Yeah, I was hype when he got that HBD at the beginning. I always try to give them the first assault when they have vajra assist and open with a TK CS H to counter that and get the neutral pressure started. Chrisis is a beast tho but it’s probably why you ended up on the stream in the first place. Kick some ass in losers!
Yeah, Chrisis was on fire, never seen him play like that. Ephidel had good sequences going on with X-23 in the 2nd match when he was pressuring Viper, but unfortunately, he got hit and that was that.
ETR’s up now, let’s see some loops!
Edit: Aw too bad. Jan was doing some crazy stuff though. First infinite in a tournament setting if I’m not mistaken.
ETR GOT EXPOSED!!! did not see anything special and then he gets infinited??? sucks
Sorry guys, the pressure got to me. I’ve never been streamed in front of millions of people and it totally threw my game off. I knew this would happen because Chrisis is really good, it felt like if a pushed a button I would get hit by Vipers normals or Vajra.
I almost got to losers finals and I really wanted to play Chrisis again, but I guess I’m not ready yet lol.
At least Meep made it out of the pools, his X23 is crazy. He gave me a few ideas for some team formations, I wish I got a chance to play him.
Really nice seeing all you X-23 players on stream! Don’t worry about it Ephidel, you did great and it was your first Evo right? Congrats to Meep!
Yeah, this was my first Evo and even though I didn’t do much the experience is great. I hope I can make it next year and do better.
Congratulations for all competing X-23 players!
I really don’t like Kubo’s X-23 team. He relies way too much on just getting Dirt Nap.
Yeah, that’s the problem with Kubo’s team, Jam Session doesn’t cut it alone for X-23. He’s banking it all on Vergil to gain the meter and kill two chars to ensure death on the 3rd. With all due respect, just from the way he plays X-23, you can tell he purely relies on XF2>Silent Kill to win with her.
Maybe his team would fare better with a horizontal neutral assist. But congrats to him and all X-23 players anyway! Was really happy to see a good amount of X-23s on stream, especially Ephidel.
Oh and by the way, the roll chasing cross-up with Jam Session I posted on the previous page? Turned it into a true 50-50 if they roll forwards. You don’t have to do a very high Falling Claw to prevent mashed crouching normals really. Because X-23 and Dante will sandwich the opponent between themselves, advancing guarding doesn’t really mean anything since it’ll just result in the opponent pushing themselves into X-23. Mix-up might be susceptible to st.L mashing(though when I tried it, I’d either hit X-23 and get hit by Jam Session in return, or flat-out lose, should try Cap.America’s st.L) and will lose to invincible reversals.
Once again, if the mix-up gets blocked, you’re at the advantage since they’re still pinned down by Jam Session.
To make Jam Session hit the opponent first when X-23 dashes through the opponent on a forward roll(basically a cross-up), do a medium height Falling Claw(like jump normally and D+H.) To make X-23 hit them first(non-cross-up), do a low-to-the-ground one. And there we go.
Hehehehe, now that I think about it, what would happen if I threw Decapitating Slice into the mix? Could I create a meaty inescapable set-up?
I need some suggestions for point characters for my ???/X-23/Hawkeye team, i was thinking Dormamu, Dante or Spencer. But I can’t make up my mind.
Running tripple arrow assist on Hawkeye currently.
Go with Spencer IMO, since I feel Spencer works better as a point char with X-23/Hawkeye compared to the other two. Dormammu and Dante I’d put on point with different assists/chars behind them.
Oh yeah, my chase rolling with Jam Session’s not as strong as I thought, they can jump on wake-up. Though they still get locked down/hit by Jam Session, it weakens post lockdown mix-ups.
I guess I’ll try to learn Spencer then, I’ve never really tried him but he seems like alot of fun.
I just noticed yet another oki option for X-23 in the corner (while trying to do a reverse of the typical option select). After an Ankle Slice OTG, call assist and do QCF+L. With a very simple timing, the special will autocorrect rather than do a Mirage Feint, you have to hold the button for a couple of frames or so to get the meaty timing.
The Neck Slice will track the opponent and prevent them from jumping out, but they’ll be most likely blocking. If they roll back, they’ll have to block the assist next (assuming it’s a slow assist like Plasma Beam, Dark Hole or Cold Star), which means a free mixup of choice. If they roll forward, they only get to block the special as I haven’t managed to get both the assist and special to autocorrect, but thanks to the meaty timing, X-23 is about neutral or +1. I checked it against another X-23 in jump + guard state, but I’m not particularly good at seeing these things.
It’s only powerful against back rolls, but it’s safe against forward rolls, so I do think it has some merit, if not only to figure out player tendencies on wake up.
