It was a good run. Iono if I coulda beat him, but I coulda done better vs champ.
Here’s the jwong match. He was in a really bad mood after losing to joker, and clearly starts trolling me at one point. Tournament match though, so I’ll take it.
It was a good run. Iono if I coulda beat him, but I coulda done better vs champ.
Here’s the jwong match. He was in a really bad mood after losing to joker, and clearly starts trolling me at one point. Tournament match though, so I’ll take it.
Recently picked this game up again, and really the only character I have been liking is x23. However, I am having some issues differentiating between what some people are saying combo / assist wise. So if any of you can help answer these questions for me, I would be quite grateful. (I swear I tried searching as much as I could, but had trouble finding this).
After a corner combo it seems the only way to get certain assists to pick up the opponent after an ankle slice is to backdash and do the ankle slice. However, I can’t do this at all. I tried a regular backdash and it won’t reach. Tried a plink backdash and still no dice. What am I missing here?
I keep hearing talks of a jump loop combo, but I can’t find any information on this. Can anyone shed some light on how this is done?
Sorry if these seem like obvious answers to most on here, but yeah…
No problem at all. Welcome to the boards.
There are a few assists that you have to back dash to use their otg. The main ones that come to mind are dorm’s dark hole and nova’s cent rush. Generally, the best way to do that is to hold back, press the dash and assist at the same time, then do the ankle slicer. It does take some practice and it is assist specific so if you’re having trouble with a specific one, let me know and I’ll try to give you more specific tips.
As far as combos, if you’ll check out my YouTube page (same username there) I have a vid called refined X23 bnbs that has most of her current combos and notations in the description and extra notes in the annotations. I would post them directly, but I’m on my phone atm and it’s not the easiest thing to do. (Plus there’s a whole bunch of good videos there if you’re just starting out.
Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any other questions or issues.
Found it, but having some issues with reading the notations (like I said, pretty new to playing this game seriously. Im a SF player). When you say:
s.MHxxMF H j.MMH,
MF H is referring to mirage feint H as in d, db, b+H or are you referring to the cancel with S after the s.H hits? I know it should seem pretty obvious what you’re doing in the video, but she moves a little fast sometimes
Standing medium, standing Heavy, cancel into Mirage Feint, xx = cancel… Heavy while in air after MF, immediately jump and press medium, medium, Heavy in the air. At least that is what s.MHxxMF H j.MMH translates to.
What he said except it’s mirage feint H (QCB H) , then when your in the air from the mirage feint H, do a jumping Medium Medium Heavy.
so any new tech you guys discovered or improved combos?
i dont got anything ground breaking just that with my team(Ryu/X23/Wesker) i can backdash ryu fireball assist/otg and have my first hit whiff and that gives me enough time to connect with Weapon X prime on all characters though the timing is strict and i only ever get it in training mode about 20% of the time.
If you do the H Loop once there isn’t enough hitstun deterioration yet so you can do S, H, down H, TA-M, M, S, ground MHS ect. for the most damaging solo launch combo.
I recall doing two H loops after a command throw but haven’t practiced that.
I think i mentioned this once but after killing a character in the corner, you can mirage faint and put yourself in the corner, walljump and it sets up a perfect meaty crossup when the opponent lands on the ground. obviously doesn’t work on characters with air mobility if they change their trajectory.
On incoming characters you can also stand in the corner and do M(it will act as a crossup +push you off the corner) delay H(this will hit from the front now that they are in the corner)
If you have your opponent near the corner, MH MF-H, a.L, a.M, a.H, jump a.MMHS(you have to combo this string to put them very high and how do you that is MM fast>small delay of H and S), a.MHS, M(this M will remove them from the corner and put you there)HS to setup stuff like assist launch a.H TA-L and make them land into it. Only tried this combo on Magneto so don’t know if it works on the rest of the cast.
Really feel like I’ve plateaued when it comes to X23. Same with my Ryu
Most of my work has been optimizing teams and reminding myself how meter gain works along with working on Dante tools for TACing past X23, an unblockable grapple setup that you can’t just hard tag or jump out of because of how X23 times (shoutouts to SumBrwnKid for the gdlk tech), 2+ meter combos with dante as options instead of TACing (shot loop unibeam extension stuff), stuff like that.
I think Dante(JS)/X23(LowTG)/IM(UB) is the best double dirt nap team with current tech levels.
Been working on using Angled Proton Cannon xx Dirt nap for setups when I don’t have JS. Need to check if the last part of PC has a bit more hitstun because there’s a few frames gap that I’m trying to get rid of.
