Merkyl999x, thanks for introdocution of my movie.
Sure thing. Welcome to the board. Glad to finally have you over here.
623 6 works?! WTF?! I hope the timing on stick isn’t too hard. This is the input shortcut I’ve been wanting FOREVER. I have carpal tunnel so it was MURDER on my wrist.
Yeah, def. works on vita pad. Dumb that the input leniency is THAT lenient in this game, but I’m so glad it’s THAT lenient, lol.
What does this mean though for pad users? i can never do 623; analog is too sensitive and goes to 6236
I was able to do it on the Vita pad, I don’t think it’s super tight or anything.
I’ve found out the hard way that I over extend to 6236 every time, either that or my hori tekken 6 is too sensitive. I don’t bring it fully to 6 but it seems to think I do. I have managed to get the shortcut to work but I have to be extremely cautious. This is going to take a serious amount of unlearning. I actually think I would have an easier time doing this on a pad, makes me want to get a hitbox.
Was messing around with it today. The game also accepts 6239L 6L. I don’t think it works after a MF H, but it does work grounded at least.
Might be worth playing around with if you have trouble. Also, I messed around with trying to just do 6236 but double tapping/plinking either LL or M/H~L and that seems to work pretty well. That might help if you have trouble doing a consistent 623 with clean inputs.
Hey guys, it’s been a while. In my scene, there are a lot of Wolverine and Zero players now, most of them are recent band wagoners who want to win and I can respect that but, These are the people with teams that allow them to continue pressing buttons suck as Zero/Dante Jam session or Wolverine/Doom blast. The issue here is, I can only really fight these players by Xfactor guard cancelling because, as I said they like pressing buttons. How are you guys fighting these characters in your own tournament scenes?
I noticed it wasn’t accepting 6239L 6L after a mf H which is disappointing because I can do that one on the ground pretty easily and I tried the double tap but wasn’t getting anything to come out but an mh~l pink I didn’t try(I don’t even understand WHY that would work but if it does who cares lol), I don’t have much time to hit the lab these days but I’ll try it out when I can and see what I can do. If I can get this to work it’ll open me up to doing way more 623l reps in my combos, I can only do one consistently at the moment but like I said I’ve been held back because doing the motions so fast hurts my wrist something fierce. Thanks for the suggestions Merkyl!
On the double tapping/plink option it’s timing specific, you have to double tap/plink so that the inputs line up correctly to give you something close enough to 623L 6L for the game to accept it. If that doesn’t work for you, then just try your hardest to end in the corner and make the last 6L very deliberate. You have more time than you’d expect, even though it is a fast motion.
I don’t recommend XFC Zero or any character that has multi hitting normals. The Zero player here drops lighting loops, as to what I would expect many other Zero’s who happily “press buttons.” The key is to keep Laura on the move for she has the maneuverability to combat Zero, but from a toe to toe standpoint I feel like Laura should never HAM out Zero. It’s a matchup where she needs to pick her spots carefully and wait for openings that present themselves, especially if he has JS backing him up because he gets retarded mixups with it.
Mashing Wolverine’s divekick–alot. Laura can punish whiffed divekicks by timing accordingly or just XFC it, plasma beam is a pain in ass but you don’t have to be good with Laura to avoid it.
Its not the Zero factor that I’m struggling with. I learned how to deal with him by playing him. Its the problem of Zero + Jam session. That artificial wall that is, limits the movement options that Laura has. The Zero players in the Maryland/Virginia area have gotten really good at being able to auto pilot zero mix ups long enough to use Jam session twice in a string(due to using another assist locking down for a few seconds. I have no problem with blocking but Jam session being a multi hitting assist and practically untouchable on incoming, it is difficult to deal with Zero when he won’t just sit there. He will keep doing stuff in order to try to mix me up. If I kill Zero, then it’s usually Vergil/Dante in some order which is fine to me.
As I said, the players here are really good but are still learning these characters that are highly effective. I’d rather find more ways to play this X-23 at a high level than quit the game because of a few derp characters. Divekick isn’t even a problem these days. If you get divekicked, you deserve it now for not respecting that space. Berserker slash-beam lockdown-berserker charge-mixup is such a free mixup that if you slip up once (and honestly there’s a lot of luck involved in blocking this) a team can get blown away. These are some of the problems I’m dealing with. I would like to beat Meep and Unknown in the near future
Not to keep harping on it…but man that input leniency is amazing…I think HxCSxTA L loops just became super match practical. My inputs were all kinds of ham on how I was getting the loops before. Now everything is almost spot on and 1000x easier.
Such a huge boost since it gives her consistent/easy/practical ~800k 1 meter combos.
I’m now trying out RR. Long story short, it’s awesome. I used to use Iron Fist for pretty much the same reasons, but Log Trap pretty much beats it in almost every way. The only problem is…I’m absolutely horrible with RR on point.
He’s definitely an unique character and I can’t get used to his unusual movement and style of play. But that’s what makes him interesting, I suppose.
Don’t know if this is common knowledge or not, but I just found out you can get a pickup off of a forward ground throw against Amaterasu in the corner. I knew it was possible with corner back throws but this one is new to me. Doesn’t work against the other characters I’ve tried though.
So I am learning a new character, Frank West. The team is X-23(ankle slice), Skrull(Stone Smite), Frank(Shopping Carts).
I learned something from these threads just a couple days ago called a “beam bounce” I was just thinking of trying this when I get off work today. I wonder if you could perform a “beam bounce” on top of the shopping carts assist even though it is not a projectile? Does anybody wanna help me test that out? I have actually never attempted a beam bounce. If this was possible it sure would be a great asset to my new team.****
Here’s my old tech vids from when I played Frank. IIRC, you couldn’t beam bounce on him without them teching out. You’re usually initiating with him anyways since he’s such a strong assist.
Oh I see. Yea true that. I like your Idea of using weapon X prime. I’m thinking that would be a great srat using Dante instead of Felicia. Thanks for the info, I’ve been so busy after work, I haven’t had the chance to play in a few days.
Hey guys,
I’m picking up X-23 as my point character because she has really cool options. I’m playing Magneto with B-hyper grav assist second and Akuma B-Tatsu anchor. I’ve found you can OTG just fine using Magneto assist anywhere on the screen.
I was wondering what block strings you all use. cr. L, m, h, CS L, TA L seems pretty good but kind of execution heavy if you mess up the cancel or the DP (and neck slice comes out). I also noticed MF.M cancel into TA L is actually very hard to pull off for some reason. Any tips on getting the TA to come out more often than almost never? I’ve watch a ton of footage of X-23 players including Tenboss and Felax and noticed they barely use MF. M. Is she way more vulnerable than Wolverine or what? I’d think Akuma could keep her safe, but no X-23 I’ve seen uses him.
Thanks guys