The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

Lol, my bad, I wasn’t even reading your post correctly and didn’t notice you were talking about getting Neck Slice on both sides.

After long combos, it’s very weird, depending on the character, you have to delay the Cold Star+Ankle Slice OTG. For chars like Wesker and Spencer, you’d have to delay it by a good amount. Against chars like Ghost Rider, you can relaunch normally.

Against chars like Modok, you’d have to shorten your combos, it just won’t work on him due to his hitbox. And setting it up during a neutral position…not sure, but there’s calling the assist alongside uncharged Neck Slice/pokes(buffered into Neck Slice if you want as well), calling it during blockstrings(MFCs would be good)…need to look into this a bit more.

Cold Star also reaches further than I thought, especially if you wavedash along side it. And thanks to DukeofFortuneMan for the Slow stuff! Gonna try out some combos with it.

Thank you. Extremely useful guide. I love X-23, she’s really fun to play as, and works like a charm with Doom’s assists and assets.

How do you all feel about a X-23(ankle slice)/Doom(plasma beam)/Viper(burning kick) team? i’m really liking it so far. Any sugestions about the assists? anything? Thank you :slight_smile:

IIRC, does burning kick have to be blocked high? I suppose you can do some stuff with that, same way my team (X23/Doom/Wesker) sets up unblockables. Anchor Viper seems like untapped stuff, but I think she would appreciate Doom’s beam in the same ways X23 does upon getting in.

Yup, Burning Kick has to be blocked high.

I keep going on about the corner chase rolling lol, but I went back and found out Tatsu is much better for it than Jam Session. Doing a meaty cr.M on their wake-up+Tatsu after the dashes makes it so they can’t jump out of it, they get tagged due to pre-jump frames. Can’t backdash and they can’t mash any normals at all, it’ll get stuffed. Only an invincible reversal can blow through this, otherwise they have to take the mix-up. Once again, you can control if you cross them up or not, depending on how fast you dash. It’s basically a 50-50 Berserker Slash on their wake-up, pretty brutal and more ambiguous than my Jam Session one.

Jam Session scales due to multiple hits, but Tatsu doesn’t so you net more damage. Is X-23 an oki machine?

Of course X-23 is an oki machine, lol.

However, there’s an extremely strong counter to the dash-through mixup, and it’s not Bionic Arm. Any character can neutral stand wakeup, which is both considerably faster, and prevents X-23 from crossing up. If you’re not paying careful attention, and just auto-piloting the mixup, neutral stand jabs will get you HBD-ed.

Random tech of the day: Dirt Nap can be linked after Deadpool’s Guns super in the corner. Probably true for several other projectile supers as well.

Should have clarified, this is a new variant of the dash-through. You only do it after any combo that puts the opponent in the corner into Ankle Slice OTG(all of X-23’s good combos put you in the corner lol.) They literally can’t hit you out of it, cr.M hits meaty, they can’t even jab you out of it, standing(which cr.M would probably go under anyway) and crouching. They tech normally or backroll, they’re still in the corner, which sets them up for further mix-ups and pressure. They roll out, they’re subject to the cross up(but you can make it not cross-up, adding to the mix-up). They can’t jump out(get nabbed during pre-jump frames.) They can’t backdash out(get nabbed before it happens.) They have to invincible reversal or take it, block or hit.

this is the only way to play X-23 now

she’s pretty much done at a high level imo. if you want to play X-23 you have to pair her with one of the very overwhelming point characters like Zero and then a strong anchor character like Vergil or Magneto. either you land your hit and XF2 their last two chars to death or she dies free and you have to run it back with an actually good character.

she’s not low tier… upper mid probably. but even upper mids in this game can’t compete with the top tiers

I don’t really know about that, Meep placed WAY higher than Kubo did and (From what I can tell) he’s not using a pure Dirt Nap team.

he’s using Zero and a good assist iirc just like I said. Kubo is also a JPN player and they are a lot worse at the neutral game than most NA players…