Kind of a double post from the team thread last night, but I found the meterless XF1 Post Dirt-Nap Thor TOD with my team last night (originally I was capping out at just under 1.1 and it should apply to anyone that has at least a beam bounce extension that works late combo.) There are now only 4 characters I can’t kill +1 meter positive after a dirt nap (Phoenix, Akuma, Strider, RR.)
Found out you can call S + Assist and delay the assist call for a reaaaaallly long time and still have it come out. Makes Unibeam reliable at all levels of HSD as a beam bounce (lets me use it for late XF extensions and post dirt nap extensions to deal with heavys.) Might let you do a higher level of CS during the Strange beam bounce and make some other assists viable for beam bouncing. Might let you use Cart as a beam bounce, too. Only recently realized how much leeway X23 has on timing her assist calls so there’s lots of stuff that might have viability for extensions or dirt nap/throw pickups I didn’t see before.
Nice fuzzy setup with unibeam doing MH+Beam MF Mxx(without crossing up)TA M (times almost perfectly with unibeam) falling j.MM or whatever you feel like using there. (mix up single/double overheads into lows/fuzzies/MFxxTA/etc.) Creates a really strong mixup branch point.
I can verify the 2 H Loops after the command grab, that’s practical, only hitch for me was learning how fast you have to hit the s.H on the first loop.
Ammy specific corner thing, you can do normal ground front throw > otg + assist because she’s so short, probably works on other midgets, too. Great for snapping her in on incoming setups.
As far as using X23’s LowTG with dante, it’s combo > grapple > (very early, almost as soon as you’re able to act after the grapple) c.HH(H+AS)(dH)(dS) falling j.M or H to actually unblockable with X23. You have to buffer the first d for teleport’s ddS in the 4th H of c.HHHH and you call X23 with the 3rd H so she times correctly and you’ll hit with proper unblockable timing. The first 4 or 5 hits of the c.H are supposed to miss and you have to do the c.HHHH fast enough to get the million stabs followup (which is the part that hits meaty), rather than just the normal Dante 4 stabs that you’ll get if you do a single c.H or don’t do the c.HHHH fast enough (as a visual cue, the million stab portion has a lot more red than the c.H portion). Getting it as airtight as possible does require that much work, unfortunately, lol. This beats up-backing (perfectly meaty and full blockstun through the unblockable), pushblocking (million stab negates a lot of pushblock and the teleport covers the rest), mashing. Need to check how it does against wake-up hard tag, but I think you should be able to full punish.
I think the main thing I need at this point is to revisit MFC ground pressure and work out what I can do against people pushblocking (early and late pushblocking to see if there’s specific frame traps we can use), throw mashing, jab mashing, etc.
Been talking more with SumBrwndKid (amazing GA wolvie that is an absolute scientist when it comes to building setups to counter peoples pushblock tendencies and insanely layered incoming traps) and while X23 doesn’t have the same ground pressure tools that wolve does, we should be able to come up with something pretty close.
The general flow should be something like we get in with dash in c.MHxxMFC if they having pushblocked, we have ~11 frames to do whatever we want. I don’t have any great mixup there aside from dashover dH and stagger lights, which only sets up frame traps and push block traps since we don’t have Wolvie’s IOH or ground throw to fall back on, I’m sure there’s something we can use or some little think we haven’t been abusing on her ground game (the people I play all the time know how to pushblock on MFxxTA crossups so those have become less useful over time.) If we c.MHxxMFC and they pushblock we should be able to dash in and continue pressure and we might even have the advantage to not have to worry about the issues that everyone else does where if you accidently dash when you weren’t pushblocked you’re vulnerable to throws.
It would be really awesome to have a setup that punishes neutral tech and can transition into forward tech coverage/mixup in the corner, too. Neutral tech is getting more and more prevalent in the game and my setups don’t handle multiple techs well. Haven’t really looked into it, but seems like we should be able to work something out that puts a meaty c.M/H on the neutral tech timing then MF H (or CS or something else) to auto correct for forward techs that have rolled through you or back techs into the corner.
In general, I don’t feel like we’ve done a good job of advancing X23s neutral game in the past ~5 months and she’s starting to fall behind compared to other characters.
S + Assist and delay? Cart bounce?
Haven’t tried it, but maybe. It can pick up after a dirt nap if you do it late enough.
What do you mean by S+Assist call and delay?
For most assists calls, I’ve always hit S+assist at the same time (since the game doesn’t let you call assists during super jump.) But the game is actually pretty lenient and lets you do S (small delay, ~4~5f) > Assist which makes assists like unibeam, that are right on the edge of being usable for beam bounces (especially at high HSD/late XF, where they’ll tech out) combo or let you relaunch.
