So, I haven’t been here in a while and I won’t lie, I did not fully read all 34 posts that I missed but here are some thoughts that remained after reading everything:
1. RR is not “low tier”. Maybe the PEOPLE WE HAVE SEEN USING HIM are, but RR is disgusting in the hands of a RR player and not a Log Trap player.
2. Buff x23’s health to 900. Add some more hitstun to her moves so her combos aren’t as ridiculous. Fix her hitboxes. She is one of those really fair yet powerful characters that are out shined by the bullshit in this game…once other characters are nerfed/buffed, she will be a lot more respected/viable I guess.
3. *Please keep in mind, I already admitted I did not thoroughly read the last 34 posts * The overall problem people have with constructing x23 teams is the fact that they want all her strengths to be maximized and in return, they lose TEAM SYNERGY and just have a strong x23 team.
x23 can easily be a serious threat if you accept the fact that at least 1 slot has to be given to a good character and/or assist. You can’t have a team that has/will:
-Extend Combos (A1)
-Optimize Combos (A2)
-Horizontal Coverage (B)
-Good Neutral ©
-TAC (D)
-Ridiculous Incoming (E)
-Good DHC (F)
-AND level 3 set ups (G)
-On top of that, other 2 characters work well together (H)
You just can’t. Yeah, some characters might compensate for like 3 areas at a time…but then you gotta remember you have to accept the fact that the characters have to work well with each other and the anchor might not be the the best character (or maybe in return for a good anchor, you lose another aspect of her game). I think other people addressed the fact that x23 teams have to be built around her so that is why they’re weak. This isn’t 100% true but I can agree with the angle they are coming from. The problem lies within losing H trying to get as many of A-G as possible when a team would be just as, if not more, powerful with H guaranteed and less of A-G * Side note: Also remember, there are a lot of characters that shoot up the tier list when paired with certain assists OR left with lvl3 XF*
As a Nova player for example, I have 1 of 2 options: Optimize damage and lose really solid mixups or Optimize mixups and lose damage. I chose the former. To compensate for that, I have to find ways to adjust and make up for my poor mix up possibilities. Now, can I put together the elements (characters/assists) that make his damage AND mixups good? Yeah. EASY…I can play Nova Spencer Ammy. Best assist to maximize damage and best assist to lock down, but then I lose horizontal coverage and overall synergy. Or, I could play Nova Spencer Sentinel. Drones kind of make up for horizontal coverage AND lock down…but the horizontal game isn’t as powerful as like…arrows or beams PLUS, I have to play anchor Sentinel. See what I mean? NSS is very powerful, but SOMETHING has to be lost.
Overall, what I’m saying is good, effective, and threatening x23 teams can easily be made especially considering the characters that work well with her (there are probably more but I think these are fine):
-Dr. Doom (Plasma Beam/Hidden Missiles/“Rocks”) Note: I don’t know how to use Rocks so if you do, feel free to keep that in mind. If not, disregard it)
-Iron Man (Unibeam/Repulsor Blast)
-RR (“Log Trap”)
-Akuma (“Tatsu”)
-Dante (Jam Session/Weasel Shot)
-Wesker (Samurai Edge)
-Magneto (Hyper Grav)
-Nova (M Centurian Rush)
-Sentinel (“Drones”/Rocket Punch)
-Super Skrull (Tenderizer)
In this spoiler is a break down of the team possibilities.
(The letters below refer to the letters above)
x23, Doom (Beam)/Iron Man (Beam), RR (Log Trap)
Strong: B, C, D, and F
Weak: A1, A2, and E.
No: G.
H: Doom has RR to help space control and if a raw Log Trap hits, Doom can confirm damn near anything anyway. RR can also help out Iron Man with space control but converts might be a little weaker. RR also should help out Doom/Iron Man with extension. RR with lvl3 XF is OD
Something as subtle as giving Doom Hidden Missiles or giving Iron Man Repulsor Blast might help mixups or incoming but there goes her neutral/horiztonal coverage which I believe are a little more important.
x33, Dante (Jam Session), Doom (Beam)/Iron Man (Beam)
Strong: B, C, E, G
Weak: A1, A2, D (technically since the TAC character is in the back, you would have to TAC after getting a touch from Jam Session which is situational)
H: Dante with 1 of the 2 beams are a similar case of the “equivalent exchange” kind of concept I have been talking about. They give him realllllyy good lockdown to set up his mixups, and access to TAC for free…but if those assists touch, his combos scale to hell. Iron Man could give him a stronger DHC than Doom but Doom might be considered the overall better or easier character. See what I mean?
