The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

X-23 has the ability to “feint cancel” normals, which leave her at a big advantage on block. The main ones I use below are:

  1. st.H>qcb+L~Sxwhatever. I use this from further ranges as a poke to hitconfirm from. st.H is a somewhat slow normal though.

  2. M(hit), H>qcb+L~Sxwhatever. Tight blockstring.

More info on MFC below, but I’ve written it in a really confusing manner lol.

[details=Spoiler]Mirage Feint Cancelling(MFC for short): This is one of X-23’s powerful offensive tools. Like mentioned above, X-23 can cancel Mirage Feints with S when they’re held. But, you can apply MFC to X-23’s normals by special cancelling them into Mirage Feint~S. By doing this, you shorten the recovery of your normals greatly, on block, hit or whiff and return yourself to a neutral position.

So, for example, let’s take X-23’s standing H and apply MFCing to it. You can essentially rapid fire it and do it over and over again if it gets blocked. Due to the shortened recovery, the lag on the move on whiff is removed because you recover instantly, so it can’t be whiff-punished. On hit, it launches, but since you’ve cancelled the recovery, you can easily hitconfirm off it with more follow-ups than you’d normally be able to without the MFC. On block, due to the shortened recovery, the move leaves you at 9/11+ on block. So, you now have a poke you can throw out there that’s safe and if it connects, you can easily hitconfirm off it into a combo.

If you’re fast enough, it’s also possible to Mirage Feint Cancel st.H before it even hits the opponent. This is more useful in strings than from neutral.

When using MFC, L Mirage Feint is the safest to use if you screw up the cancel. So best to cancel with that[/details].

When using Mirage Feint M, you have to input the move according to which position Mirage Feint M leaves you at (so reverse-motion if it’s crossing them up, normally if it’s not). Sometimes it can be awkward to know where you’ll end up position-wise due to distance and whatever, and the input fails. Maybe inputting qcf+L then qcb+L to try and get a Talon regardless of which side X-23 ends up could work.

X-23 is unsafe if you’re trying to go for Mirage Feint cross-ups and a good amount of her other specials raw, so yeah, definitely back it up with assists like Akuma’s Tatsu. I use Tastu for X-23 currently, it’s definitely quite good, just doesn’t go full screen.

**I also like how Tatsu assist pummels thru the Drones assist. It’s so great. To stuff someones offense when they attempt to use Drones to get in. It nullifies drones and can still hit their point. If timed right even Neck Slice into combo without running into that last drone. **

Thanks for the quick response. I’ve got the MF cancelling down pretty well (in training) to where I can do it about 95%. She’s kind of awkward in that her damage scales to 20%, whereas Magneto scales to 10%. Doing all these MH strings and feint cancelling doesn’t seem to add tons of damage (though it does add meter). With 10% scalers it significantly reduces their overall damage to use non-optimal attacks (M and L). I wasn’t practicing feint cancel strings too much because it works out about the same damage wise and it requires more execution. Maybe I will work that into block strings, though. It sure as hell confused the computer when it tried to punish my H attacks only to be frame trapped.

It seems like MF.M + QCF+L (which inputs as a back QC from crossup) won’t come out if she’s too far along in her feint. Like you can only cancel into talon attack during certain frames. I’m glad someone else uses Tatsu!

I’ve been considering using tatsu again for the very important fact that Morrigan can’t crouch under it. But if I pick Akuma, no TAC infinites… maybe rocks is worth a try?..

Rocks will pick up after a dirt nap so it would be worth looking into. The wierd half full screen tatsu/half up-close chun legs seems like it should have some cool stuff to work with. Whether it’s actually anything practical, though.

Maybe go for Ironman/Akuma (Repulsor Blast).

**yea Repulsor and Tatsu seem like a good combination.

What can X-23 do off of a Vajra assist? most likely an anti air Vajra. I am thinking of picking up Strider soon.**

Next to nothing. She can’t pick up after the hard knockdown. She can do some lousy extensions, but that’s about it.

**If it is anti air doesn’t Vajra ground bounce? I thought it did. **

It does, but X23 doesn’t have an reliable OTG to convert the ground bounce into anything worthwhile. Best thing I found with it is that you can end your combos with 2 ankle slicers instead of one.

It kinda sucks for her because I think Vajra will become more important down the road.

hmm… can’t neck slice the bounced opponent and then s.H, Launch? I gotta go test this.

I’m fed up with Magneto, Doom (mainly the assists he provides) and Vergil. I can’t hit the side of a barn with X-23 against those lot lol. I’ve got no choice but to keep moving around the screen furiously until I either get blown up or get a lucky hit. I absolutely hate Magneto. Disruptor and Magnetic Blast annoy the shit out of me. Tatsu isn’t enough for those guys IMO, will eventually have to cave in and pick either Ironman or Doom.

Speaking of Disruptor, use cr.H to go underneath it, then call out a full screen projectile and Mirage Feint M afterwards. That’ll stop your assist from getting countered by Disruptor and will snipe Magneto’s assist call being covered by Disruptor.

I’ve been playing a whole lot of the Mags / IM MU lately and it honestly isn’t that bad. As long as you remember to stay out of his face in the air (outpoke him, rather than outmaneuver) and keep your zone defense up, it feels pretty even. (Especially if it’s Mags + missiles. That shits hilarious.)

Same cr.H trick for doom beam too.

There was an X-23 player on a couple days ago that was pretty decent. The dirt nap fail was pretty bad, though. I just refuse to use Doom, Vergil, Zero, or sent drones, so I will never be good at this game, but I will have fun trying to do hard combos.

and another game

That’s why repulsar and log exist :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys I found another input shortcut that you all may know about already. During launcher MMH + DH cancelling into CS.H you can do MM + forward H, then press down H during your SRK motion and then press Down Forward H to complete the SRK and it comes out basically instantly. I suppose you could also then press Forward L to get the TS to come out, but I suck at that. It’s a lot easier than doing Down H and letting the stick go back to neutral to perform the SRK.

I rarely use her MF’s as a way to get in, at least not raw without any assists. She has tons of better ways to get in such as simple plink dashing. I was pretty upset when I found out she can be airthrown out of MF lolol

Yeah, I learnt that the hard way as well. Locked my friend’s Magneto down with an assist, went to go for a Mirage Feint cross-up after the lockdown, and got airthrown into a combo. Dead X-23.

Any X-23 players going to EVO this year? I’ll be rooting for you all the way from England. :slight_smile:

I heard Quasidomo got knocked into losers, was that pools? Was he even repping Laura?

Now that I think about it, I didn’t see not one X23 on the stream yesterday. Not a single one. I guess they all got bodied or they didn’t play somebody who were killers in their bracket to even make the stream. But hell, if a PW can almost make Top 32 then I would like to think there is still a chance for Laura to remain competitive in the metagame.

Evo was so hype! but No Laura… sad face