It’s not a huge thing, but for some assists it should be the difference between doing a small extension or being useless. Pretty huge deal for Dante/X23/IM(Unibeam) since it lets you use it for a post dirt nap extension to get that Thor TOD.
What do you mean by a beam bounce?
Any assist relaunch where you do S+assist > really short sj. combo (normally sj.HxxTA L)> TA L to spike them down on top of the assist, It’s how you use assists like Plasma Beam/Unibeam or almost any other assist that’s too low HSD to relaunch with the normal OTG + assist option. (Assuming it’s slow enough that you can spike them into the assist with a TA L reliably.)
Not sure why we actually settled on calling them beam bounces, but it’s pretty self-explanatory since you’re literally bouncing them off the top of the beam/assist.
:46 secs into that vid is a prototypical beam bounce using arthur daggers. I did check with cart, and I think it still only works with lower HSD combos, but you can do 2 H loops > cart bounce with sj.HxxTA L > s.S > etc.
Don’t know if it’s new (It is to me) but I figured out how to use Plasma Beam to get fully charged Neck Slice to combo anywhere on screen. You have to call it at the same time as st.m, then delay the hell out of st.h and further delay the Neck Slice. It’s a bit awkward, but it’s reliable and the damage is good. Something like
Crossup/Fake Crossup Talon Attack L -> st.M -> st.H -> H Mirage Feint -> L Crescent Scythe -> L Talon Attack -> st.M + Plasma Beam -> Delay -> st.H -> Delay -> Neck Slice -> st.H -> S -> j.M -> j.M -> j.H -> j.2H -> j.H Crescent Scythe -> j.L Talon Attack -> Ankle Slice + Cold Star -> S -> j.H -> j.H Crescent Scythe -> j.L Talon Attack -> Ankle Slice -> Rage Trigger -> Sphere Flame DHC
Can reach up to 1 million damage depending on if you get all of the Neck Slice hits, which is pretty good for a team isn’t strictly built to give her high damaging combos.
Also working on guard break setups with Cold Star and having some degree of luck. cr.H + Cold Star -> MFC -> Dash forward -> Back Throw grants an untechable grab and beats Advancing Guard, but the timing isn’t automatic and you have to practice it, so it’s not as good as Doom’s is. That and finding more ways to use Decapitating Slice have been my main focuses since the semester ended. I’m still trying to find a reliable setup to make it inescapable, but for now I’ll settle with the fact that against people who are extremely conditioned to X-23 (i.e. everyone in my local scene) it’s almost guaranteed anyway since they’re afraid of hitting buttons during her pressure. If you call Cold Star to cover it it’s safe and you still get a mixup if they chicken bock to avoid it, so it’s all pretty low risk stuff.
Class Real I never thought about how simple an extension like that would be, THANK YOU. I’d bet that it combos with dark hole as well, the timing on a corner relaunch is real tight… about what damage are you getting without coldstar relaunch? This would easily be corner to corner so hell yeah tons of options as far as second assist goes.
The extension itself was figured out awhile ago and actually works with a lot of characters, but I wasn’t sure how to make it work with Plasma Beam until now. I’m almost positive it’ll work with Dark Hole but since it has to be done after only one rep of the CS loop, if you don’t have a second assist for the relaunch you might be better off damage-wise going for two CS reps and going for the standard OTG into Dark Hole. I’m not entirely sure.
Does that end up being more damage than 2 CS loops > sj.HxxTA L beam bounce extension? I haven’t had a chance to look into it yet.
Also might be worth trying to find a timing where you can do s 2CS s.H +beam, late Sxxtk neck slicer? I’ll take a look at it with unibeam and see if there’s anything else we can do to get a better extension off beams.
I actually never tried to beam bounce with Plasma Beam, I didn’t think it stayed out long enough. Is there a trick to it?
Not sure if it’s possible to get the Neck Slice after two reps of the CS loop with Plasma Beam, they always tech out before I can delay the st.H long enough for the extension. But I’ll experiment some more with it. I was also thinking it should work if I do something like j.H -> j.2H -> L Crescent instead of a raw crescent after the feint, and that would increase the damage significantly. Might even be able to do a M Crescent Scythe and still get the extension, who knows. Lots of work to do.
I can relaunch in corner with hidden missiles since this extension is a for sure corner carry.
I think I only could ever really get S+assist -> quick j.H l236 to bounce off plasma beam but I run missiles usually so it’s been a while.
maybe launch, have the assist hold it and store the launch state, hardknockdown and try to get some hardtag combos without having to bring em down from SJ. I dunno if it’d work for beam specifically but still. Assist might be too close though for the hard tag… I dunno I just need to mess around with this.