I found it out while trying to figure out how to keep momentum with oki or resets through Amaterasu’s Cold Star assist, but I ended up not figuring out anything specific for her. In fact, besides easier Dirt Nap setups and air throw combos, I didn’t manage to get more powerful stuff. I know lots of people used X-23/Ammy at some point, what are the basics for this duo?
I think if you wavedash super fast on their wake-up, you’ll cross them up like in my vid and end up on the side you were on anyway. So if you input Mirage Feint L, you should always get it…I think.
As for the X-23 duo, Cold Star can be used for relaunching/extensions after Ankle Slice OTG. If the opponent gets pinned down on the ground with Cold Star, that gives you carte blanche to run any mix-up you like on the opponent(fuzzy guards, left rights, whatever really.) Cold Star can be used on incoming chars as well, and something about true inescapable throw set-ups with Decapitating Slice on incoming chars, similar to the “guardbreaks” you see MarlinPie do.
Ammy THC should get X-23 in to run in and do whatever she wants as well too I think.
Ammy can extend off of an otg, be it for air throws or her level 3 as well. But Ryuga already said a lot of fun stuff the two of them have. When Ammy’s in front, I like timing my X-23 assist to act as an extra shot after a forward heavy sequence, giving Ammy a few free frames and making her very safe. But usually I use her anchor, but have found some odd aplications with the pairing.
- Ammy, on a kill, slowdown into Dirt Nap. Then you don’t even need an assist, they’re so slow. It’s a lot of fun.
- Off X-23’s cutscene hyper, DHC into slowdown, they go into a silly flight state for some reason, then dash forward a tad, and raw tag, X-23 is able to combo off it with her usual stuff, and if you immediately launch, air combo and back down, the slowdown lasts until just after her otg, allowing her to solo relaunch. If you start it with X-23’s hyper, it becomes a meter-inefficient way to do quite a bit of damage to zoners from fullscreen, given the right prediction. I have been able to put this raw tag nonsense after a full combo quite a few times too, but have yet to lab anything specific. I intend to explore that a bit and maybe make a video when/if I get a recording device.
Everything else Ryuga said, though I’ve never really tried THC shenanigans (not with Ammy, anyway). I should get on that.
The point is that I always get a meaty Neck Slice thanks to auto corrected input. I pretty much shat on the Mirage Feint once I discovered this, lol. Now that I think about it, going straight into a Mirage Feint mixup is really hard without preventing the opponent to escape with up+back.
A single dash works to cross the opponent up in that situation. It’s actually something I do quite often for oki. It’s really hard for the opponent to react to X-23’s crossing up with her fast dash.
Right. About extending combos, is there any way to do it after long combos? After a simple chain into launcher into air combo, it’s easy to relaunch, but if I do a longer combo before launching, then the opponent flips right after Cold Star, even if I try to hit them with something with lots of hitstun. I can’t go straight into launcher because the assist pops the opponent too high.
And do you know any cool ways to set a Cold Star up on a neutral situation? I wonder if there are any tricks to cover the assist’s startup safely and position the opponent on that sweet spot where they get locked down. I’ve used H+A2, MFC, but that only works when people aren’t expecting the assist, it really isn’t fullproof.
EDIT: Whoops, this is what I get for taking so long to write a reply.
Wow, that’s some really cool tech. I have to try all of that.
Thanks, to both of you.
I bet there’s a way to make it extend later combos, but I have yet to find it. I always use her as the first relaunch, and I find I’m fine. If any other Ammy/X-23’s got something fun and secret for making it consistent as the second relaunch, lemme know.
H+A2 MFC+M is okay, but the assist startup is a bit slow to actually get a sneakyfast crossup. And it can be unsafe. But on a ground series, I have found LM A2 H MFC+M is so fast that no one will be able to read that. And from the same timing of A2, a MFC light fakes them out, and an MFC heavy allows for some lockdown sillyness. So they can expect the assist all they like, it won’t help them block it.
On the timing, though, be careful, as too early into the ground string, and the cold star will hit fast enough to be a true blockstring, and like vergil, all the zipping behind them in the world won’t help open them up. And another warning, the corner screws this up at times.
I have trouble doing this with the right timing online, but people can’t react to H+A2 online anyway, so I switch to that at times.
Also, while a cold star is wailing on a blocking opponent, I like to get right up next to them, and right when it ends, dash forward, jump forward and down H, for that ambiguous stuff. I know someone else on the X-23 boards uses that, but I forget who.
I wasn’t saying I used straight up Mirage Feints after an H+A2. Rather, I cancel the Mirage Feint instantly (so H+A2xxqcb.L~S). If blocked, X-23 is super safe.
Making a true blockstring with Cold Star that’s either pushblock-proof or hard to pushblock would be great. I wouldn’t want to use the assist itself to hit, as it would eat a lot of damage from X-23’s combos, who is quite capable of mixing up by herself when the opponent is pinned down.