You all can see where I’m going with this so here are other options and you can kind of see what the strengths/weaknesses are on your own. I’m only putting the shell that will follow x23 to help keep H (synergy of the other 2 characters) in mind. Also, pay close attention to the drastic change in game play that come with subtle changes like team order or assist.
Doom (Missiles), Iron Man (Unibeam)
Doom (Beam), RR (Log Trap)
Doom (Missiles), RR (Log Trap)
Doom (Beam), Akuma (Tatsu)
Doom (Beam), Sentinel (Drones)
Doom (Beam), Skrull (Tenderizer)
Iron Man (Repulsor), Doom (Beam)
Iron Man (Unieam), RR (Log Trap)
Iron Man (Repulsor), RR (Log Trap)
Iron Man (Unibeam), Akuma (Tatsu)
Iron Man (Repulsor), Sentinel (Drones)
Iron Man (Unibeam), Skrull (Tenderizer)
*To be VERY honest, I have NO idea how Akuma does with assists. This is the only one I think makes sense for Akuma support. Anything else I think works better with Akuma in the back.
Akuma (Tatsu), Sentinel (Drones)
Dante (Jam Session), Doom (Beam)
Dante (Jam Session), Iron Man (Beam)
Dante (Jam Session), Akuma (Tatsu)
*note: These teams are more so to be played with the intention/possibility of putting Wesker in when x23 dies or having Wesker for the lvl 3 come back. The characters in front are there for DHC. These are the x23 equivalents of my team: Point, Horizonal Support, Combo Extension/Anchor and when the point character dies, play the anchor with the assist.
Iron Man (Unibeam), Wesker (Samurai Edge)
Doom (Beam), Wesker (Samurai Edge)
Akuma (Tatsu), Wesker (Samurai Edge)
Sentinel (Drones), Wesker (Samurai Edge)
*note: I honestly think Magneto would cripple x23’s overall game play from A-G and is probably only STRONG in the areas of D and H but if someone INSISTS on playing him. Also, these teams are like the Wesker teams where you want to get Magneto in when x23 dies. The DHC to Magneto is pretty weak IMO
Doom (Beam/Missiles), Magneto (Hyper Grav) *note: this is REALLY tricky because Magneto players switch Doom assists depending on match ups. The assist x23 might need could compromise what Magneto needs
Iron Man (Unibeam), Magneto (Hyper Grav)
Sentinel (Drones), Magneto (Hyper Grav)
Nova (Centurian Rush), Doom (Beam)
Nova (Centurian Rush), Iron Man (Unibeam)
Nova (Centurian Rush), Sentinel (Drones)
Skrull (Tenderizer), Doom (Beam)
Skrull (Tenderizer), Iron Man (Unibeam)
Skrull (Tenderizer), Sentinel (Drones)
With these teams, NONE of them fully strengthen x23’s options from A to G. However, what makes them viable is the construction of the shells behind x23. If you feel like you just want to kill and get in, maybe you want to use one of the Wesker or Nova teams or one of the DHC based teams. If you want TAC’s you might go for the Iron Man, Nova, or Doom teams. If you want incoming mixups and lvl 3 set ups, you would go for a Dante team. You have to be able to decide which aspect of x23’s game you want to exploit and build the team around THAT rather than building a team around all of x23’s strengths. Doing THAT is what puts you in the “DAMN IT, this team is no good once x23 dies” position. If you really think about it and just look at these 2 character shells, they are not as bad as you might have originally thought while considering their construction around x23. Then you throw x23 into the picture and can see “well, these 2 make her ______, ______, and _____ options good so let me build my game plan around that.” Also, the characters I used are obviously not your ONLY options but those are the ones that immediately came to mind. I hope this doesn’t just come off as me babbling about stuff and actually sheds a bit of light/opens some eyes/gets people thinking.