavedash, do a very high Falling Claw(d+H.) What happens is, X-23 will warp/not warp through them and the Tatsu assist will appear opposite to X-23. Her Falling Claw will connect during the Tatsu hit, allowing her to juggle off it. Because Falling Claw’s high-up, the opponent cannot mash a fast normal, because it’ll simply won’t reach X-23 even if they managed to hit Akuma’s assist. And because they have to guess which side you’ll be on, reversaling with something invincible can be dangerous for them since they risk getting their inputs reversed. So you can turn this into a 50-50, of sorts.

You can also wavedash and Mirage Feint cross-up on their wake-up as well, especially handy if they roll backwards to try and eliminate the mix-up.

Keep in mind this is all supposed to be in the corner so that if they roll backwards, they roll into the corner, leaving you with the advantage and you apply more offence. Which doesn’t matter a whole lot since X-23’s better combos will wall-carry opponents from anywhere on the screen, guaranteed. Will make a vid very soon.

Ooh, I gotta find a good variation of this with cold star. I saw the vanilla version of that vid, didn’t run any good assists for it then, closest I had was Task arrows.

And here’s what I was talking about, except I did it with Jam Session: [media=youtube]UJMkfGijbR0[/media]

This has got me thinking a bit actually. If you notice, the Falling Claw I did could’ve hit them first before the Jam Session did, resulting in a non-cross-up. If I can control when Falling Claw’ll hit, I can improve this mix-up…

EDIT: Or, I could just do st.M before Jam Session hits, at the risk of getting mashed on.

What input are you doing after your otg and before the down H?

My bad, shoulda turned on my inputs. I’m mashing on down+LMH~H+assist. :smiley: I think a very rapid wavedash’ll get the job done too.

Just saw Ephidel’s match vs Chrisis, was really excited to see him on stream repping X-23! Proud of you man!

I got hype as soon as I saw his name on stream. It’s a shame how it went down, but Chrisis has a sick Viper.