Lara is too much of a strain on team chemistry to work. put all the effort you want into X-23, in the end you will not compete with high tier rushdown chars (wolverine, spencer, magneto) you will get zoned for days by a fly character + missiles team, you can’t control or punish assist calls without getting a happy birthday, you have a hard time covering your own assists and your mixup is only good if you ignore what the top tiers can do

seriously. she is a high effort/decent rewards character… switch to one of the top tier high effort chars and you will win so much more its not even funny. all that energy and execution you have to put into X-23 that makes her decent makes a character like Viper or Magneto absolutely oppressive. then you don’t have to worry about losing to low tier characters like Haggar anymore either

Meep played Zero/X23/Dante, and his whole game revolved around ToD with Zero while still remaining meter positive for XF2 Laura kill the rest. I’d say this was more effective than Kubo’s team because Zero has a lot more options with Jam Session and can fill the screen with busters and lighting crossups.

I personally think point X23 might be done, not the entire character itself. Too many better points in the game can fill the screen with much better derp and rushdown, and that’s just something Laura cannot deal with. A solid point should be able to at least contend with the opponents point character, and by the time X23 is in hopefully she can kill the last 2 characters with traps and ToD XF. Building a team around her is too much strain no matter where you put her and things almost have to work in your favor in order to win. I’m glad that Meep finally decided to drop Iron Fist though, that character is pretty garbage. It’s the reason Justin finally started making Top 8’s again.

IMO, there are ways to make point X-23 less of a strain on your team and treat her weaknesses to a degree, but it pretty much means forgetting about guaranteed TODs and placing emphasis on TACs/oki-mix-ups to build up for Silent Kill.

I much prefer X-23 on point. More assists to back her up.

I prefer point X23 also but that’s probably only because I’ve been playing like this since vanilla, and I agree with having as many assist options as possible to help solidify her game. I might experiment with her back at second again if I can’t find a team that covers a lot of matchup identities, and since her hitboxes have been annoying me lately that may be sooner than later.

I actually ran the iron fist team after I lost to yipes in the next pool :frowning: If I ever get lightning loops down 100% i will play x-23 again. I just like the dhc option if I choke hard and need a kill on someone. I really do feel like zero/x-23/dante is the best team in the game. Most of the time your meter positive with zero so you can get a free dirtnap kill if you ever kill with 3 meters. Hard tag and free kill.

huh. just figured out you can combo into dirt nap on big characters with sentinel drones

x23loop into sentinel+ankle slice and the drones hit big characters in the corner, which lets u either relaunch or immediately active dirt nap off of ankle slice and hit them after a couple drones

edit: okay so it doesnt seem to work on all big characters but it does on magneto and hulk, not dormammu or sentinel though

also seems to work with more than just drones too, wallbounce assists work, and hsien-ko does too (these work on the entire cast though)

Looking for a little help guys. I suck balls at resets. It just hasn’t clicked yet for me. Apparently X-23 is a reset beast, but since not too many people play with her there’s not a whole lot I can watch online of her in action to try to learn from. Sorry to be all newbie about it, but can someone break it down for me or point me to where I can see some of her reset options in action?

Loved luis1luis1’s vids. DevilJin01 has great stuff up. And Merkyl is a saint for putting this thread together. Thanks in advance guys.

Resets with Spencer’s assist: [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]2rwj9bD07jw[/media][/details]

Think Jacob’s resets are the best so far.

*Chase Roll mix-up with X-23: [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]UJMkfGijbR0[/media][/details]

*Instead of Jam Session, use Tatsu and instead of Falling Claw, use cr.M on their wake-up.

anyone try using doom missiles for an otg?

if you do a combo into missles then mirage feint medium behind them and dash it will push their body into the missles and pick them up if you do it fast enough.

not sure how to convert off this but it is cool

or you could just call the assist before launch and have the missles hit the character when you bring them down?

yeah just thought this was neat lol

I sort of browsed the thread and the internet looking for pictures of X23’s hitboxs but to no avail. could someone point me in the direction of which i could find these pictures?